- switched to use nREPL 0.4.4, removed luminus-nrepl dependency
- org.postgresql/postgresql 42.2.4
- org.webjars/bootstrap 4.1.2
- org.webjars/font-awesome 5.2.0
- luminus-migrations 0.5.2
- kee-frame routing improvements
- conman 0.8.2
- com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh 0.23.0
- PR 376 removes explicit cider profile, as it's no longer necessary
- updated reitit profile to wrap default middleware globally
- fix missing require in +reitit +service profile combination
- added +kee-frame profile
- fixed font awesome asset loading
- cljs-ajax 0.7.4
- luminus-migrations 0.5.1
- metosin/reitit 0.1.3
- fixed to only import servlet for middleware when the profile is selected
- slemer 1.11.8
- added transit as an explicit dependency for cljs
- ClojureScript 1.10.339
- expound 0.7.1
- font awesome 5.1.0
- lacinia 0.28.0
- conman 0.8.1
- lein-cljsbuild 1.1.7
- com.walmartlabs/lacinia 0.27.0
- made swagger and graphql profiles compatible
- Bootstrap 4.1.1
- ClojureScript 1.10.312
- added reitit routing for ClojureScript when
profile is used
- conman 0.7.9
- tether 1.4.4
- expound 0.7.0
- funcool/struct 1.3.0
- reagent 0.8.1
- reitit 0.1.2
- ring/ring-defaults 0.3.2
- made
profile compatible with+service
- added db reference in the user namespace
- fixed reitit profile to handle db profiles correctly
- clj-time 0.14.4
- org.clojure/tools.cli 0.3.7
- org.clojure/tools.logging 0.4.1
- org.webjars/font-awesome 5.0.13
- org.webjars/jquery 3.3.1-1
- expound 0.6.0
- prone 1.6.0
fixed a typo in the template
metosin/reitit 0.1.1
- re-frame version change for React 16 compatibility
- figwheel 0.5.16
option via pr 359+reitit
profile for the Reitit router- moved port config from
- added expound for improved Spec error reporting
- bootstrap 4.1.0
- compojure 1.6.1
- org.webjars/font-awesome 5.0.10
- day8.re-frame/re-frame-10x 0.3.3
- prone 1.5.2
- http-kit 2.3.0
- added
convenience function in theuser
namespace - reagent 0.8.0
- added improved error reporting when ``:database-url` is not set
- fixed typo in docs
- removed servlet-context from HTML templates when
profile is not selected
- removed
middleware from the default profile,+servlet
profile must be used to enable it
- named the referenced db namespace in the home routes namespace
- improved DB settings
- fix for requiring the correct db namespace
- added
to global:source-paths
- conman 0.7.8
- clj-time 0.14.3
- org.clojure/tools.cli 0.3.6
- org.postgresql/postgresql 42.2.2
- updated to reference the
namespace in theuser
namespace in order to automatically start the database connection.
day8.re-frame/re-frame-10x 0.3.2
- add JDK 9 modules for ClojureScript compilation
- binaryage/devtools 0.9.10
- day8.re-frame/re-frame-10x 0.3.1
- font-awesome 5.0.9
- fix for reset-db in the user namespace
- prone 1.5.1
- removed
plugin from the template, migrations should be run from the app, and theuser
namespace provides helper functions for creating and running migrations in development - fixes for
- removed boot-cprop from
- fixed a typo in oauth route declaration
- clj-oauth 1.5.5
- compojure-api 1.1.12 in +graphql profile
- ClojureScript 1.10.238
- day8.re-frame/re-frame-10x 0.3.0
- metosin/compojure-api 1.1.12
- org.webjars/bootstrap 4.0.0-2
- doo 0.1.10
- fix for loading resources in the +graphql profile
com.walmartlabs/lacinia 0.25.0
- fixed conflict between
- removed bootstrap-theme.min.css from the error page template
- Figwheel 0.5.15
- switched from using re-frisk to re-frame-10x
- conman 0.7.6
- re-frame 0.10.5
- mount 0.1.12
- org.clojure/tools.reader 1.2.2
- removed reagent-utils from the template
- selmer 1.11.7
- luminus-migrations 0.5.0
- org.webjars/font-awesome 5.0.6
- re-frame 0.10.4
- luminus-migrations "0.4.8"
- cleanup for handling migrations
- selmer 1.11.6
- luminus-migrations 0.4.6
- org.postgresql/postgresql 42.2.1
- re-frame 0.10.3
- binaryage/devtools 0.9.9
- muuntaja 0.5.0
- tools.reader 1.1.2
- org.postgresql/postgresql 42.2.0
- org.webjars/bootstrap 4.0.0
- prone 1.2.0
- enabled source maps for the advanced ClojureScript compilation
- fixed tests to reflect the
change in - funcool/struct 1.2.0
- metosin/muuntaja 0.4.2
- org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc
- selmer 1.11.5
- refer
in theuser
- markdown-clj 1.0.2
- Selmer 1.11.4
- consolidated
definitions in the handler. - ring/ring-servlet 1.6.3
- switched handler/app to be a defstate to facilitate middleware reloading
- switched from using
for local configuration. Instead,dev-config.edn
are used for dev and test configurations. This addresses issue 292.
