由于 Plex 原生不支持挂载目录的自动扫描和局部扫描,我们在媒体库管理来自挂载目录的媒体文件时不是很方便,新增的文件并不会自动入库,我们常常需要通过手动扫描/刷新或者定期扫描才能让来自挂载目录的新增文件入库,这对网盘用户来说是非常不方便的。
虽然已经存在一些手段可以间接、变相的实现类似于自动扫描、局部扫描的功能,比如 CloudDrive 的文件变更通知,或者其他定时遍历或扫描指定目录的脚本,但可能也会存在一定的局限性。所以我还是自己写了一个脚本,可以用更快捷、更便利、更灵活的方式,通过手动输入文件夹名称来快速实现局部扫描。
当你的网盘更新了电影文件时,你在 Plex 内能实现的最小范围的扫描是扫描影片所在库的所有目录,也就是点击对应库的「扫描资料库文件」;当你的网盘剧集有更新时,你在 Plex 内能实现的最小范围的扫描是扫描该剧对应的所有目录,也就是点击该剧的「刷新元数据」。
而通过 plex-scanner,可以将扫描范围缩小到新增文件所在的文件夹,也就是可以实现只扫描新增的电影文件所在的文件夹,或者只扫描新增的剧集文件所在的季的文件夹等等,从而实现挂载目录的局部扫描。使用 plex-scanner 可以对任何类型的库的任何目录执行局部扫描。
运行 plex-scanner 后按照提示输入要扫描的文件夹名称即可,若需要扫描多个文件夹,可以分次输入,或使用 ;
请输入要扫描的文件夹名称,多个文件夹名称用分号隔开:彗星来的那一夜 (2013)
成功触发Plex扫描文件夹:/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电影/彗星来的那一夜 (2013)
请输入要扫描的文件夹名称,多个文件夹名称用分号隔开:兰戈 (2011);洛基 (2021)/洛基 - S02;花儿与少年 (2014)
成功触发Plex扫描文件夹:/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电影/兰戈 (2011)
成功触发Plex扫描文件夹:/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电视剧/洛基 (2021)/洛基 - S02
成功触发Plex扫描文件夹:/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/综艺/花儿与少年 (2014)
请输入要扫描的文件夹名称,多个文件夹名称用分号隔开:周六夜现场 (1975)/周六夜现场 - S49;爱乐之城 (2016)
成功触发Plex扫描文件夹:/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/综艺/周六夜现场 (1975)/周六夜现场 - S49
成功触发Plex扫描文件夹:/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电影/爱乐之城 (2016)
- 安装了 Python 3.0 或更高版本。
- 安装了必要的第三方库:requests。(可以通过
pip3 install requests
在运行脚本前,请先打开配置文件 config.ini
# Plex 服务器的地址,格式为 http://服务器 IP 地址:32400 或 http(s)://域名:端口号
address =
# Plex 服务器的 token,用于身份验证
token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# 连续扫描模式的开关,如果设置为 True,可以连续多次请求扫描;如果设置为 False,则会在处理请求后结束运行
continuous_mode = True
# 本机模式的开关,当脚本与 Plex 服务器在相同设备/系统下运行时,设置为 True;在不同设备/系统下运行时,设置为 False
local_mode = True
# 指定需要进行扫描的文件夹的上级目录,格式为 库名 = 目录1;目录2;目录3
电影 = /Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电影
电视剧 = /Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电视剧;/Users/x1ao4/Media/迅雷云盘/电视剧
综艺 = /Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/综艺
# 指定需要进行扫描的文件夹所在的库,格式为 库名1;库名2;库名3,如果没有设置此项且 [directories] 为空,则会默认需要进行扫描的文件夹可能存在于任何库中
libraries = 电影;电视剧;综艺
# 指定需要排除的上级目录,格式为 库名 = 目录1;目录2;目录3,如果设置了此项,则会在扫描时忽略这些目录下的文件夹
电影 = /Users/x1ao4/Media/夸克主盘/电影;/Users/x1ao4/Media/天翼云盘/电影
综艺 = /Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源副/影视/综艺
配置文件中只有 [server]
和 [mode]
