Repositório do material da disciplina Desenvolvimento Web da Especialização em Engenharia de Software com DevOps da UECE.
stocka Public
A sample project to demonstrate Kotlin Multiplatform running on Android, iOS, Web and Desktop.
learning-data-sync-mobile Public
Forked from aegro/learning-data-sync-mobileProjeto utilizado para fins educativos na trilha mobile do Dev Academy.
Java UpdatedMay 30, 2022 -
humble-robot Public
Building your Android app using only the weapons you have.
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedMar 3, 2021 -
rust-playground Public
Studying stuffs about the Rust Programming Language.
Rust MIT License UpdatedFeb 3, 2021 -
data-structures-java Public archive
Data structures written in Java.
metaprogramming-walkthrough Public
This repository contains a serie of examples about metaprogramming in Java and Kotlin.
android-custom-views Public
A proof of concept about using custom views in Android.
ios-view-code-playground Public
A playground to learn iOS development writing custom UIView instead of storyboard / xib.
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 22, 2020 -
maccommerce Public
Maccommerce - A security experiment in a microservice-based e-commerce system.
http-cat-android Public
An Android app to see HTTP status codes as cats. Inspired by http.cat website.
1 UpdatedFeb 20, 2020 -
convalida Public
A simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android.
spring-cloud-microservices Public
A sample micorservices application using Spring Cloud.
android-clean-boilerplate-demo Public archive
A sample project to demonstrate Clean Architecture in Android.
curso-android-congresso-ti Public
Projeto base para o Curso de Desenvolvimento Android ministrado no Congresso de TI.
fake-contacts-json Public
A JSON file that contains a list of fake contacts to be consumed in demo projects.
feed Public
A social media Android app that shows posts and its comments made by users.
ktor-sample Public
A simple backend application using Ktor Web Framework.
android-kotlin-coroutines Public
A simple Android project using asynchronous programming with Kotlin Coroutines.
android-workdev-talk Public
Project from my talk in WorkDev about Android + Data Binding + MVVM + Live Data.
javalin-kotlin-sample Public
A simple demonstration about use of Javalin + Kotlin + Koin + Exposed.
A demonstration of a Spring Boot microservices application managed by Kubernetes.
java-bytecode-playground Public
A playground project about Java Bytecode runtime manipulation.
android-rxbus-demo Public
A demonstration about how to manipulate events using RxJava.
my-collections-api Public
A Spring Boot REST API to register books and movies.
spring-microservices Public
Spring Boot and Spring Cloud microservices sample implementation.
bankslips-api Public
A simple REST API to generate bank slips.
book-hub Public
A simple Android app to register books and mark it as favorite.