- Bengaluru
- https://abhishekuniyal.dev
- @abhistake
fnplus.github.io Public
Forked from fnplus/fnplus.github.ioOfficial Landing Page of Fnplus
react-boilerplate-cra-template Public
Forked from react-boilerplate/react-boilerplate-cra-template🔥 Setup Create React App with React Boilerplate. Highly scalable & Best DX & Performance Focused & Best practices.
semaphore-demo-javascript Public
Forked from semaphoreci-demos/semaphore-demo-javascriptA Semaphore demo CI/CD pipeline using Node.js, TypeScript, Nest.js and React.
skillscred-landing Public
Source code for the landing page of SkillsCred
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2024 -
xlogix.github.io Public
Code for my personal website
An app for learning graphql with best practices
learn-reactredux Public
Learning Hooks, Streams with small projects
learn-docker Public
Learning docker by writing yml on a use-case basis
nextjs-starter Public
Forked from hockyy/tcexam-frontend -
dogehouse Public
Forked from benawad/dogehouseTaking voice conversations to the moon 🚀
node-docker-good-defaults Public
Forked from BretFisher/node-docker-good-defaultssample node app for Docker examples
javascript-algorithms Public
Forked from trekhleb/javascript-algorithms📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
leapjs Public
Forked from WekanCompany/leapjs⚡ A lightweight Node.js framework to accelerate the building of efficient and scalable server-side applications with Typescript
poc-trello-frontend Public
A tiny Trello clone app using functional components and redux
footsteps-ext Public
Code to help make footsteps.dev easier to use
poc-reactdnd Public
A small react app for testing
setup Public
A backup of files to make things easier for transition
open-sourced-interview-process Public
Forked from cockroachlabs/open-sourced-interview-processOpen Sourced Interview Process
poc-twitter-admin-logger Public
A PoC to CRUD tweets and log them for admins
poc-netflix-react Public
Attempt to create the front page of Netflix
poc-pub-sub-express-nodejs Public
A small test implementation for pub-sub with GCP
CTFs Public
Some interesting problems solving in free time
footsteps-app Public
Forked from fnplus/footsteps-appA search 🔎engine of community-made 🧑🤝🧑learning resources for the 21st-century learner.👨💻👩💻Learn by following the footsteps (journey) of experts
react-native-video-processing Public
Forked from shahen94/react-native-video-processingNative Video editing/trimming/compressing 🎥 library for React-Native
footsteps-extension Public
Forked from fnplus/footsteps-extensionThe chrome extension that lets you track your learning footsteps and also inspire others to follow them
czero Public
Forked from rhnvrm/czeroCounter Strike: Condition Zero - Dedicated Server using Docker