A curated list of neural network-based video/image coding papers, datasets, and tools.
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📚✍️ All original paper files and code files are available upon request. Please feel free to email me at xiongweixiao@foxmail.com, and I will reply within 24 hours.
- End-to-End Neural Video Coding
- Hybrid Neural-Traditional Coding
- Perceptual Video Coding
- Learned Image Compression
- Rate & Complexity Control
- Low-Latency & Real-Time Coding
- Datasets & Metrics
- Tools & Libraries
Fully learned video codecs without traditional block-based frameworks.
[CVPR 2023]
FFNeRV: Flow-Guided Frame-Wise Neural Representations for Videos, Chen et al. -
[ICCV 2023]
EVC: Enhanced Neural Video Compression with Per-Pixel Flow-Guided Alignment, Hu et al. -
[NeurIPS 2022]
DCVC-DC: Deep Contextual Video Compression with Dynamic Convolutions, Li et al.
Combining neural networks with traditional coding tools (e.g., HEVC/VVC).
- Frame Intra Prediction
- Frame Inter Prediction
- Transform Coding
- Quantization
- Entropy Coding
- Loop Filtering
- Rate-Distortion Optimization
- Rate Control
- Complexity Control
- Datasets
- Tools
[VCIP 2024]
Vectorized Angular Intra Prediction for Practical VVC Encoding CODE -
[Multimedia Tools and Applications 2024]
Fast CU partition strategy based on texture and neighboring partition information for Versatile Video Coding Intra Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2024]
STRANet: soft-target and restriction-aware neural network for efficient VVC intra coding CODE -
[ISCAS 2023]
Ultra-Lightweight CNN Based Fast Intra Prediction for VVC Screen Content Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
Machine Learning Based Efficient QT-MTT Partitioning Scheme for VVC Intra Encoders CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
Deep Multi-Task Learning Based Fast Intra-Mode Decision for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TIP 2023]
Partition Map Prediction for Fast Block Partitioning in VVC Intra-Frame Coding CODE -
[TIP 2023]
Adaptive Chroma Prediction Based on Luma Difference for H.266/VVC CODE -
[TMM 2022]
Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TMM 2022]
Efficient VVC Intra Prediction Based on Deep Feature Fusion and Probability Estimation CODE -
[VCIP 2022]
Autoencoder-based intra prediction with auxiliary feature CODE -
[VCIP 2022]
Neural Frank-Wolfe Policy Optimization for Region-of-Interest Intra-Frame Coding with HEVC/H.265 CODE -
[PCS 2022]
Effective VVC Intra Prediction Based on Ensemble Learning CODE -
[TCSVT 2022]
HG-FCN: Hierarchical Grid Fully Convolutional Network for Fast VVC Intra Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2022]
Configurable Fast Block Partitioning for VVC Intra Coding Using Light Gradient Boosting Machine CODE -
[DCC 2022]
Graph-based Transform based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Intra-Prediction of Imaging Data CODE -
An efficient low-complexity block partition scheme for VVC intra coding CODE -
[PCS 2021]
Contour-based Intra Coding Using Gaussian Processes and Neural Networks CODE -
[VCIP 2021]
Learning-Based Complexity Reduction Scheme for VVC Intra-Frame Prediction CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Intra To Inter: Towards Intra Prediction for Learning-Based Video Coders Using Optical Flow CODE -
[TIP 2021]
DeepQTMT: A Deep Learning Approach for Fast QTMT-Based CU Partition of Intra-Mode VVC CODE -
[DCC 2021]
Fast Partitioning for VVC Intra-Picture Encoding with a CNN Minimizing the Rate-Distortion-Time Cost CODE -
[ICMEW 2021]
Open-Source: Attention-Based Neural Networks For Chroma Intra Prediction In Video Coding CODE -
[TMM 2020]
Fast Multi-Type Tree Partitioning for Versatile Video Coding Using a Lightweight Neural Network CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
CNN Oriented Complexity Reduction Of VVC Intra Encoder CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Chroma Intra Prediction With Attention-Based CNN Architectures CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Multi-Mode Intra Prediction for Learning-Based Image Compression CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Optimized Convolutional Neural Networks for Video Intra Prediction CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
Introducing Latent Space Correlation to Conditional Autoencoders for Intra Prediction CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
Fully Neural Network Mode Based Intra Prediction of Variable Block Size CODE -
[ISCAS 2020]
Fast partitioning decision scheme for versatile video coding intra-frame prediction CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
Low complexity CTU partition structure decision and fast intra mode decision for versatile video coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
Deep Learning-Based Chroma Prediction for Intra Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[Multimedia Systems 2020]
Fast CU partition decision for H.266/VVC based on the improved DAG-SVM classifier model CODE -
[Multimedia Tools and Applications 2020]
A fast CU size decision algorithm for VVC intra prediction based on support vector machine CODE -
[TBC 2019]
