This is a client for the Weheat backend. It is automatically generated from the OpenAPI specification.
Python 3.7+
You can install directly using:
pip install weheat
Then import the package:
import weheat
After installation, you can now use the client to interact with the Weheat backend. Note that all methods are async as of version 2025.1.15.
import asyncio
import datetime
from keycloak import KeycloakOpenID # install with pip install python-keycloak
from weheat import ApiClient, Configuration, HeatPumpApi, HeatPumpLogApi, EnergyLogApi, UserApi
auth_url = ''
api_url = ''
realm_name = 'Weheat'
my_client_id = 'WeheatCommunityAPI' # client ID and secret provided by Weheat
my_client_secret = ''
username = '' # username and password used for the online portal
password = ''
my_heat_pump_id = '' # your heat pump UUID
async def demo():
keycloak_open_id = KeycloakOpenID(server_url=auth_url,
token_response = keycloak_open_id.token(username, password)
config = Configuration(host=api_url, access_token=token_response['access_token'])
async with ApiClient(configuration=config) as client:
response = await UserApi(client).api_v1_users_me_get_with_http_info()
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f'My user: {}')
response = await HeatPumpApi(client).api_v1_heat_pumps_get_with_http_info()
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f'My heat pump: {}')
response = await HeatPumpLogApi(client).api_v1_heat_pumps_heat_pump_id_logs_latest_get_with_http_info(
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f'My heat pump logs: {}')
response = await EnergyLogApi(client).api_v1_energy_logs_heat_pump_id_get_with_http_info(heat_pump_id=my_heat_pump_id,
start_time=datetime.datetime(2024, 6,
22, 0, 0,
end_time=datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 22,
15, 0, 0),
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f'My energy logs: {}')