- bootstrap 4.0.0-beta.3
- conman 0.7.5
- org.webjars.bower/tether 1.4.3
- org.webjars/font-awesome 5.0.2
- navbar cleanup
- migratus support for boot
- fix for the
profile issue 340
- hoplon 7.1.0
- luminus-migrations 0.4.5
- migratus-lein 0.5.4
- cider/cider-nrepl 0.15.1
- updated luminus-jetty to 0.1.6 to include core.async explicitly for issue 336
luminus-migrations 0.4.4
- Clojure 1.9.0
- improved error logging
- added create-migration helper function in user-ns
- AWS Beanstalk compatible Procfile
- added re-frisk for re-frame profile
- clj-time 0.14.2
- org.clojure/tools.reader 1.1.1
- ring/ring-mock 0.3.2
- binaryage/devtools "0.9.8
- conman 0.7.4
- luminus-migrations 0.4.3
- migratus-lein 0.5.3
- metosin/muuntaja 0.4.1
- fixes for relative resource path
- selmer 1.11.3
- set default Immutant IO threads to be 2x processors
- cljs-ajax 0.7.3
- support for relative path
- added explicit org.clojure/tools.reader 1.1.0 dependency for cljs to address a change in cljs 1.9.946
- ring/ring-core 1.6.3
- conman 0.7.1
- org.postgresql/postgresql 42.1.4
- selmer 1.11.2
- graphql example client
- immutant dev log config
- luminus-immutant 0.2.4 with Immutant 2.1.9
- luminus-jetty 0.1.5 with cc.qbits/jet 0.7.11
- luminus-http-kit 0.1.5
- added default Joda Time JSON encoder for Muuntaja
- conman 0.7.0
- removed explicit clojure.java.jdbc dependency (part of conman)
profile using Lacinia via PR 322
- clojurescript 1.9.946
- ch.qos.logback/logback-classic "1.2.3
- re-frame 0.10.2
- binaryage/devtools 0.9.7
- renamed http-kit namespace to avoid collision with the HTTP Kit template
- conman 0.6.9
- fix for using timestamp in migrations tables for the sql template
- buddy 2.0.0
- doo 0.1.8
- figwheel 0.5.14
- helper migrate/rollback function in user namespace for relational dbs
- luminus-migrations 0.4.2
- slemer 1.11.1
- refactored re-frame profile to use a single
namespace for re-frame dispatchers and subscriptions - funcool/struct 1.1.0
- markdown-clj 1.0.1
- cljs-ajax 0.7.2
- migratus 1.0.0
- luminus-migrations 0.4.1
- explicitly require clojure.java.jdbc 0.7.1
- re-frame 0.10.1
- conman 0.6.8
- markdown-clj 1.0.0
- hoplon 7.0.3
- Figwheel 0.5.13
- ClojureScript 1.9.908
- luminus-migrations 0.4.0 with a fix for init-schema! Migratus
- com.h2database/h2 1.4.196
- org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc 3.20.0
- added mongodb config for logback
- cprop 0.1.11
- figwheel-sidecar 0.5.12
- metosin/compojure-api 1.1.11
- fix for logback config via PR 308
- fix for cljs tests
- fix for the missing file in
profile via PR 302
- fix to pass the init-script key to luminus-migrations by default
- ClojureScript 1.9.854
- org.postgresql/postgresql 42.1.3
- ring/ring-defaults 0.3.1
- selmer 1.11.0
- metosin/muuntaja 0.3.2 with a fix for issue 300
- clj-time 0.14.0
- org.webjars/jquery 3.2.1
- ring/ring-core 1.6.2
- ring/ring-devel 1.6.2
- selmer 1.10.9
- added a default Joda time transit encoder in middleware
- conman 0.6.7 (improved error messages)
- org.postgresql/postgresql 42.1.1
- Figwheel 0.5.11
- ring-mock 0.3.1
- Selmer 1.0.8
- ClojureScript 1.9.671
fixed typo
- ClojureScript 1.9.660
- Reagent 0.7.0