Fast HEVC Intra Mode Decision Based on RDO Cost Prediction CODE -
[VCIP 2019]
Adaptive CU Split Decision with Pooling-variable CNN for VVC Intra Encoding CODE -
[TCSVT 2019]
Video Compression Using Generalized Binary Partitioning, Trellis Coded Quantization, Perceptually Optimized Encoding, and Advanced Prediction and Transform Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2019]
Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network Based Intra Prediction for Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2019]
CNN-based Intra-Prediction for Lossless HEVC CODE -
[TIP 2019]
Context-adaptive neural network-based prediction for image compression CODE -
[TCSVT 2019]
A deep convolutional neural network approach for complexity reduction on intra-mode HEVC CODE -
[TMM 2019]
Generative Adversarial Network-Based Intra Prediction for Video Coding CODE -
[TMM 2019]
Enhanced Intra Prediction for Video Coding by Using Multiple Neural Networks CODE -
[JVCIR 2019]
Intra Mode Prediction for H. 266/FVC Video Coding based on Convolutional Neural Network CODE -
[ISCAS 2019]
CNN-Based Bi-Prediction Utilizing Spatial Information for Video Coding CODE -
[ICASSP 2019]
Nonlinear Prediction of Multidimensional Signals via Deep Regression with Applications to Image Coding CODE -
[ICASSP 2019]
Convolutional neural networks for video intra prediction using cross-component adaptation CODE -
[DCC 2019]
Deep learning based angular intra-prediction for lossless HEVC video coding CODE -
[DCC 2019]
Intra picture prediction for video coding with neural networks CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Look-Ahead Prediction Based Coding Unit Size Pruning for VVC Intra Coding CODE -
[TIP 2018]
Fully Connected Network-Based Intra Prediction for Image Coding CODE -
[ICME 2017]
A deep convolutional neural network approach for complexity reduction on intra-mode HEVC CODE -
[PCS 2016]
Deep learning-based intra prediction mode decision for HEVC CODE
[ICMEW 2024]
Adaptive Intra Period Size for Deep Learning-Based Screen Content Video Coding CODE -
[Pattern Recognition 2024]
IBVC: Interpolation-driven B-frame video compression CODE -
[TIP 2024]
Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network for Enhanced Inter Prediction in Video Coding CODE -
[MMsys 2024]
Inter-Frame Parallelization in an Open Optimized VVC Encoder CODE -
[AAAI 2023]
Video Compression Artifact Reduction by Fusing Motion Compensation and Global Context in a Swin-CNN Based Parallel Architecture CODE -
[ICASSP 2023]
Learned Video Coding with Motion Compensation Mixture Model CODE -
[DCC 2023]
Butterfly: Multiple Reference Frames Feature Propagation Mechanism for Neural Video Compression CODE -
[TCSVT 2022]
Neural Network-Based Enhancement to Inter Prediction for Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2022]
Deep Affine Motion Compensation Network for Inter Prediction in VVC CODE -
[TIP 2022]
Neural Reference Synthesis for Inter Frame Coding CODE -
[VCIP 2022]
Deep Reference Frame Interpolation based Inter Prediction Enhancement for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[VCIP 2022]
Deep Reference Frame Interpolation based Inter Prediction Enhancement for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[ICIP 2022]
Intra-Inter Prediction for Versatile Video Coding Using a Residual Convolutional Neural Network CODE -
[DCC 2021]
Bi-Prediction Enhancement with Deep Frame Prediction Network for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[DCC 2021]
Deformable Convolution Network based Invertibility-Driven Interpolation Filter for HEVC CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Deep Video Compression for Interframe Coding CODE -
[VCIP 2021]
Deep Inter Prediction via Reference Frame Interpolation for Blurry Video Coding CODE -
[PCS 2021]
Switchable Motion Models for Non-Block-Based Inter Prediction in Learning-Based Video Coding CODE -
[ICCV 2021]
Extending Neural P-frame Codecs for B-frame Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2021]
Motion Vector Coding and Block Merging in the Versatile Video Coding Standard CODE -
[TCSVT 2021]
Subblock-Based Motion Derivation and Inter Prediction Refinement in the Versatile Video Coding Standard CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
Convolutional Neural Network Based Bi-prediction Utilizing Spatial and Temporal Information in Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
A Robust Quality Enhancement Method Based on Joint Spatial-Temporal Priors for Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
Compression Priors Assisted Convolutional Neural Network for Fractional Interpolation CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
Deep Network-Based Frame Extrapolation With Reference Frame Alignment CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
A Distortion-Aware Multi-task Learning Framework for Fractional Interpolation in Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
Neural Video Coding Using Multiscale Motion Compensation and Spatiotemporal Context Model CODE -
[TIP 2020]
Optical Flow Based Co-Located Reference Frame for Video Compression CODE -
[CVPR Workshops 2020]
Joint Motion and Residual Information Latent Representation for P-Frame Coding CODE -
