issues Search Results · repo:wilkerlucio/pathom language:Clojure
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inwilkerlucio/pathom (press backspace or delete to remove)Hey!
Recently been running into some issues with deep pull queries through Pathom, where the same node is being visited
multiple times.
This was the smallest possible example I could come up with:
- 4
- Opened on Jun 15, 2023
- #212
I have the following parser setup
(def pathom-parser
(p/parser {::p/env {::p/reader [p/map-reader
pc/open-ident-reader ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 1, 2022
- #207
Reported on Clojurians
(ns dev.dehli.pathom-bug
(:require [cljs.core.async :refer [go !]]
[com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]
[com.wsscode.pathom.connect :as pc]))
(pc/defresolver ...
- 2
- Opened on Jun 28, 2021
- #198
Hi, a minimal example, on commit #5c5f6baae98f9cb7c7f76da09b903e17ff67482b:
`(defresolver get-number-and-bar-id [{:foo/keys [id]}]
{:foo/number 1 :bar/id 8e6c108c })
(defresolver get-year [{:bar/keys ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 29, 2021
- #192
We re gradually moving towards using the same *-options pattern that fulcro RAD uses, and wrap all keywords in vars (for
better IDE checking). So it would be great if we could use these vars also in the ...
- 5
- Opened on Feb 25, 2021
- #189
issue description
When I try to perform a lein uberjar of a project that uses pathom 2.3.1, I get following error in AOT compilation:
Syntax error compiling fn* at (com/wsscode/pathom/core.cljc:564:17). ...
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- Opened on Feb 6, 2021
- #187
Per the documentation, idents without values appear to work:
;; query
;; possible result
{:person/name Samantha }
In my own resolvers, however, ...
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- Opened on Jan 12, 2021
- #185
I m trying to reduce the size of my jar and I noticed that the[com.wsscode/pathom 2.3.0-alpha17 ] jar contains js code
from shadow-cljs in resources directory. Doesn t seem like it should be there. It ...
- 3
- Opened on Nov 24, 2020
- #178
Per the changelog, onto-chan and to-chan should be replaced with the new explicit parking (!) or blocking(!!) variants.
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- Opened on Aug 14, 2020
- #171
I m using pathom in clojurescript to do very basic joins from a clientside db (atom). I have a a simple resolver that
takes an id and returns the scalar values of that entity (via a key lookup in the hashmap ...
- 2
- Opened on Aug 5, 2020
- #170

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