- updated to only include org.webjars/webjars-locator-jboss-vfs when using
flag - metosin/muuntaja 0.3.1
- com.cemerick/piggieback 0.2.2
- org.clojure/tools.logging 0.4.0
- PR 291 - :oauth key in options generated when using +oauth profile
- pjstadig/humane-test-output 0.8.2
- reagent 0.6.2
- re-frame 0.9.4
- ClojureScript 1.9.562
- metosin/ring-http-response 0.9.0
- ring-webjars 0.2.0
- ring/ring-core 1.6.1
- ring/ring-devel 1.6.1
- luminus-migrations 0.3.5
- luminus-migrations 0.3.4
- removed duplicate clj-time dependency
- conman 0.6.4
- lein-cprop 1.0.3
- ClojureScript 1.9.542
- cljs-ajax 0.6.0
- updated to use clj-time by default
- luminus-migrations 0.3.3
- migratus-lein 0.4.7
- ring-defaults 0.3.0
- luminus-migrations 0.3.2
- migratus-lein 0.4.6
- Compojure 1.6.0
- luminus-migrations 0.3.1
- migratus-lein 0.4.5
- Ring 1.6.0
- moved Figwheel reload config to project.clj
- binaryage/devtools 0.9.4
- markdown-clj 0.9.99
- Ring 1.6.0-RC3
- datomic-free 0.9.5561
- markdown-clj 0.9.99
- ClojureScript 1.9.521
- binaryage/devtools 0.9.3
- figwheel 0.5.10
- ClojureScript 1.9.518
- cljs-ajax 0.5.9
- added the HTTP server state when calling
- com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh 0.19.0
- ring/ring-core 1.6.0-RC2
- luminus/ring-ttl-session 0.3.2
- metosin/muuntaja 0.2.1
- luminus/ring-ttl-session 0.3.2
- metosin/muuntaja 0.2.0
- monger com.novemberain/monger 3.1.0
- selmer 1.10.7
- switched from ring-middleware-format to metosin/muuntaja as the default
- ^:skip-aot for main to avoid unnecessary AOT
- binaryage/devtools 0.9.2
- metosin/ring-http-response 0.8.2
- org.postgresql/postgresql 42.0.0
- reagent-utils 0.2.1
- markdown-clj 0.9.98
- ring/ring-core 1.6.0-RC1
- reagent 0.6.1
- ClojureScript 1.9.495
- lein-cljsbuild 1.1.5
- switched from using bouncer to struct as the default validation library
- fix for the +cljs profile
- luminus-migrations 0.3.0
- markdown-clj 0.9.97
- migratus-lein 0.4.4
- use
for test sources
- markdown-clj 0.9.95
- re-frame 0.9.2
- ring-defaults 0.2.3
- markdown-clj 0.9.94
- lein-figwheel 0.5.9
- buddy 1.3.0
- h2 1.4.193
- mysql/mysql-connector-java 6.0.5
- org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc 3.16.1
- ring-middleware-format 0.7.2
- selmer 1.10.6
- fix for the selenium profile
- ClojureScript 1.9.456
- binaryage/devtools 0.9.0
- markdown-clj 0.9.92
- conman 0.6.3
- rolled back to org.webjars/bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.5
- immutant 2.1.6
- compojure 1.5.2
- cprop 0.1.10
- metosin/compojure-api 1.1.10
- metosin/ring-http-response 0.8.1
- org.webjars.bower/tether 1.4.0
- org.webjars/bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.6
- ring/ring-defaults 0.2.2
- ring/ring-devel 1.5.1
- added an explicit Ring dependency (1.5.1)
- selmer 1.10.5
- improved Hoplon profile
- added
- lein-test-refresh 0.18.1
- luminus-migrations 0.2.9
- mount 0.1.11
- re-frame 0.9.1
- org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc 3.15.1
- selmer 1.10.3
- renamed
env/dev/cljs/dev.cljs to
env/dev/cljs/app.cljs` - renamed
env/prod/cljs/prod.cljs to
env/prod/cljs/app.cljs` - updated
profile to remove unused externs, and fixed theinit!