plex-scanner 的工作原理是通过配置文件中的 [directories]
和 [exclude_directories]
筛选出目录前缀,然后加上用户提供的 文件夹名称
构建出需要进行扫描的文件夹的可能路径,然后通过检查这些路径是否存在(当 local_mode = True
continuous_mode = True
local_mode = True
电影 = /Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电影
电视剧 = /Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电视剧;/Users/x1ao4/Media/迅雷云盘/电视剧
综艺 = /Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/综艺
libraries =
假如用户输入的文件夹名称为 乱世佳人 (1939)
/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电影/乱世佳人 (1939)
/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电视剧/乱世佳人 (1939)
/Users/x1ao4/Media/迅雷云盘/电视剧/乱世佳人 (1939)
/Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/综艺/乱世佳人 (1939)
然后排除不存在的目录,筛选出真实存在的文件夹路径 /Users/x1ao4/Media/阿里资源主/影视/电影/乱世佳人 (1939)
进行扫描。若 local_mode = False
plex-scanner 提供了两种设置目录前缀的方式:[directories]
和 [libraries]
简单说就是需要手动扫描的目录较少可以选择配置 [directories]
,较多可以选择配置 [libraries]
和 [exclude_directories]
你需要注意一下 local_mode
这个配置选项,他会影响脚本的工作方式。脚本中有一段代码的功能是检查文件夹是否存在,这就要求脚本可以访问到 Plex 媒体库文件的存储目录,也就是说只有在安装 Plex 服务器的设备或系统上运行 plex-scanner 才能正确判断文件夹是否存在;若脚本无法访问媒体文件的存储位置,就会将所有文件夹路径视为不存在,不会进行扫描。所以你需要根据使用环境设置正确的模式。
local_mode = True
:当脚本与 Plex 服务器在同一设备上运行并且可以访问到媒体文件的存储目录时,请启用本机模式,在该模式下,脚本将排除不存在的目录,只扫描确实存在的文件夹。local_mode = False
:当脚本与 Plex 服务器在不同的设备或系统上运行并且无法访问媒体文件的存储目录时,请关闭本机模式,此时脚本将对构建的所有目录进行扫描,不论该文件夹是否存在。
配置时需要填写的目录也就是你在媒体库添加文件夹时使用的目录,库名也要与 Plex 内一致,例如:

- 将仓库克隆或下载到计算机上的一个目录中。
- 修改
start.command (Mac)
或start.bat (Win)
脚本的目录。 - 打开
,填写你的 Plex 服务器地址(address
)和 X-Plex-Token(token
),按照需要选填其他配置选项。 - 双击运行
脚本。 - 按照提示输入
,按回车。 - 脚本会根据配置文件触发 Plex 扫描对应的文件夹,并在控制台显示扫描结果(你也可以在服务器的「设置 - 状态 - 警告」中查看扫描记录)。若没有返回扫描结果则表示扫描失败,请检查你输入的文件夹名称或配置范围是否有误。
- 请确保你提供了正确的 Plex 服务器地址和 X-Plex-Token。
- 请确保你提供了正确的库名、目录与文件夹名。
- 请确保运行脚本的设备可以连接到你的服务器。
- 脚本在某些情况下会触发媒体库刷新其他项目的元数据,但并不会触发非指定文件夹的扫描动作。
- 在输入文件夹名称时若使用了删除键,会导致无法正确识别文件夹名称,请确保输入过程中不要输错字符,最好直接复制粘贴。
Due to Plex's native lack of support for automatic and partial scanning of mounted cloud storage, WebDAV, and other non-local storage solutions on local systems or devices, it’s inconvenient for us to manage media files from mounted directories in our media library. New files will not be automatically added to the library. We often need to manually scan/refresh or schedule scans to add new files from mounted directories to the library, which is very inconvenient for cloud drive users.
