assessing privacy of tabular metadata (with some BIDS bonuses like reading the json dictionary file)
Free and Open Source Photo Libraries
📚 Import Bibtex publications and Jupyter Notebook blog posts into your Markdown website or book. 将Bibtex转换为Markdown网站
Tools to scrape publication metadata from pubmed, arxiv, medrxiv, biorxiv and chemrxiv.
Self-supervised learning techniques for neuroimaging data inspired by prominent learning frameworks in natural language processing + One of the broadest neuroimaging datasets used for pre-training …
A framework for evaluating models on their alignment to brain and behavioral measurements (100+ benchmarks)
State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
📓 eLabFTW is the most popular open source electronic lab notebook for research labs.
Download build logs and artifacts from GitHub Actions, Travis, and Appveyor
Installing PsychoPy on Linux can be challenging, so I've created an installer to make the process easier and more streamlined.
Web guided ReproIn MR scan sequence namer and name->nifti pipeline checker
Benchmarking for NWB-related operations.
Research Data Management with DataLad
332739854 files, 374.4 TB, Light sheet imaging of the human brain
18010151 files, 38.4 TB, Human brain cell census for BA 44/45
Container-based Replication of
check code for common misspellings
Open and REproducible neurOimaging: from study inception to publication | Jupyter Book
Use rclone supported cloud storage providers with git-annex
Govee H5072, H5074, H5075, H5100, H5101, H5104, H5105, H5174, H5177, H5179, H5181, H5182, and H5183 Bluetooth Low Energy Temperature and Humidity Logger
A non-official clone of git-annex established for DataLad purposes. No PRs will be merged, but could be used to test perspective git-annex patches. Official git-annex repository: https://git.kitene…
831 Dandisets, 839.8 TB total. DataLad super-dataset of all Dandisets from