function to work in uberjar
- re-frame 0.9.0
- Selmer 1.10.2
- removed
key from the+auth
profile, the identity in the session should be used instead
The HTTP server is no longer stopped and started by the (start)
helpers in the REPL since it's marked as ^{:on-reload :noop}
, this does not work with wrap-reload
- rollback to re-frame 0.8.0
- Selmer 1.10.1
- re-frame 0.9.0
- binaryage/devtools 0.8.3
- buddy 1.2.0
- cider/cider-nrepl 0.15.0-SNAPSHOT
- markdown-clj 0.9.91
- org.webjars/font-awesome 4.7.0
- prone 1.1.4
- fixed typo in fetching docs for the reagent/re-frame templates
- org.postgresql/postgresql 9.4.1212
- luminus-migrations 0.2.9
- split out dev/test resources
- metosin/compojure-api 1.1.9
- org.webjars/bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.5
- ClojureScript 1.9.293
- consolidated docs
- improved documentation in the generated template
- updated the template page for new projects
- bouncer 1.1.0
- Selmer 1.10.0
- markdown-clj 0.9.90
- jquery 3.1.1
- luminus-migrations 0.8.32
- dependencies are now sorted alphabetically
- split up cljs/reagent profiles
- added
profile - org.webjars.bower/tether 1.3.7
- org.postgresql/postgresql 9.4.1211
- figwheel 0.5.8
- +oauth profile
- fixed typo in the datomic profile
- updated to only set default headers for local URIs in cljs-ajax
- removed Accept header as cljs-ajax default behavior was fixed
- luminus-migrations 0.2.7
- migratus-lein 0.8.31
- conman 0.6.1
- luminus-aleph 0.1.5
- binaryage/devtools 0.8.2
- added log suppression org.apache.http by default
- selmer 1.0.9
- Reagent 0.6.0
- prone 1.1.2
- clj-time 0.12.0 for the +atuh-jwe profile
- +auth-jwe profile
- datomic 0.9.5394
- compojure-api 1.1.8
- clojurescript 1.9.229
- buddy 1.1.0
- figwheel-sidecar 0.5.7
- lein-cljsbuild 1.1.4
- added compojure-api authentication boilerplate for the +auth profile
- ClojureScript 1.9.225
- re-frame 0.8.0
- cprop 0.1.9
added +re-frame
- ClojureScript 1.9.211
- ClojureScript 1.9.198
- added content type for docs
- Cider middleware in Figwheel config when using
- ClojureScript 1.9.183
- humane-test-output 0.8.1
- conman 0.6.0
- devtools 0.8.1
- bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.3
- compojure-api 1.1.6
- updated to conman 0.5.9
- fixed default route order for the
- moved cider to dependencies
- reagent-utils 0.2.0
- Cider profile
- binaryage/devtools 0.8.0
- migratus 0.8.26
- luminus-migrations 0.2.6
- Postgres JDBC driver 9.4.1209
- jQuery 3.0.0
- compojure-api 1.1.5
- removed source maps from default uberjar config
- split cljsbuild into separate profiles
- lein-doo 0.1.7
- tether 1.3.3
- http-kit 2.2.0
- lein-doo 0.1.7
- compojure-api 1.1.4
- switched to use logback
- bumped up luminus-migrations to 0.2.5
- bumped up Figwheel to 0.5.4-7
- switched to log4j2
- updated to latest Immutant
- updated migratus-lein
- updated log4j
- removed default config in db config, uses hikari-cp defaults instead
- updated migratus/luminus migrations
- updated cljs/figwheel
- updated Selmer
- updated metosin/ring-http-response
- ClojureScript to 1.9.92
- Figwheel to 0.5.4.-4
- Selmer to 1.0.6
- cljs-ajax to 0.5.8
- ClojureScript to 1.9.88
- binaryage/devtools 0.7.2
- metosin/ring-http-response 0.7.0
- metosin/compojure-api 1.1.3
- bumped up cljs-ajax to 0.5.7
- bumped up ClojureScript to 1.9.76
- bumped up Compojure
- bumped down ClojureScript to 1.9.36 due to transit-cljs warning
- added Dockerfile and Capstan configs
- bumped up reagent-utils to 0.1.9
- bumped up ClojureScript to 1.9.76
- bumped up cljs-ajax to 0.5.6
- fix for JSON serialization in Postgres
- updated to Figwheel 0.5.4-3
- fixed tests generated for the db profile to match latest luminus-migrations
- cleaned up figwheel middleware
- bumped up migratus/luminus-migrations
- bumped up Figwheel to 0.5.4-2
- bumped up cljs-dev-tools to 0.7.0
