I'm William, a platform engineer automating my way out of things
- wwmoraes/dotfiles - Cross-platform dotfiles with batteries (5 days ago)
- wwmoraes/site - my personal website (1 week ago)
- wwmoraes/kaizen - quality-of-life tool configurations to streamline engineering work π (1 month ago)
- wwmoraes/anilistarr - anilist custom list provider for sonarr/radarr (3 months ago)
- wwmoraes/nurpkgs - Nix User Repository packages (3 months ago)
- wwmoraes/gotell - an opinionated thin-wrapper over the OpenTelemetry SDK (4 months ago)
- nix-community/NUR - Nix User Repository: User contributed nix packages [maintainer=@Pandapip1] (4 months ago)
- wwmoraes/homebrew-tap - formulae and casks for Homebrew (5 months ago)
- wwmoraes/anilistarr-rs - anilist custom list provider for sonarr/radarr, now in Rust π¦ (6 months ago)
- wwmoraes/actions - DRY github actions collection (6 months ago)
- wwmoraes/anilistarr-rs - anilist custom list provider for sonarr/radarr, now in Rust π¦
- wwmoraes/nurpkgs - Nix User Repository packages
- wwmoraes/gotell - an opinionated thin-wrapper over the OpenTelemetry SDK
- wwmoraes/kaizen - quality-of-life tool configurations to streamline engineering work π
- wwmoraes/fish-pre-commit-completions - pre-commit completions for Fish shell
- wwmoraes/stack-templates - Modern templates for the Haskell Tool Stack
- wwmoraes/plex-delete - belminf/plex-delete as a container
- wwmoraes/go-rwfs - Golang read-write filesystem interfaces
- wwmoraes/interview - PDF forms with IT questions for both sides of the interview
- wwmoraes/anilistarr - anilist custom list provider for sonarr/radarr
- wwmoraes/anilistarr (v0.1.0, 2 years ago) - anilist custom list provider for sonarr/radarr
- add wwmoraes repository on nix-community/NUR (4 months ago)
- goutline: init at 1.0.1 on NixOS/nixpkgs (6 months ago)
- fix: use std lookup where needed on qnikst/HaskellNet (2 years ago)
- [WIP] fix: fetchHeaderFields and -Not on qnikst/HaskellNet (2 years ago)
- fix: added initial giscus custom theme to match site bg color on wwmoraes/site (2 years ago)
- [ARM] Fix:
az bicep install
: Use CA bundle environment variables if set on Azure/azure-cli (2 years ago) - chore: added CII badge; replaced SonarCloud with Code Climate ones on wwmoraes/kubegraph (2 years ago)
- ci: fix grype cache path due to runner context limitations on wwmoraes/kubegraph (2 years ago)
- ci: updated PR template on wwmoraes/kubegraph (2 years ago)
- WIP: refactor/adapters on wwmoraes/kubegraph (2 years ago)
- KISS principle is not that simple (1 year ago)
- Scripts don't scale; they give you scriptitis (1 year ago)
- Instrumented testing in Golang (2 years ago)
- Are you a DevOps engineer? (2 years ago)
- Lua metatables introduction (3 years ago)
- StarUML patch (2 years ago)
- repository template (4 years ago)
- Interview (4 years ago)
- [root bluestacks] #bluestacks #android (4 years ago)
- semantic versioning cheat sheet #cheat-sheet #git #semantic (4 years ago)
- cupiddev/website - Hugo website for cupid.dev (1 day ago)
- github/gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates (2 days ago)
- Lyall/UltrawidePatches - A repository of ultrawide game patches that make use of the excellent SUWSF patcher. (2 weeks ago)
- PhantomGamers/SUWSF - Somewhat Universal Widescreen Fix (2 weeks ago)
- rcmaehl/MSEdgeRedirect - A Tool to Redirect News, Search, Widgets, Weather and More to Your Default Browser (1 month ago)
- mattn/efm-langserver - General purpose Language Server (1 month ago)
- system-fonts/modern-font-stacks - System font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern operating system (2 months ago)
- nikolaydubina/go-cover-treemap - π Go code coverage to SVG treemap (2 months ago)
- go-viper/mapstructure - Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures and vice versa. (3 months ago)
- nmattia/niv - Easy dependency management for Nix projects (3 months ago)
- Home page: https://artero.dev
- LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/wwmoraes