[CVPR Workshops 2020]
P-Frame Coding Proposal by NCTU: Parametric Video Prediction Through Backprop-Based Motion Estimation CODE -
[ISCAS 2020]
Memory-Augmented Auto-Regressive Network for Frame Recurrent Inter Prediction CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Interpreting CNN for Low Complexity Learned Sub-pixel Motion Compensation in Video Coding CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Deep Virtual Reference Frame Generation For Multiview Video Coding CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
Deep Inter Coding with Interpolated Reference Frame for Hierarchical Coding Structure CODE -
[ICMEW 2020]
CNN-Based Inter Prediction Refinement for AVS3 CODE -
[TCSVT 2019]
Deep frame prediction for video coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2019]
A Multi-Scale Position Feature Transform Network for Video Frame Interpolation CODE -
[TIP 2019]
Three-Zone Segmentation-Based Motion Compensation for Video Compression CODE -
[TMM 2019]
Deep reference generation with multi-domain hierarchical constraints for inter prediction CODE -
[ISCAS 2019]
Switch mode based deep fractional interpolation in video coding CODE -
[ISCAS 2019]
CNN-Based Bi-Prediction Utilizing Spatial Information for Video Coding CODE -
[DCC 2019]
Deep frame interpolation for video compression CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Advanced cnn based motion compensation fractional interpolation CODE -
[PCS 2019]
HEVC Inter Coding using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks and Artificial Reference Pictures CODE -
[PCS 2019]
An Extended Skip Strategy for Inter Prediction CODE -
[PCS 2019]
Recent development of AVS video coding standard: AVS3 CODE -
[TCSVT 2018]
Enhanced Bi-Prediction With Convolutional Neural Network for High-Efficiency Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2018]
Triple-Frame-Based Bi-Directional Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation CODE -
[TCSVT 2018]
Weighted Convolutional Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Deep Residual Network CODE
[TBC 2024]
Fast Transform Kernel Selection Based on Frequency Matching and Probability Model for AV1 CODE[PCS 2024]
Nonlinear Transform Coding for VVC Intra Coding CODE[DCC 2024]
Decoder-side Secondary Transform Derivation for Video Coding beyond AVS3 CODE[DCC 2024]
Construction of Fast Data-driven Transforms for Image Compression via Multipath Coordinate Descent on Orthogonal Matrix Manifold CODE[ICASSP 2024]
Adaptive Secondary Transform Sets for Video Coding Beyond AV1 CODE[ICCCAS 2024]
A Fast Transform Algorithm for VVC Intra Coding CODE[ACM TOM 2024]
Graph Based Cross-Channel Transform for Color Image Compression CODE[TCSVT 2024]
Revisiting All-Zero Block Detection for Versatile Video Coding CODE[TCSVT 2023]
Learning-Based Early Transform Skip Mode Decision for VVC Screen Content Coding CODE[ISCAS 2023]
High-Throughput Design for a Multi-Size DCT-II Targeting the AV1 Encoder CODE[ISCAS 2022]
A High-Throughput Design for the H.266/VVC Low-Frequency Non-Separable Transform CODE[IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 2021]
Nonlinear Transform Coding CODE[ICIP 2021]
Machine-Learning Based Secondary Transform for Improved Image Compression in JPEG2000 CODE[DCC 2021]
Graph Based Transforms based on Graph Neural Networks for Predictive Transform Coding CODE[PCS 2021]
Combined neural network-based intra prediction and transform selection CODE[TCSVT 2021]
Transform Coding in the VVC Standard CODE[ICIP 2020]
Augmenting JPEG2000 With Wavelet Coefficient Prediction CODE[VCIP 2020]
Deep Learning-Based Nonlinear Transform for HEVC Intra Coding CODE[PCS 2019]
Low frequency non-separable transform CODE
[TBC 2023]
Complexity-Efficient Dependent Quantization for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[ICIP 2022]
Learning Frequency-Specific Quantization Scaling in VVC for Standard-Compliant Task-Driven Image Coding CODE -
[DCC 2021]
JQF: Optimal JPEG Quantization Table Fusion by Simulated Annealing on Texture Images and Predicting Textures CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
Towards Quantized DCT Coefficients Restoration for Compressed Images CODE -
[DCC 2020]
Deep Learning-based Image Compression with Trellis Coded Quantization CODE -
[ECCV 2020]
Task-Aware Quantization Network for JPEG Image Compression CODE -
[DCC 2019]
Hard-Decision Quantization Algorithm Based on Deep Learning in Intra Video Coding CODE
[IET Image Processing 2024]
Dynamic estimator selection for double-bit-range estimation in VVC CABAC entropy coding CODE[TCSVT 2021]
Quantization and Entropy Coding in the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard CODE[TCSVT 2019]
Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding for HEVC Intra-Predicted Residues CODE
[DCC 2024]
Residual Block Fusion in Low Complexity Neural Network-Based In-loop Filtering for Video Compression CODE -
[ICIP 2024]
IN-Loop Filter for Object Mask Coding in Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[PCS 2024]
Swin Transformer-Based In-Loop Filter for VVC Intra Coding CODE -
[ACM TOM 2024]
A Reconfigurable Framework for Neural Network Based Video In-Loop Filtering CODE -