Although there are already some means to indirectly achieve functions similar to automatic scanning and partial scanning, such as CloudDrive’s file change notifications, or other scripts that periodically traverse or scan specified directories, there may also be certain limitations. So, I wrote a script myself that can quickly implement partial scanning in a more convenient, flexible, and faster way by manually entering the folder name.
When your cloud drive updates a movie file, the smallest range of scanning you can achieve in Plex is to scan all directories in the library where the movie is located, that is, click on “Scan Library Files” of the corresponding library. When your cloud drive series is updated, the smallest range of scanning you can achieve in Plex is to scan all directories corresponding to the series, that is, click on “Refresh Metadata” of the series.
Through plex-scanner, the scanning range can be reduced to the folder where the new file is located, that is, it can only scan the folder where the new movie file is located, or only scan the folder of the season where the new episode file is located, etc., thereby achieving partial scanning of the mounted directory. plex-scanner can perform partial scanning on any directory of any type of library.
After running plex-scanner, follow the prompts to enter the name of the folder you want to scan. If you need to scan multiple folders, you can enter them one by one, or use ;
to separate multiple folder names, supporting multi-level directories.
Please enter the folder name(s) you want to scan, separating multiple names with semicolons: Coherence (2013)
Successfully triggered Plex to scan the folder: /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Movies/Coherence (2013)
Please enter the folder name(s) you want to scan, separating multiple names with semicolons: Rango (2011);Loki (2021)/Loki - S02;DIVAS Hit The Road (2014)
Successfully triggered Plex to scan the folder: /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Movies/Rango (2011)
Successfully triggered Plex to scan the folder: /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/TV/Loki (2021)/Loki - S02
Successfully triggered Plex to scan the folder: /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Variety/DIVAS Hit The Road (2014)
Please enter the folder name(s) you want to scan, separating multiple names with semicolons: Saturday Night Live (1975)/Saturday Night Live - S49;La La Land (2016)
Successfully triggered Plex to scan the folder: /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Variety/Saturday Night Live (1975)/Saturday Night Live - S49
Successfully triggered Plex to scan the folder: /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Movies/La La Land (2016)
- Installed Python 3.0 or higher.
- Installed required third-party library: requests. (Install with
pip3 install requests
Before running the script, please open the configuration file config.ini
and configure it according to the following prompts (examples).
# Address of the Plex server, formatted as http://server IP address:32400 or http(s)://domain:port
address =
# Token of the Plex server for authentication
token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Switch for continuous scanning mode, if set to True, multiple scan requests can be made continuously; if set to False, the script will end after processing the request
continuous_mode = True
# Switch for local mode, set to True when the script and Plex server run on the same device/system; set to False when they run on different devices/systems
local_mode = True
# Specify the parent directories of the folders to be scanned, formatted as LibraryName = Directory1;Directory2;Directory3
Movies = /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Movies
TV = /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/TV;/Users/x1ao4/Media/Xunlei/TV
Variety = /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Variety
# Specify the libraries where the folders to be scanned are located, formatted as LibraryName1;LibraryName2;LibraryName3. If this item is not set and [directories] is empty, it will default that the folders to be scanned may be located in any library
libraries = Movies;TV;Variety
# Specify the parent directories to be excluded, formatted as LibraryName = Directory1;Directory2;Directory3. If this item is set, the folders under these directories will be ignored during scanning
Movies = /Users/x1ao4/Media/Quark/Movies;/Users/x1ao4/Media/Baidu/Movies
Variety = /Users/x1ao4/Media/PikPak/Variety
Only [server]
and [mode]
are required items in the configuration file, other items can be set as needed, or left blank.
plex-scanner works by using the [directories]
, [libraries]
, and [exclude_directories]
in the configuration file to filter out directory prefixes. It then combines these with the folder name
provided by the user to construct potential paths for the folders that need to be scanned. By checking whether these paths exist (when local_mode = True
), it filters out the actual paths of the folders that need to be scanned and performs the scanning.
