PRO: Multi-Subcommand Provisioning Tool
is the only platform currently implemented.
$0 [platform] [options]
digitalocean Manage DigitalOcean droplets
create Create a new droplet
list List existing droplets
ssh SSH into a selected droplet
destroy Destroy a selected droplet
aws Manage AWS EC2 instances
create Launch a new EC2 instance with cloud-init
list List existing EC2 instances
ssh SSH into a selected EC2 instance
terminate Terminate a selected EC2 instance
azure Manage Azure VMs
create Deploy a new Azure VM with cloud-init
list List existing Azure VMs
ssh SSH into a selected Azure VM
delete Delete a selected Azure VM
gcp Manage Google Cloud Compute Engine instances
create Launch a new GCE instance with cloud-init
list List existing GCE instances
ssh SSH into a selected GCE instance
delete Delete a selected GCE instance
openstack Manage OpenStack instances
create Create a new OpenStack instance with cloud-init
list List existing OpenStack instances
ssh SSH into a selected OpenStack instance
delete Delete a selected OpenStack instance
-h, --help Show help information
-v, --version Show version information
# DigitalOcean
$0 digitalocean create --repo GistWiz/cli --name QuickSearch --tags custom-tag1,custom-tag2
$0 digitalocean list
$0 digitalocean ssh
$0 digitalocean destroy
$0 aws create --ami ami-12345678 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name my-key
$0 aws list
$0 aws ssh --instance-id i-0abcd1234
$0 aws terminate --instance-id i-0abcd1234
# Azure VMs
$0 azure create --image UbuntuLTS --size Standard_B1s --name my-vm
$0 azure list
$0 azure ssh --name my-vm
$0 azure delete --name my-vm
# Google Cloud Compute Engine
$0 gcp create --image-family ubuntu-2004-lts --machine-type e2-micro --name my-instance
$0 gcp list
$0 gcp ssh --name my-instance
$0 gcp delete --name my-instance
# OpenStack
$0 openstack create --flavor m1.small --image UbuntuLTS --name my-instance
$0 openstack list
$0 openstack ssh --name my-instance
$0 openstack delete --name my-instance