[VCIP 2024]
PFT-ILF: In-loop Filter with Partition Feature Transform for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TIP 2024]
Combining Progressive Rethinking and Collaborative Learning: A Deep Framework for In-Loop Filtering CODE -
[VCIP 2024]
Fast Adaptive Loop Filter Algorithm Based on the Optimization of Class Merging CODE -
[VCIP 2024]
In-Loop Filtering via Trained Look-Up Tables CODE -
[ICIP 2024]
IN-Loop Filter for Object Mask Coding in Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[ICIP 2024]
NN-Based In-Loop Filtering With Inputs Transformed CODE -
[TCSVT 2024]
Neural Network Based Multi-Level In-Loop Filtering for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2024]
Screen Content-Aware Video Coding through Non-Local Model embedded with Intra-Inter In-Loop Filtering CODE -
[TCSVT 2024]
Area-Efficient Processing Elements-Based Adaptive Loop Filter Architecture With Optimized Memory for VVC CODE -
[Pattern Recognition 2024]
DWT-SALF: Subband Adaptive Neural Network Based In-Loop Filter for VVC Using Cyclic DWT CODE -
[Pattern Recognition 2024]
Progressive Learning Based on QP Distance for Enhancing HOP In-Loop Filter CODE -
[ISCAS 2023]
Towards Next Generation Video Coding: from Neural Network Based Predictive Coding to In-Loop Filtering CODE -
[ICME 2023]
Meta-ILF: In-Loop Filter with Customized Weights For VVC Intra Coding CODE -
[ICML 2023]
Low Complexity Neural Network-Based In-loop Filtering with Decomposed Split Luma-Chroma Model for Video Compression CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
Lightweight Multiattention Recursive Residual CNN-Based In-Loop Filter Driven by Neuron Diversity CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
Deep In-Loop Filtering via Multi-Domain Correlation Learning and Partition Constraint for Multiview Video Coding CODE -
[ICIG 2023]
Content-Adaptive Block Clustering for Improving VVC Adaptive Loop Filtering CODE -
[ACM TOM 2023]
iDAM: Iteratively Trained Deep In-loop Filter with Adaptive Model Selection CODE -
[ICIP 2023]
Lightweight CNN-Based in-Loop Filter for VVC Intra Coding CODE -
[TMM 2023]
Joint Rate-Distortion Optimization for Video Coding and Learning-Based In-Loop Filtering CODE -
[DCC 2023]
A Low Complexity Convolutional Neural Network with Fused CP Decomposition for In-Loop Filtering in Video Coding CODE -
[IFTC 2023]
Temporal Dependency-Oriented Deep In-Loop Filter for VVC CODE -
[TMM 2022]
Textural and Directional Information Based Offset In-Loop Filtering in AVS3 CODE -
[ICASSP 2022]
Low-Complexity Multi-Model CNN in-Loop Filter for AVS3 CODE -
[CVPR 2022]
Perceptual In-Loop Filter for Image and Video Compression CODE -
[ACM TOM 2022]
NR-CNN: Nested-Residual Guided CNN In-loop Filtering for Video Coding CODE -
[ICME 2022]
Neural Network Based in-Loop Filter with Constrained Memory CODE -
[TIP 2022]
Deformable Wiener Filter for Future Video Coding CODE -
[TIP 2022]
QA-filter: A QP-adaptive convolutional neural network filter for video coding CODE -
[TCE 2022]
Adaptive Loop Filter Hardware Design for 4K ASIC VVC Decoders CODE -
[VCIP 2022]
Multi-stage Locally and Long-range Correlated Feature Fusion for Learned In-loop Filter in VVC CODE -
[ICIP 2022]
Switchable CNN-Based Same-Resolution and Super-Resolution In-Loop Restoration for Next Generation Video Codecs CODE -
[ICIP 2022]
Non-Separable Filtering with Side-Information and Contextually-Designed Filters for Next Generation Video Codecs CODE -
[ICIP 2022]
Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-Based Classification CODE -
[PCS 2022]
Efficient HW Design of Adaptive Loop Filter for 4k ASIC VVC Encoder CODE -
[PCS 2022]
Multi-Stage Spatial and Frequency Feature Fusion using Transformer in CNN-Based In-Loop Filter for VVC CODE -
[PCS 2022]
Optimize neural network based in-loop filters through iterative training CODE -
[PCS 2022]
Generalized deblocking filter for AVM CODE -
[ISCAS 2022]
An Attention Based CNN with Temporal Hierarchical Deployment for AVS3 Inter In-loop Filtering CODE -
[ISCAS 2022]
Complexity Reduction of Learned In-Loop Filtering in Video Coding CODE -
[ISCAS 2022]
A QP-adaptive Mechanism for CNN-based Filter in Video Coding CODE -
[ISCAS 2022]
Joint Luma and Chroma Multi-Scale CNN In-loop Filter for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[DCC 2022]
Joint Rate Distortion Optimization with CNN-based In-Loop Filter For Hybrid Video Coding CODE -
[DCC 2022]
Parametric Non-local In-loop Filter for Future Video Coding CODE -
[DCC 2022]
An Improved Multi-reference Frame Loop Filter Algorithm Based on Transformer for VVC CODE -
[JVCIR 2022]
PTR-CNN for in-loop filtering in video coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2022]
One-for-all: An efficient variable convolution neural network for in-loop filter of VVC CODE -
[SPIC 2021]
Deep learning based HEVC in-loop filter and noise reduction CODE -
[SPIC 2021]
A progressive CNN in-loop filtering approach for inter frame coding CODE -
[TIP 2021]
Adaptive deep reinforcement learning-based in-loop filter for VVC CODE -
[TCSVT 2021]
VVC In-Loop Filters CODE -
[CVPR 2021]
Deep Learning Based Spatial-Temporal In-Loop Filtering for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[DCC 2021]
