This script CLEARLY breaks Adobe's Generative AI User Guidelines. Learn more about Content Credentials here.
π You have been warned π
If you want to use the userscript, press the hyperlink below.
or follow the instructions below if you want to put the scripts in the developer tools console anyway.
This can download images from adobe firefly without the watermark. Generate the images you want then open the console with CTRL + Shift + I then run this script.
This script downloads the images and saves the image data to a file called "firefly-" and then the current unix time, the image index with a suffix of a "@", and the file extension will be a .jpg
The userscript adds a button at the bottom left of the page that runs the script while also telling you if you are doing it correctly or not and is like a seamless integration making it so you don't have to open developer tools and into console to run the script.
Now works for Text To Image and Generative Recolor - (6/15/2023)
Now works for Text Effects - (6/17/2023)
Fixed Generative Fill, broke because of one word - (6/21/2023)
Fixed Text To Image & Dropped support for single scripts. See universal-main.js - (9/11/2023)
Added userscript for more fluid integration. See adobefirefly-dl.user.js - (12/25/2023)
Fixed GetCanvas() function not working due to a UI change in the website. See Issue #3 for more details - (06/01/2024)
Fixed Adobe Firefly UI from crashing for text2image. - (10/01/2024)
intended for adobe firefly
thank you~!
The left picture is the one downloaded from using the download button from adobe firefly
The right picture is the one downloaded with this script