Project focused in the use of graph neural networks to estimate the pure-component parameters of the Equation of State ePC-SAFT.
The motivation of this work is to be able to use a robust Equation of State, ePC-SAFT, without prior need of experimental data. Equations of State are important to calculate thermodynamic properties, and are pre-requisite in process simulators.
Currently, the model takes in account only the hard-chain, dispersive and assoc terms of ePC-SAFT. Future work on polar and ionic terms are being studied.
Code is being developed mainly in Pytorch (PYG).
You can find the model deployed at GNNePCSAFT Webapp.
A CLI to use the model can be found at GNNePCSAFT CLI and installed with pipx
pipx install gnnepcsaftcli
Checkpoints can be found at Hugging Face.
Use cases of this package are demonstrated in Jupyter Notebooks:
(Open in Colab): comparison of the performance between two or more trained modelsdemo.ipynb
(Open in Colab): pt-br demonstration of models capabilitiestraining.ipynb
(Open in Colab): notebook for model trainingtuning.ipynb
(Open in Colab): notebook for hyperparameter tuning
Work in progess.