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The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
Effortlessly build beautiful command-line apps
Build rich content websites with Markdown and React
Open Graph Image as a Service - generate cards for Twitter, Facebook, Slack, etc
Syntax highlighted side-by-side diffs in your terminal
Smol (~1kB gzipped) hook for managing GDPR cookie consent state.
Blasts emoji like fireworks all up in your HTML page. 🎆
Very simple React and Preact static site generator
Manage and trigger media in OBS as a browser source
A React component for rendering videos that play on hover, including support for mouse and touch events and a simple API for adding thumbnails and loading states.
The ultimate interactive free guitar theory tool.
Zero dependency library to capture and parse stack traces in Node, Bun, Deno and more.
Packages that are used internally by the toddle framework
A container based Twitch chat bot that provides chat commands, overlays, video interaction and more.
The zero-dependency alternative to ExpressJS. Create web servers with APIs SUPER EASILY in just a few lines of code.
Virtual coworking communities to keep people motivated and have a little fun.