For example, when the configuration is as follows:
continuous_mode = True
local_mode = True
Movies = /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Movies
TV = /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/TV;/Users/x1ao4/Media/Xunlei/TV
Variety = /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Variety
libraries =
If the user enters the folder name Gone with the Wind (1939)
, the script will build the following directories in the background:
/Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Movies/Gone with the Wind (1939)
/Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/TV/Gone with the Wind (1939)
/Users/x1ao4/Media/Xunlei/TV/Gone with the Wind (1939)
/Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Variety/Gone with the Wind (1939)
Then exclude directories that do not exist, filter out the real existing folder path /Users/x1ao4/Media/Ali/Movies/Gone with the Wind (1939)
for scanning.
If local_mode = False
, it will scan these four folders, even though the other three folders do not exist.
plex-scanner provides two ways to set the directory prefix: [directories]
and [libraries]
. In fact, these two options are used to set the directory range where the updated files may exist, and you can choose one to configure.
: If the files you need to scan are concentrated in a few directories, you can use[directories]
to specify these directories, leaving[libraries]
: If the files you need to scan are more scattered and belong to many directories, you can use[libraries]
to specify libraries. The script will automatically obtain all directories of these libraries (if[libraries]
is empty, it will obtain all directories of all libraries), and then use[exclude_directories]
to exclude directories that do not need manual scanning, leaving[directories]
In simple terms, if there are fewer directories that need manual scanning, you can choose to configure [directories]
; if there are more directories, you can choose to configure [libraries]
and [exclude_directories]
. If all three options are left blank (default settings), it means that all directories of all libraries on the server will be used as directory prefixes, and then matched with the folder names provided by the user to find out the folders that need to be scanned.
is a setting that changes how this script behaves. There’s a part of the script that checks if a folder exists. This means that the script needs to be able to access the location where your Plex media files are stored. So, if the script and the Plex server are running on the same device, it can correctly check if a folder exists. But if the script can’t access the media file storage location, it will consider all folder paths as non-existent and won’t perform any scanning. So, you need to set the right mode based on your setup.
local_mode = True
: Enable this mode when the script and Plex server run on the same device, and the script have access to the storage directory of media files. In this mode, the script skips non-existent folders and only scans those that truly exist.local_mode = False
: Disable this mode when the script and Plex server run on different devices or systems, or the script cannot access the storage directory of media files. In this scenario, the script scans all constructed directories, irrespective of whether the folders exist or not.
No matter which mode you’re in, the script won’t scan files that shouldn’t be scanned. If the script scans a non-existent folder, the only downside is that it might trigger the corresponding library to refresh the metadata of some items.
The directory to be filled in during configuration is the directory you use when adding folders to your media library. The library name should also match the one in Plex. For example:

- Clone or download the repository to a directory on your computer.
- Modify the path in
start.command (Mac)
orstart.bat (Win)
to point to the directory where you store theplex-scanner.py
script. - Open
, fill in your Plex server address (address
) and X-Plex-Token (token
), and fill in other configuration options as needed. - Double-click
to execute theplex-scanner.py
script. - Follow the prompts to enter the
folder name
and press Enter. - The script will trigger Plex to scan the corresponding folder according to the configuration file and display the scanning result in the console (you can also view the scanning record in the server’s “Settings - Status - Alerts”). If there is no return scanning result, it means that the scanning failed. Please check whether your input folder name or configuration range is incorrect.
- Make sure you've provided the correct Plex server address and X-Plex-Token.
- Make sure you have provided the correct library names, directories, and folder names.
- Make sure the device running the script can connect to your server.
- The script may trigger the media library to refresh other items’ metadata in some cases, but it will not trigger the scanning action of non-specified folders.
- Using the delete key while entering folder names will cause the folder names to not be recognized correctly. Please make sure not to input wrong characters during the input process, preferably copy and paste directly.