Multi-Density Convolutional Neural Network for In-Loop Filter in Video Coding CODE -
[DCC 2021]
An Efficient QP Variable Convolutional Neural Network Based In-loop Filter for Intra Coding CODE -
[DCC 2021]
3D-CVQE: An Effective 3D-CNN Quality Enhancement for Compressed Video Using Limited Coding Information CODE -
[DCC 2021]
Spatial-Temporal Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Compressed Video Enhancement in HEVC CODE -
[DCC 2021]
Video Enhancement Network Based on Max-Pooling and Hierarchical Feature Fusion CODE -
[PCS 2021]
Bonnineau C, Hamidouche W, Travers J F, et al. Multitask Learning for VVC Quality Enhancement and Super-Resolution CODE -
[PCS 2021]
Bordes P, Galpin F, Dumas T, et al. Revisiting the Sample Adaptive Offset post-filter of VVC with Neural-Networks CODE -
[PCS 2021]
Nasiri F, Hamidouche W, Morin L, et al. Model Selection CNN-based VVC QualityEnhancement CODE -
[PCS 2021]
Convolutional neural network-based post-filtering for compressed YUV420 images and video CODE -
[VCIP 2021]
Distortion-based Neural Network for Compression Artifacts Reduction in VVC CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Convolutional Neural Network Based In-Loop Filter For VVC Intra Coding CODE -
[DCC 2021]
Flow-Guided Temporal-Spatial Network for HEVC Compressed Video Quality Enhancement CODE -
[DCC 2021]
Densely Connected Unit based Loop Filter for Short Video Coding CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Enhancing quality for VVC compressed videos by jointly exploiting spatial details and temporal structure CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Partition tree guided progressive rethinking network for in-loop filtering of HEVC CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Deep Enhancement for 3D HDR Brain Image Compression CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Esmaeilzehi A, Ahmad M O, Swamy M N S. Development Of New Fractal And Non-Fractal Deep Residual Networks For Deblocking Of Jpeg Decompressed Images CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Xia J, Wen J. Asymmetric Convolutional Residual Network for AV1 Intra in-Loop Filtering CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Li B, Liang J, Wang Y. Compression Artifact Removal with Stacked Multi-Context Channel-Wise Attention Network CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Kim T, Lee H, Son H, et al. SF-CNN: A Fast Compression Artifacts Removal via Spatial-To-Frequency Convolutional Neural Networks CODE -
[ICIP 2021]
Esmaeilzehi A, Ahmad M O, Swamy M N S. Deep Jpeg Image Deblocking Using Residual Maxout Units CODE -
[ICME 2020]
Multi-Gradient Convolutional Neural Network Based In-Loop Filter For Vvc CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
A switchable deep learning approach for in-loop filtering in video coding CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
Ma H, Liu D, Wu F. Improving Compression Artifact Reduction via End-to-End Learning of Side Information CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
A Mixed Appearance-based and Coding Distortion-based CNN Fusion Approach for In-loop Filtering in Video Coding CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
Nasiri F, Hamidouche W, Morin L, et al. Prediction-Aware Quality Enhancement of VVC Using CNN CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
Yue J, Gao Y, Li S, et al. A Mixed Appearance-based and Coding Distortion-based CNN Fusion Approach for In-loop Filtering in Video Coding CODE -
[VCIP 2019]
Yu Y, Yang X, Chen J, et al. Deep Learning Based In-Loop Filter for Video Coding CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Esmaeilzehi A, Ahmad M O, Swamy M N S. Development Of New Fractal And Non-Fractal Deep Residual Networks For Deblocking Of Jpeg Decompressed Images CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Li B, Liang J, Wang Y. Compression Artifact Removal with Stacked Multi-Context Channel-Wise Attention Network CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Kim T, Lee H, Son H, et al. SF-CNN: A Fast Compression Artifacts Removal via Spatial-To-Frequency Convolutional Neural Networks CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Esmaeilzehi A, Ahmad M O, Swamy M N S. Deep Jpeg Image Deblocking Using Residual Maxout Units CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Esmaeilzehi A, Ahmad M O, Swamy M N S. Development Of New Fractal And Non-Fractal Deep Residual Networks For Deblocking Of Jpeg Decompressed Images CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Li B, Liang J, Wang Y. Compression Artifact Removal with Stacked Multi-Context Channel-Wise Attention Network CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Kim T, Lee H, Son H, et al. SF-CNN: A Fast Compression Artifacts Removal via Spatial-To-Frequency Convolutional Neural Networks CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Esmaeilzehi A, Ahmad M O, Swamy M N S. Deep Jpeg Image Deblocking Using Residual Maxout Units CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Gao S, Xiong Z. Deep Enhancement for 3D HDR Brain Image Compression CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Meng X, Deng X, Zhu S, et al. Enhancing quality for VVC compressed videos by jointly exploiting spatial details and temporal structure CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Partition tree guided progressive rethinking network for in-loop filtering of HEVC CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
