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A C++11 non-blocking network library

EventBase events dispatcher
tcp connection
tcp server
http server
half sync half async server


#include <handy/handy.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace handy;

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    EventBase base;
    //handle ctrl+c
    Signal::signal(SIGINT, [&]{ base.exit(); }); 
    TcpServer echo(&base);
    int r = echo.bind("", 2099);
    exitif(r, "bind failed %d %s", errno, strerror(errno));
    echo.onConnRead([](const TcpConnPtr& con) {
    base.loop(); //enter events loop

EventBase: events dispatcher

EventBase is an events dispatcher,use epoll/kqueue to handle non-blocking I/O
EventBase base;

events loop

//call epoll_wait repeatedly, handle I/O events

exit events loop

//exit events loop, can be called from other threads

is events loop exited?

bool exited();

add tcp connection

TcpConnPtr con = TcpConn::createConnection(&base, host, port);

add listen fd, and will add all socket return by accept(listen_fd)

TcpServer echo(&base);

perform tasks in I/O thread

Some tasks must be called from I/O thread, for example writing some data to connection. In order to avoid conflicting read/write, the operation should be performed in a single thread.

void safeCall(const Task& task);


manage timeout tasks

EventBase will make itself return by setting a wait time form epoll_wait/kevent. It will check and call timeout tasks. The precision rely on epoll_wait/kevent

//interval: 0:once task;>0:repeated task, task will be execute every interval milliseconds
TimerId runAfter(int64_t milli, const Task& task, int64_t interval=0);
//runAt will specify the absolute time
TimerId runAt(int64_t milli, const Task& task, int64_t interval=0)
//cancel Task, Ignore if task is already removed or expired.
bool cancel(TimerId timerid);

TimerId tid = base.runAfter(1000, []{ info("a second passed"); });

TcpConn tcp connection

use shared_ptr to manage connection, no need to release manually

reference count

typedef std::shared_ptr<TcpConn> TcpConnPtr;


enum State { Invalid=1, Handshaking, Connected, Closed, Failed, };


TcpConnPtr con = TcpConn::createConnection(base, host, port);
con->onState([=](const TcpConnPtr& con) {
    info("onState called state: %d", con->getState());
con->onRead([](const TcpConnPtr& con){
    info("recv %lu bytes", con->getInput().size());

reconnect setting

//set reconnect. -1: no reconnect; 0 :reconnect now; other: wait millisecond; default -1
void setReconnectInterval(int milli);

callback for idle

void addIdleCB(int idle, const TcpCallBack& cb);

//close connection if idle for 30 seconds
con->addIdleCB(30, [](const TcpConnPtr& con)) { con->close(); });

Message mode

you can onRead or onMsg to handle message

//message callback, confict with onRead callback. You should set only one of these
//codec will be released when connection destroyed
void onMsg(CodecBase* codec, const MsgCallBack& cb);
//send message
void sendMsg(Slice msg);

con->onMsg(new LineCodec, [](const TcpConnPtr& con, Slice msg) {
    info("recv msg: %.*s", (int)msg.size(),;

store you own data

template<class T> T& context();

con->context<std::string>() = "user defined data";


### example
TcpServer echo(&base);
int r = echo.bind("", 2099);
exitif(r, "bind failed %d %s", errno, strerror(errno));
echo.onConnRead([](const TcpConnPtr& con) {
    con->send(con->getInput()); // echo data read

customize your connection

when TcpServer accept a connection, it will call this to create an TcpConn

void onConnCreate(const std::function<TcpConnPtr()>& cb);

    TcpConnPtr con(new TcpConn);
    con->onState([&](const TcpConnPtr& con) {
        if (con->getState() == TcpConn::Connected) {
            con->context<int>() = 1;
    return con;


HttpServer sample(&base);
int r = sample.bind("", 8081);
exitif(r, "bind failed %d %s", errno, strerror(errno));
sample.onGet("/hello", [](const HttpConnPtr& con) {
   HttpResponse resp;
   resp.body = Slice("hello world");

half sync half async server

// empty string indicates unfinished handling of request. You may operate on con as you like.
void onMsg(CodecBase* codec, const RetMsgCallBack& cb);

hsha.onMsg(new LineCodec, [](const TcpConnPtr& con, const string& input){
    int ms = rand() % 1000;
    info("processing a msg");
    usleep(ms * 1000);
    return util::format("%s used %d ms", input.c_str(), ms);
