Because the CYD is a common platform, it makes it really useful for sharing projects. This page will be a list of projects that are available on the CYD.
Projects appearing on here is not necessarily a seal of approval from me, I will not be test each project that gets added, so please install these projects at your own risk!
Name | Description | Author | Additional Hardware? | Project Page | WebFlash |
Spotify DIY Thing | A device for displaying your currently playing Spotify track | Brian Lough | Github | WebFlash | |
F1 Notifier | Displays and notifies you of the F1 session times(in your local timezone) | Brian Lough | Github | WebFlash | |
Tetris with Nunchuck | A version of Tetris using a Nintendo wii Nunchuck | Brian Lough | A nunchuck and an adaptor for connecting it | Code | |
Galagino | An emulator for some classic arcade games (Galaga, Donkey Kong, Pacman, Digdug and Frogger) | Till Harbaum | A nunchuck and an adaptor for connecting it. Speaker if you want sound | Github | |
ESP32-fluid-simulation | A small fluid simulation with touch input | Kenny Peng | Github | ||
ESP32-TV | Play Video Files on the ESP32 | atomic14 | Speaker if you want sound and possibly an IR receiver | Github | |
xtouch | "The xtouch screen is a revolutionary addition to your BambuLab Printer" | xperiments-in (#) | Github | Webflash | |
CYD-Klipper | An implementation of a wireless Klipper status display on an ESP32 + screen | Sims | Github | Webflash | |
DRO (for lathe / mill) | A DRO (digital readout) for your lathe or mill | Alanesq | It uses cheap digital caliper, requires a very basic interface | Github | |
ESP32Marauder-CYD | A suite of WiFi/Bluetooth offensive and defensive tools for the ESP32 | Fr4nkFletcher | GPS if you want BT/Wifi wardriving options | Github | Webflash |
NerdMiner_v2 | A project that lets you try to solve a bitcoin block with a small piece of hardware. | Fr4nkFletcher | Github | Webflash | |
Tasmota | Tasmota (with UI) on the CYD | ? (#) | Templates | Webflash | |
BAM | A game engine featuring smooth scrolling tile map, sprites in layers with pixel precision on-screen collision detection, intuitive definition of game objects and logic, decent performance, ~30 frames per second on the device | calint | Github | ||
London Underground Arrivals | A highly configurable application that replicates the train arrivals boards found in TFL stations. All variable data is encoded in a json file that may be updated at any time without the need to recompile the application e.g. the station to be displayed or the time to refresh data from TFL. The source code already supports 2 variants of CYD and, I hope, contains clear instructions how to handle any other variant. | David Henry | Github | ||
GitHub-Stats | This Arduino project fetches and displays GitHub repository statistics such as star count, open issues, forks and notifactions on a CYD or via serial communication. Ideal for developers to monitor project metrics in real time. | ATOMNFT | Github | ||
Midbar-Firebase-Edition | An advanced password vault that stores the encrypted data in the cloud while keeping the cryptographic keys on the edge! | Northstrix | PS/2 keyboard and an optional STM32F103C8T6 (if you want it to emulate the USB keyboard) | SourceForge Github | |
Electronic-Shelf-Label-Management-System | A simple device for displaying relevant product information. It gets the encrypted images via UDP. | Northstrix | SourceForge Github | ||
ESP32-Tetris-With-Nintendo-64-Controller | Tetris for ESP32 with Nintendo 64 controller support | Northstrix | Nintendo 64 Controller and Arduino Nano | SourceForge Github | |
Midbar ESP32 CYD | A version of Midbar data vault tweaked specifically for the ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display. | Northstrix | PS/2 Keyboard | SourceForge Github | |
ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display-Electronic-Shelf-Label-with-Google-Firebase | An ESP32 CYD-based Electronic Shelf Label that makes use of the Google Firebase and AES-256. | Northstrix | SourceForge Github | WebFlash !!! Format Flash area designated for SPIFFS with ESP32 Filesystem Uploader after using the WebFlash |
Addressable RGB LED Strip Controller (The Lantern Project) | DIY Addressable RGB LED Strip Controller that utilizes the ESP32, ESP8266, and the WS2812 LED Strip. | Northstrix | Nintendo Wii Nunchuk, WiiChuck Nunchuck Adapter (PCB Board), ESP8266, 580 Ohm resistor, WS2812 LED Strip | SourceForge Github | |
Midbar ESP32 CYD Firebase Edition | A version of Midbar data vault adapted for the ESP32 CYD and WebFlash. It keeps the cryptographic keys in the ESP32 RAM and stores the ciphertexts (encrypted data) in the Google Firebase. | Northstrix | PS2 Keyboard, PS2 Port *optional | SourceForge Github | WebFlash |
cydOS (WIP) | cydOS is a GUI app that is able to manage various aspects of the CYD, like SD browsing and file mangement, on board flashing of .bin files for rapid firmware switching, on board device settings(WIP) | orlandobianco | None | Github | WIP |
ESP32 MFA Authenticator | Turn the CYD into a MFA Authenticator | AllanOricil | None | Github | Webflash |
cydWeatherStation | cyd Weather station | gustheseventh (#) | None | Github | |
PhilRadio | CYD Wifi Radio project. Re-using an old radio as hardware. Exposing a webserver on local network to configure the radio stations. Persistent storage. | mogrikid | Required: A speaker. Recommended: Speaker, potentiometer, 10kohm resistor, female usb port, switch | Github | |
(#) = Project not added by original author |
If you have a project that you would like to add, please feel free to add it to the list!
New projects should be added to bottom of the list.
Some rules:
- Project must be open source
- Project must be functional - It's ok for it to not be finished, but it should do what it says!