SnowHead Aug 2021
Shiura on thingiverse designed an extremely simple but fascinating cylindric clock consisting out of only eight printed parts, a stepper motor and two PCB.
The original is controlled by an ESP32. The firmware here was adapted to an ESP8266 and for the use of the WTA-timeservice instead of NTP. So there normally are no firmware-modifications necessary to adapt the timezone and DST because they will be investigated out of the public IP of the request. For special cases (f.e. the use of a foreign proxy server) the timezone can be selected manually by replacing "ip" with the wished timezone in WTAClient.cpp.
- ArduinoJson
- DNSServer
- DoubleResetDetector
- ESP8266HTTPClient
- ESP8266WebServer
- ESP8266WiFi
- WiFiManager
EIGHT_DIGIT | true if you use a clock with 8 cylinders |
HAS_ENDSTOP | true if you use the new clock version with end stops |
ENDSTOP_RELEASE | (default -15) release steps after reaching end stop |
DISP_POS | (default 0) time visible in front view (0) or top view (1) (with endstops only) |
ORIGIN_SENSOR | true if origin sensor is installed |
ORIGIN_COMPENSATION | (default 50) compensation of origin mark position |
ORIGIN_BRIGHTMARK | true if origin mark is brighter than background |
ORIGIN_THRES | (default 3500) photo reflector sensor ADC threshold |
PRE_MOVE | true to start cylinder movement earlier to reach the target position just in time |
DEBUG | true for additional debug messages on serial console |
See informations to ESP32-based original version [here](