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Cross-platform dotfiles with batteries


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William's Dotfiles 3.0

Table of Contents


Dotfiles for all sorts of tools and configurations. Templates are minimal for sanity's sake.

What will you find in this repository? On V2 I adopted to chezmoi, and on V3 I adopted nix. I use both still, but the latter took over some logic:

  • fetch external resources (.chezmoiexternals)
    • coding tools: TPM (Tmux Package Manager), PlantUML jar
    • fonts: Fira Code, Powerline symbols, Source Code Pro for Powerline
    • work tools: calicoctl and terraform on specific versions
  • scripting for last-mile setup (.chezmoiscripts)
  • ignored dot-folders
    • .global.d: system-wide configuration
      • mostly gone; pending only a way to manage authorizationdb with nix
    • .setup.d: non-brew packages and utility functions
      • fully gone! No more maintenance for those scripts ๐Ÿ˜„
    • .shadow.d: symlinked content. Fish shell, VSCode, Hammerspoon
      • mostly the same; some will migrate to nix

The rest are private_* files and folders that chezmoi will apply relative to the home directory, or repository-related content that's ignored like this readme file.


I work on Unix environments, more specifically MacOS. The setup files follow the numeric prefix to ensure their order + chezmoi keywords to trigger then at specific moments. Here's the (incomplete) workflow sequence.


  • 00-bootstrap: installs homebrew; runs only once

During apply:

  • 01-developer: MacOS-specific. Enables developer mode and group membership
  • 80-less-termcap: generates ~/.lesskey with terminal-dependant key codes
  • 90-pmset: MacOS-specific. Power management settings


Mostly gone. Now nix manages the packages, variables, fonts, tool plugins and daemons.

  • 00-brew: Installs/updates Homebrew. Then runs the bundle and cleanup
  • 01-nix: installs nix
  • 02-nix-darwin: installs nix-darwin and apply changes on configuration
  • 10-variables: Loads universal env vars in Fish + sets up the PATH
  • 20-golang/20-node/21-rust/etc: Manages packages from different languages
  • 80-fonts: MacOS-specific. Links font files and refreshes the font database
  • 80-*-plugins: Installs plugins for tools like helm and krew
  • 80-launchAgents: MacOS-specific. Manages 3rd-party launch agents
  • 80-launchDaemons: MacOS-specific. Installs launch daemons from .global.d
  • 90-authorizationdb: MacOS-specific. Configures the Authorization DB
  • 90-defaults: MacOS-specific. Sets dozens of application and system settings
  • 90-sudoers: configures sudoers snippets

Most scripts have the onchange prefix + a comment at the top to generate the checksum of the files they work it. This allows chezmoi to skip running it on apply if there's no changes on their dependencies.

Getting Started

  • Install 1Password 8 and sign-in
  • Install 1Password v2 CLI
  • enable the CLI integration on 1Password

You may also sign-on through the CLI directly and skip the main application. This setup is less optimal as you need to re-authenticate with password on each new shell session.


# install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# install ejson
brew install shopify/shopify/ejson

If the host has a working op CLI:

# clone the repository and install chezmoi
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply
# OR install chezmoi from elsewhere and then
chezmoi init --apply

For restricted hosts, namely work devices with poorly configured DPI using copy-pasted settings from SO, the op CLI won't work. One known case is with Zscaler as it intercepts even the localhost gRPC calls between CLI and the daemon, voiding the trusted CA chain used by 1Password. In that case:

# generate the encrypted json payload on another host and transfer it to
# <source-path>/.ejson/secrets.json, then
make -C "$(chezmoi source-path)" secrets
export EJSON_KEYDIR="$(chezmoi source-path)/.ejson/keys"
chezmoi init && chezmoi apply

After the first successful apply, change the origin to use SSH:

git -C "$(chezmoi source-path)" remote set-url origin

Enjoy! ๐Ÿš€


Check the upstream chezmoi documentation for all commands, or use the --help for more. Shells also have autocompletion configured when you install chezmoi, use and abuse it!

After the first successful apply, you'll have extra sub-commands available thanks to chezmoi's "plugin" system. Here's some of them:

  • check: applies ~/.Brewfile then dry-runs brew bundle to report changes
  • env: applies ~/.config/environment.d then loads the env vars in Fish
  • lg: runs lazygit on the chezmoi source directory
  • run: executes an individual chezmoi script directly
  • sync: applies ~/.Brewfile then runs the 00-brew script to apply changes


Question: Why is there a mix of sh/bash and fish scripts?

Answer: I need a POSIX shell available on my hosts to bootstrap everything. I use it to install brew and run it at least once. It installs most of my tools, including other shells. This also means that any scripts that run before or during the apply step should be POSIX-compliant.