Tags: wez/atomicparsley
Update CMakeLists.txt Changed the cmake prequisite from 3.17 to 3.16 to be able to build atomicparsley on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
modernize NSImage usage - Fixes up NSImage to use a technique that doesn't depend on the DPI of the current screen and just uses pixels - Fixes a crash when releasing the image; the crash was caused by a `memset` call getting a different size for the filename buffer. I solved this by passing the size down, which is safer than just assuming anyway. I added an ASAN cmake option to make it easier to turn up the debugging and understand where the memory corruption had come from. refs: #14
default to non-universal build on mac, as xcode 4 can't build these anymore. https://bitbucket.org/wez/atomicparsley/issue/18/xcode4-does-not-support-universal-binaries Bump version number so that downstream sources can properly resolve the automake build issue. https://bitbucket.org/wez/atomicparsley/issue/28/fails-to-build-with-newest-automake#comment-1650993