Editorial: make Document's 'page showing' flag a boolean
Editorial: make Document's 'page showing' flag a boolean
Pull request merge
Define focus-without-user-activation permission policy
Define focus-without-user-activation permission policy
Pull request merge
State-preserving atomic move integration
State-preserving atomic move integration
Pull request merge
Meta: move .yesno styling to shared style sheet
Meta: move .yesno styling to shared style sheet
Pull request merge
Rendering: improve compatibility for frameborder on iframe
Rendering: improve compatibility for frameborder on iframe
Pull request merge
Fix OffscreenCanvas's convertToBlob()'s copypasta
Fix OffscreenCanvas's convertToBlob()'s copypasta
Pull request merge
Rename argument to look up a custom element registry
Rename argument to look up a custom element registry
Polyfill rename
Polyfill rename
Force push
Fix OffscreenCanvas's convertToBlob()'s copypasta
Fix OffscreenCanvas's convertToBlob()'s copypasta
Use longhands again
Use longhands again
Use shorthand property
Use shorthand property
Rendering: improve compatibility for frameborder on iframe
Rendering: improve compatibility for frameborder on iframe
Remove UA styles for h1 in article, aside, nav, section
Remove UA styles for h1 in article, aside, nav, section
Make 'page showing' flag a boolean
Make 'page showing' flag a boolean
Add a lang property to 2D canvas
Add a lang property to 2D canvas
Pull request merge
Editorial: an input element is not in a state
Editorial: an input element is not in a state
Pull request merge
Editorial: remove %JSON.parse% intrinsic reference
Editorial: remove %JSON.parse% intrinsic reference
Pull request merge
Editorial: replace remaining link to import attributes proposal
Editorial: replace remaining link to import attributes proposal
Pull request merge