[Esmaeilzehi A, Ahmad M O, Swamy M N S. Deep Jpeg Image Deblocking Using Residual Maxout Units](https://doi.org/10.1109/ICIP.2019.880337
[TIP 2023]
Toward the Achievable Rate-Distortion Bound of VVC Intra Coding: A Beam Search-Based Joint Optimization Scheme CODE[TMM 2023]
Joint Rate-Distortion Optimization for Video Coding and Learning-Based In-Loop Filtering CODE[TBC 2023]
A Quality-of-Experience-Aware Framework for Versatile Video Coding-Based Video Transmission CODE[TIP 2020]
Rate distortion optimization: A joint framework and algorithms for random access hierarchical video coding CODE
[JVCIP 2024]
Exploring the rate-distortion-complexity optimization in neural image compression☆ CODE -
[ISCAS 2024]
Rate Control for Slimmable Video Codec using Multilayer Perceptron CODE -
[TVT 2024]
An Efficient Neural Network Based Rate Control for Intra-frame in Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[PCS 2024]
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning based Bit Allocation for Gaming Video Coding CODE -
[TIP 2024]
λ-Domain Rate Control via Wavelet-Based Residual Neural Network for VVC HDR Intra Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2024]
Recent Advances in Rate Control: From Optimization to Implementation and Beyond CODE -
[TCSVT 2024]
Content-Adaptive Rate Control Method for User-Generated Content Videos CODE -
[TMM 2024]
Content-Adaptive Rate-Distortion Modeling for Frame-Level Rate Control in Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TBC 2024]
Spatial Coupling Strategy and Improved BFGS-Based Advanced Rate Control for VVC CODE -
[VCIP 2023]
Reinforcement Learning-based Frame-level Bit Allocation for VVC CODE -
[MMSP 2023]
Rate control for VVC intra coding with simplified cubic rate-distortion model CODE -
[TIP 2023]
Joint decision tree and visual feature rate control optimization for VVC UHD coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
λ -domain VVC rate control based on Nash equilibrium CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
Neural Network Based Rate Control for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
Efficient Rate Control in Versatile Video Coding With Adaptive Spatial–Temporal Bit Allocation and Parameter Updating CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
A CTU-Level Screen Content Rate Control for Low-Delay Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TBC 2023]
Precise Encoding Complexity Control for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[VCIP 2023]
Rate Control Optimization for Joint Geometry and Attribute Coding of LiDAR Point Clouds CODE -
[TIP 2023]
SUR-Driven Video Coding Rate Control for Jointly Optimizing Perceptual Quality and Buffer Control CODE -
[Information Sciences 2023]
Rate distortion optimization with adaptive content modeling for random-access versatile video coding CODE -
[MMSP 2022]
Reinforcement Learning based Low Delay Rate Control for HEVC Region of Interest Coding CODE -
[TBC 2022]
Optimum Quality Control Algorithm for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TIP 2022]
Joint Decision Tree and Visual Feature Rate Control Optimization for VVC UHD Coding CODE -
[TBC 2022]
Perceptual quality consistency oriented CTU level rate control for HEVC intra coding CODE -
[TIP 2022]
Learning-Based Rate Control for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression CODE -
[ArXiv 2022]
MuZero with Self-competition for Rate Control in VP9 Video Compression CODE -
[ArXiv 2022]
λ-domain VVC Rate Control Based on Game Theory CODE -
[MIPR 2022]
Machine-Learning Based High Efficiency Rate Control for AV1 CODE -
[Multimedia Tools and Applications 2021]
New bufferless rate control for high efficiency video coding CODE -
[ACM MM 2021]
Game theory-driven rate control for 360-degree video coding CODE -
[TIP 2021]
Multi-Objective Optimization of Quality in VVC Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Coding CODE -
[TCC 2021]
Hybrid Distortion-Based Rate-Distortion Optimization and Rate Control for H.265/HEVC CODE -
[DCC 2021]
A Viewport-Adaptive Rate Control Approach for Omnidirectional Video Coding CODE -
[DCC 2021]
A Dual-Critic Reinforcement Learning Framework for Frame-Level Bit Allocation in HEVC/H.265 CODE(The code page may be out of date, you can access the code by mail me xiongweixiao@foxmail.com) -
[ICME 2021]
Machine learning-based rate distortion modeling for VVC/H.266 intra-frame CODE -
[TCSVT 2021]
Rate control for predictive transform screen content video coding based on RANSAC CODE -
[TCSVT 2021]
High Efficiency Rate Control for Versatile Video Coding Based on Composite Cauchy Distribution CODE -
[TBC 2021]
A Bit Allocation Method Based on Inter-View Dependency and Spatio-Temporal Correlation for Multi-View Texture Video Coding CODE -
[TII 2021]
Consistent Quality Oriented Rate Control in HEVC Via Balancing Intra and Inter Frame Coding CODE -
