Panda is a universal styling solution for the modern web —
build time, type safe, and scalable CSS-in-JS
- ⚡️ Write style objects or style props, extract them at build time
- ✨ Modern CSS output — cascade layers
, css variables and more - 🦄 Works with most JavaScript frameworks
- 🚀 Recipes and Variants - Just like Stitches™️ ✨
- 🎨 High-level design tokens support for simultaneous themes
- 💪 Type-safe styles and autocomplete (via codegen)
🐼 Get a taste of Panda. Try it out for yourself in StackBlitz
Visit our official documentation.
The recommended way to install the latest version of Astro is by running the command below:
npm i -D @pandacss/dev
To scaffold the panda config and postcss
npx panda init -p
Setup and import the entry CSS file
@layer reset, base, tokens, recipes, utilities;
import 'path/to/entry.css'
Start the dev server of your project
npm run dev
Start using panda
import { css } from '../styled-system/css'
import { stack, vstack, hstack } from '../styled-system/patterns'
function Example() {
return (
<div className={hstack({ gap: '30px', color: 'pink.300' })}>Box 1</div>
<div className={css({ fontSize: 'lg', color: 'red.400' })}>Box 2</div>
Package | Description |
cli | CLI package installed by the end user |
core | Contains core features of Panda (utility, recipes, etc) |
config | Contains functions for reading and merging the panda config |
extractor | Contains code for fast AST parsing and scanning |
generator | Contains codegen artifacts (js, css, jsx) |
parser | Contains code for parsing a source code |
is-valid-prop | Contains code for checking if a prop is a valid css prop |
node | Contains the Node.js API of Panda's features |
token-dictionary | Contains code used to process tokens and semantic tokens |
shared | Contains shared TS functions |
Having trouble? Get help in the official Panda Discord.
The development of Panda was only possible due to the inspiration and ideas from these amazing projects.
- Chakra UI - where it all started
- Vanilla Extract - for inspiring the utilities API
- Stitches - for inspiring the recipes and variants API
- Tailwind CSS - for inspiring the JIT compiler and strategy
- Class Variance Authority - for inspiring the
name - Styled System - for the initial idea of Styled Props
- Linaria - for inspiring the initial atomic css strategy
- Uno CSS - for inspiring the studio and astro integration
MIT License © 2023-Present Segun Adebayo