An OpenSearch Dashboards plugin to easily associate errors with Phabricator Tasks.
This adds a custom document renderer which includes two new buttons:
Submit to phabricator
- Opens the phabricator "Submit Error Code" form with values pre-filled with values from the selected log entry
Search Phabricator
- Opens the Phabricator search form with a pre-filled query
See the kibana external plugin development page for additional information. (OpenSearch docs TBD.)
make prepare
make test
Ensure you have yarn and the required node version installed. Node version can be found in the OpenSearch Dashboards repo in the .node-version
git clone
cd OpenSearch-Dashboards
git checkout "tags/$DASHBOARDS_VERSION"
yarn osd bootstrap
cd plugins
git clone "" && (cd "phatality" && mkdir -p .git/hooks && curl -Lo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg; chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg)
Now we can start the development server. Make sure you have a local instance of OpenSearch running.
cd OpenSearch-Dashboards
yarn start --oss
Plugins must be built against the target OpenSearch Dashboards version. To facilitate this, plugins have a 4th versioning digit for patch levels:
<semver opensearch version>.<plugin version>
= OpenSearch Dashboards 2.7.0
, Phatality version 1
To set the version, update package.json with the four-digit version number and the Makefile will handle its propagation.
Requires git, make, jq, and docker or podman.
make prepare
make build
This will create a phatality-<version>.zip
file in the root directory. Upload this artifact to
Once the artifact is uploaded, create a patch to bump the phatality version in Puppet (profile::opensearch::dashboards::phatality::version
). Once this Puppet patch is merged, Puppet will ensure the new version is installed.