[VCIP 2020]
Neural Rate Control for Video Encoding using Imitation Learning CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
Global rate-distortion optimization-based rate control for HEVC HDR coding CODE -
[TBC 2020]
A novel rate control scheme for video coding in HEVC-SCC CODE -
[TIP 2020]
Rate Control for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression CODE -
[TMM 2020]
Rate Control Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Video Sequences in HEVC CODE -
[DCC 2020]
A Rate Control Scheme for HEVC Intra Coding Using Convolution Neural Network (CNN) CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Yoco: Light-Weight Rate Control Model Learning CODE -
[ICASSP 2020]
Intra Frame Rate Control for Versatile Video Coding with Quadratic Rate-Distortion Modelling CODE -
[Multimedia Tools and Applications 2020]
FJND-based fuzzy rate control of scalable video for streaming applications CODE -
[TBC 2019]
Data-driven rate control for rate-distortion optimization in HEVC based on simplified effective initial QP learning CODE -
[TIP 2019]
Optimize x265 rate control: An exploration of lookahead in frame bit allocation and slice type decision CODE -
[PCS 2019]
Predicting Rate Control Target Through A Learning Based Content Adaptive Model CODE
[TBC 2024]
An Efficient and Flexible Complexity Control Method for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TBC 2024]
Fast Mode and CU Splitting Decision for Intra Prediction in VVC SCC CODE -
[TBC 2024]
Learning-Based Efficient Quantizer Selection for Fast HEVC Encoder CODE -
[JVCIP 2024]
Exploring the rate-distortion-complexity optimization in neural image compression☆ CODE -
[VCIP 2024]
Fast Machine Learning Aided Intra Mode Decision for Real-Time VVC Intra Coding CODE -
[SPL 2024]
VVC Intra Coding Complexity Optimization Based on Early Skipping of the Secondary Transform CODE -
[TBC 2023]
Precise Encoding Complexity Control for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TBC 2023]
Complexity-Efficient Dependent Quantization for Versatile Video Coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2023]
Learning-Based Early Transform Skip Mode Decision for VVC Screen Content Coding CODE -
[PCS 2022]
Performance-Complexity Analysis of Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-based Classification CODE -
[TCSVT 2022]
Configurable Fast Block Partitioning for VVC Intra Coding Using Light Gradient Boosting Machine CODE -
[ISCAS 2022]
Intra encoding complexity control with a time-cost model for versatile video coding CODE -
[ISCAS 2022]
Fast Affine Motion Estimation for VVC using Machine-Learning-Based Early Search Termination CODE -
[ICIP 2022]
CNN-Based Fast CU Partitioning Algorithm for VVC Intra Coding CODE -
[IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems 2021]
AV1 and VVC Video Codecs: Overview on Complexity Reduction and Hardware Design CODE -
[SPIC 2021]
SVM based approach for complexity control of HEVC intra coding CODE -
[TBC 2021]
Early intra CU size decision for versatile video coding based on a tunable decision model CODE -
[ISCAS 2021]
SVM based fast cu partitioning algorithm for VVC intra coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2021]
VVC Complexity and Software Implementation Analysis CODE -
[TCSVT 2021]
Fast DST-VII/DCT-VIII with dual implementation support for versatile video coding CODE -
[TCSVT 2021]
Modeling acceleration properties for flexible INTRA HEVC complexity control CODE -
[ICIP 2020]
Complexity Analysis Of Next-Generation VVC Encoding And Decoding CODE -
[TIP 2020]
Accelerate CTU Partition to Real Time for HEVC Encoding With Complexity Control CODE -
[TCSVT 2020]
Low-complexity CTU partition structure decision and fast intra mode decision for versatile video coding CODE -
[TIP 2020]
Online learning-based multi-stage complexity control for live video coding CODE -
[MMSP 2019]
Complexity reduction opportunities in the future VVC intra encoder CODE -
[TIP 2019]
Complexity control in the HEVC intracoding for industrial video applications CODE -
[TIP 2019]
Tunable VVC frame partitioning based on lightweight machine learning CODE -
[ICME 2019]
Two-stage fast multiple transform selection algorithm for VVC intra coding CODE -
[ICIP 2019]
Fast partitioning decision strategies for the upcoming versatile video coding (VVC) standard CODE -
[TMM 2019]
CTU-level complexity control for high efficiency video coding CODE -
[JRTIP 2017]
Complexity control of HEVC encoders targeting real-time constraints CODE -
[TCSVT 2016]
Pareto-based method for high efficiency video coding with limited encoding time CODE -
[TCSVT 2016]
Subjective-driven complexity control approach for HEVC CODE -
[ACCESS 2016]
Hierarchical complexity control of HEVC for live video encoding CODE -
[TMM 2016]
Complexity control based on a fast coding unit decision method in the HEVC video coding standard CODE
[TCSVT 2021]
Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applications, Coding Tools, and Performance CODE
[Proceedings of the IEEE 2021]
Developments in International Video Coding Standardization After AVC, With an Overview of Versatile Video Coding (VVC) CODE
Neural network-based image codecs.