- bumped up luminus-migrations, now supports an options map same as migratus
- bumped up Figwheel to 0.5.4-1
- cleaned up dev deps/plugins
- rolled back Figwheel, snapshot versions can be unstable
- updated to Reagent 0.6.0-rc
- updated ring-defaults/ring-devel
- updated migratus
- added lein-immutant as the default plugin for the Immutant profile, this allows seamless deployment to Wildfly and running as standalone
- bumped up cljs to 1.9.36
- fix for regression in for the
- fix for
mime type inference
- moved figwheel config to top level
- added cljs-devtools support
- removed cljs profiles
- bumped up luminus-migrations
- bumped up Aleph, fix for Aleph to join when running in uberjar
- bumped up figwheel, cljs-ajax, compojure-api
- updated conman verison
profile tests fix+datomic
profile for Datomic support
- fix for hikari-cp usage in conman
- fix for conman
- bumped up to latest clojure.java.jdbc
- bumped up alpeh/jetty dependencies
- switched logger to use
- bumped up migratus, conman
- updated migratus/conman
- bumped up Reagent, clojure.tools.cli
- bumped up dependencies
- bumped up markdown-clj
- fixed
- bumped up migratus
- updated init/stop initialization states to use
- switched to latest clojure.java.jdbc/HugSQL
- fixed default tests to match the new template
- rolled back conman to v0.4.9
- fixes for +service profile
- removed wrap-formats from global middleware
- added +service profile
- updated font-awesome
- simplified Swagger example code
- bumped up conman, reagent-utils versions
- switched
to be a function to ensureenv
is available when middleware is loaded
- bumped up conman
- bumped up conman, markdown-clj versions
- removed Leiningen dependency for running ClojureScript REPL
- removed unused dev puget dependency
- switched to luminus/ring-ttl-session for non-immutant HTTP servers
- bumped ClojureScript to 1.8.40
- fix for target path in Heroku Procfile
- updated dependencies, latest
release supports settingdoc
meta for generated functions
- ClojureScript cleanup
- added lein-test-refresh to default dev plugins
- fixed bootstrap styling for navbar
- added
^{:on-reload :noop}
for HTTP/nREPL server states
- fixed regression with loading exteranl logging configuration
- enables the Figwheel REPL via this PR, it's now possible to start and stop the figwheel compiler from the
namespace by runningstart-fw
respectively. The ClojureScript REPL is start by runningcljs
- fixed a regression in the
- added a default validation
- switched to using cprop as the default configuration system
- updated to use mount for manging HTTP/nREPL server lifecycle
- removed init/destroy functions from handler unless using +war profile
- war profile defaults to putting the core namespace in the dev source path
- war profile sets up mock JNDI in the core namespace
- war profile puts HTTP server dependency under the dev profile
- switched from using Yesql to HugSQL, see documentation for syntactic differences for SQL queries
- as a result of moving to HugSQL, conman no longer requires an atom to hold the connection
- updated to use a single
source path. The sources are found undersrc/clj
, andsrc/cljs
respectively. - updated to latest compojure-api, see official changelog for the syntactic changes
- updated to use cljs-ajax interceptors to provide default
headers - updated to automatically generate ClojureScript test scaffolding when the
flag is used
- added font awesome to the template
- switched to Bootstrap 4
- factored out logging to a plugin, allows for future alternate logging implementations, e.g: Timbre
- default HTTP port for production is now found in
- switched to using luminus/config instead of environ
- dev profile now provides a
- switched to Clojure 1.8
- split out log config to dev/prod profiles
- moved out HTTP/nREPL servers into plugins
- switched to using log4j as the default logger