中文 README_zh.md
deploy.sh is a powerful and flexible CI/CD automation tool that can be executed both manually and programmatically. It seamlessly integrates with popular version control and CI/CD platforms including:
- GitLab/GitLab-Runner
- Jenkins
- Gitea/Act_Runner
- Gogs
- GitHub Actions
- ...
The tool is designed to streamline your deployment workflow while supporting a wide range of deployment scenarios, from traditional server deployments to modern container orchestration.
- Code style: phpcs, phpcbf, java code style, jslint, shfmt, hadolint...
- Code quality: sonarqube scan, OWASP, ZAP, vulmap...
- Testing Suite: Comprehensive testing support including unit tests, functional tests, and performance testing
- Build: npm build, composer install, maven build, gradle build, docker build, pip install ...
- Deploy method: rsync+ssh, rsync, rsync + container image, rsync jar/war, ftp, sftp, kubectl, helm...
- Performance test: stress test, jmeter, loadrunner
- Notifications: Integrated alerts via WeChat Work, Telegram, Element(Matrix), DingTalk
- SSL/TLS: Automated certificate management using acme.sh
- Cloud Ready: AWS, Aliyun, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud...
- Git
- Bash shell environment
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/xiagw/deploy.sh.git $HOME/runner
Language | Detection Method |
node | Exists package.json or include project_lang=node in README.md |
php | Exists composer.json or include project_lang=php in README.md |
java | Exists pom.xml or include project_lang=java in README.md |
python | Exists requirements.txt or include project_lang=python in README.md |
other | Include project_lang=[other] in README.md |
## If your project repository already exists
cd /path/to/<your_project.git>
## If your project repository dose not exist. (deploy.sh will clone it)
$HOME/runner/deploy.sh --git-clone https://github.com/<some_name>/<some_project>.git
## crontab
*/5 * * * * for d in /path/to/src/*/; do (cd $d && git pull && $HOME/runner/deploy.sh --cron); done
## run in screen or tmux
while true; do for d in /path/to/src/*/; do (cd $d && git pull && $HOME/runner/deploy.sh --loop); done; sleep 300; done
- Prepare a gitlab-server and gitlab-runner-server
- Install gitlab-runner, register to gitlab-server, and start gitlab-runner
- cd $HOME/runner
- cp conf/example-deploy.json data/deploy.json ## !!!change to yours!!!
- cp conf/example-deploy.env data/deploy.env ## !!!change to yours!!!
- Refer to conf/.gitlab-ci.yaml of this project, setup <your_project.git>/.gitlab-ci.yaml
- Create job,
- setup job, run custom shell,
bash $HOME/runner/deploy.sh
There is already a gitlab server (if not, you can refer to xiagw/docker-gitlab to start one with docker-compose)
There is already a server that has installed gitlab-runner and register to Gitlab server, (executer is shell)
and make sure gitlab-runner is running properly. sudo gitlab-runner status
if use rsync+ssh to deploy: The ssh key file had been prepared, and you can login to the Application server without a password from the gitlab-runner server (the key file can be in $HOME/.ssh/, or in the $HOME/runner/data/.ssh/)
if use k8s to deploy: on the gitlab-runner server, prepare ~/.kube/config
SSH login to the gitlab-runner server
git clone https://github.com/xiagw/deploy.sh.git $HOME/runner
Refer to the conf/example-deploy.json, conf/example-deploy.env, change to yours configure
cd $HOME/runner
cp conf/example-deploy.json data/deploy.json ## change to yours
cp conf/example-deploy.env data/deploy.env ## change to yours
Example: created project-A
under the root account on gitlab-server (root/project-A)
Create and submit .gitlab-ci.yml
on Gitlab project-A
If you use helm to deploy to k8s, change helm-new.sh for yours (default open port 8080 and 8081)
bash $HOME/runner/bin/helm-new.sh
## change to yours [$HOME/runner/data/helm/<your_project>]
If you use Ubuntu, just rm -f $HOME/.bash_logout
graph TB;
Dev -- pull/push --> Java;
Dev -- pull/push --> PHP;
Dev -- pull/push --> VUE;
Dev -- pull/push --> Python;
Dev -- pull/push --> more[More...];
Java -- pull/push --> GIT;
PHP -- pull/push --> GIT;
VUE -- pull/push --> GIT;
Python -- pull/push --> GIT;
more -- pull/push --> GIT;
GIT --> CICD[deploy.sh];
OPS -- shell --> GIT;
OPS -- shell --> CICD;
UI_UE -- sketch --> PD;
PD -- issues --> GIT[GitLab Server];
QA -- issues--> GIT;
testm[Manuel tests] -- test--> QA;
testa[Auto tests] -- test--> QA;
CICD -- deploy --> K8S[k8s/helm];
CICD -- build --> Build;
CICD -- database --> db1[Database manage];
CICD -- cert --> cert[Cert manage];
CICD -- notify --> notify[Notify manage];
CICD -- check --> rev[Code Check];
CICD -- test --> test[Test Center];
notify -- notify --> weixin/dingding/telegram/element;
db1 -- sql --> flyway;
cert -- shell --> acme[acme.sh];
acme -- dns api --> dnsapi;
acme -- web --> www;
dnsapi -- dns api --> dns1[dns api CF];
dnsapi -- dns api --> dns2[dns api ali];
test -- test --> testu[Unit tests];
testu -- test --> testf[Function tests];
testf -- test --> testl[Load tests];
rev -- style --> format[Style];
format --> Lint;
rev -- quality--> quality[Quality];
quality --> Sonarqube;
Build -- push --> Repo[Docker Registry];
K8S -- pri --> ENV_D[ENV develop];
K8S -- pri --> ENV_T[ENV testing];
K8S -- pri --> ENV_M[ENV master];
ENV_D -- pri --> app_d[app 1,2,3...];
app_d -- pri --> cache_d[redis cluster];
cache_d -- pri --> db_d[mysql cluster];
ENV_T -- pri --> app_t[app 1,2,3...];
app_t -- pri --> cache_t[redis cluster];
cache_t -- pri --> db_t[mysql cluster];
ENV_M -- pri --> app_m[app 1,2,3...];
app_m -- pri --> cache_m[redis cluster];
cache_m -- pri --> db_m[mysql cluster];
We welcome contributions to deploy.sh!
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate and adhere to the project's coding standards.
If you find this project helpful, consider making a small donation to support its development:
Alipay | WeChat Pay |
![]() |
![]() |
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ETH/ERC20 Address 0x007779971b2Df368E75F1a660c1308A51f45A02e
BSC/ERC20 Address 0x007779971b2Df368E75F1a660c1308A51f45A02e
TRX/TRC20 Address TAnZ537r98Jo63aKDTfbWmBeooz29ASd73