[CoRR 2014]
Auto-encoders: reconstruction versus compression- Key Idea: Theoretical exploration of autoencoders for compression by minimizing code length.
- Code: Not Provided
[CoRR 2016]
Towards Conceptual Compression- Key Idea: Recurrent VAE for latent space learning in conceptual compression.
- Code: Not Provided
[ICLR 2016]
Autoencoding beyond pixels using a learned similarity metric- Key Idea: KL divergence-based VAE for image generation.
- Code: Not Provided
[ICLR 2016]
Variable Rate Image Compression with Recurrent Neural Networks- Key Idea: Adaptive RNN-based compression on Kodak dataset.
- Code: https://github.com/mr-mikmik/VRIC-RNN
[CVPR 2017]
Full Resolution Image Compression with Recurrent Neural Networks- Key Idea: Combines RNN and entropy encoding for high MS-SSIM.
- Code: https://github.com/1zb/pytorch-image-comp-rnn
[DCC 2017]
Semantic Perceptual Image Compression using Deep Convolution Networks- Key Idea: Semantic-aware compression with CNN.
- Code: https://github.com/iamaaditya/image-compression-cnn
[CVPR 2018]
Variational Autoencoder for Low Bit-rate Image Compression- Key Idea: Nonlinear encoder + uniform quantizer for low-bitrate compression.
- Code: Not Provided | Bibtex: See [Ref 47]
[NIPS 2018]
Joint Autoregressive and Hierarchical Priors for Learned Image Compression- Key Idea: Hybrid autoregressive and hierarchical priors for entropy modeling.
- Code
[CVPR 2018]
Deep Image Compression via End-to-End Learning- Key Idea: End-to-end CNN framework with CLIC 2018 dataset.
- Code: Not Provided
[NIPS 2018]
Non-local Recurrent Network for Image Restoration- Key Idea: Integrates non-local operations with RNN for artifact reduction.
- Code
[ICCV 2019]
Generative adversarial networks for extreme learned image compression- Key Idea: GAN-based compression targeting <0.1 bpp with selective generative modules.
- Code: GitHub
[WACV 2020]
CompressNet: Generative Compression at Extremely Low Bitrates- Key Idea: Combines MSE, adversarial, and layer-wise losses for ultra-low bpp.
- Code
[ICIP 2020]
Channel-Wise Autoregressive Entropy Models for Learned Image Compression- Key Idea: Channel-wise autoregressive entropy model for ultra-low bpp (0.01921).
- Code
[TIP 2021]
End-to-End Learnt Image Compression via Non-Local Attention Optimization- Key Idea: Non-local attention modules (NLAM) for global context modeling.
- Code: GitHub | Bibtex: See [Ref 48]
[TCSVT 2021]
Learned Block-based Hybrid Image Compression- Key Idea: Block-based partitioning to address OOM issues in high-resolution images.
- Code: Not Provided
[CVPR 2022 Oral]
ELIC: Efficient Learned Image Compression with Unevenly Grouped Space-Channel Context- Key Idea: Advanced entropy modeling with channel-wise and spatial context grouping.
- Code | Bibtex: See [Ref ELIC]
[CVPR 2024]
ELIC: Efficient Learned Image Compression with Unevenly Grouped Space-Channel Context- Key Idea: Advanced entropy modeling with channel-wise context.
- Code
[ICLR 2024]
Towards Image Compression with Perfect Realism at Ultra-Low Bitrates- Key Idea: Using Stable Diffusion v2.1 (Rombach et al., CVPR 2022) as latent diffusion model and hence refer to our work as PerCo (SD)
- Code
Rate & Complexity Control codecs.
Solutions for live streaming/teleconferencing.
[ACM MM 2023]
LVC: Latency-Aware Neural Video Compression with Frame-Level Parallelism, Chen et al.
Name | Content | Resolution | Annotations | Link |
UVG | 16 diverse video sequences | Up to 4K | PSNR, MS-SSIM | Download |
CLIC 2023 | User-generated videos | 1080p/4K | Subjective scores | Website |
Metric | Type | Description | Code |
LPIPS-V | FR | Perceptual similarity for videos | GitHub |
VMAF | FR | Netflix's video quality metric | GitHub |
Name | Description | Link |
CompressAI | PyTorch library for learned image/video compression | GitHub |
NNVCC | Toolkit for neural video coding research | GitHub |
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