clockwise Public
Forked from jnthas/clockwiseA full featured smart wall clock device
ESP_Arduino_OAuth Public
Forked from arduino-libraries/Arduino_OAuthOAuth 1.0 client library for ESP Arduino chips
ESP-Web-Tools-Tutorial Public
A guide for setting up flashing your ESP projects directly from your browser
ESP32-Server-900u Public
Forked from stooged/ESP32-Server-900u900 with usb emulation
ESP32-WiFi-Manager-Examples Public
Some simple use cases of using WiFiManager for the ESP32
Converting a Christmas decoration into a bluetooth speaker using an ESP32
bitcoin-watch Public
Forked from piotrwawrzyn/bitcoin-watchWidget with price action for your favorite cryptocurrencies... on your desk
ESP32-Trintiy-Web-Flash Public
A collection of projects that can be flashed directly to your Trinity directly from the web browser.
D1-Mini-TFT-Shield Public
A shield for the ESP8266 D1 Mini board with a ST7789 Colour TFT screen
an-post-pupeteer Public
A Pupeteer script interacting with An Post's website to automate orders.
tindie-puppeteer Public
Puppeteer automation of Tindie.com - For automatically marking things as shipped.
ESP32-i2s-Matrix-Shield Public
Info, instructions and examples for the ESP32 i2s Matrix Shield available on Tindie
AnimatedGIF Public
Forked from bitbank2/AnimatedGIFA lightweight Arduino GIF decoder for playing animated files from memory or files on SD cards
Random-Work-In-Progress Public
Somewhere to dump stuff that im not sure where it belongs
Thermal_Printer Public
Forked from bitbank2/Thermal_PrinterArduino library to draw text and graphics on BLE thermal printers
arduino-facebook-api Public
A wrapper around the facebook api for arduino
A Telegram library for Arduino that got no Strings to hold it down
arduino-way-home-meter Public
A project for displaying the live travel time home considering traffic. Built with an ESP32
ScrollingLEDMatrixTelegram Public
Send messages to a LED Matrix display through Telegram. Inspired by a tweet from Smarter Every Day
An Arduino Crypto currency display that uses CoinMarketCap API for data
OpenMQTTGateway Public
Forked from 1technophile/OpenMQTTGatewayMQTT gateway for ESP8266, ESP32, Sonoff RF Bridge or Arduino with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scal…
arduino-instagram-stats Public
A library for fetching stats from Instagram on your arduino