hass-config Public
Forked from matt8707/hass-config✨ A different take on designing a Lovelace UI (Dashboard)
esp8266-wifi-ledcube Public
Forked from yanbec/esp8266-wifi-ledcubeMake STC12C5A60S2 based LED cubes WiFi controllable.
System monitor for Raspberry Pi, inlcuding IP, CPU, Disk and Network
nrf24-injection Public
A tool set for sniffing devices and launching attacks with Crazyradio
MyIoT Public
[MyIoT] A start with personal server for home automation
Smart_Fan_for_Raspberry_Pi Public
It is designed to manage your Raspberry Pi's fan according to the CPU temperature changes.
Ticfirm-sniffer Public
A tool for sniffing ticwatch firmwares.
Play-Snake-on-12864-SSD1306 Public
Play Snake on 12864 SSD1306 with raspberry and python
Python UpdatedJun 20, 2017 -
12864-SSD1306-Video-Player Public
12864/SSD1306 Video Player with Raspberry Pi and Python
Ubuntu-Brightness-Adjustment Public
A script for adjusting the brightness for keyboard and screen
Shell MIT License UpdatedJun 6, 2017 -
NodeMCU-with-Android Public
A secure and convenient approach for configuring IoT devices
Indicate an accurate progressbar when extracting a zip file with C# and Ionic