Web search in 3 steps with fuzzy selection based on csv files.
- Download link
- Version number follow Semantic Versioning (Major.Minor.Patch).
- Release when:
- Major upgrade
- Minor upgrade
- Hotfix Patch
+ keyword for web search then pressReturn
- CSV file name
- choose website
+ keyword for web search then holdCMD(β)
and pressReturn
- choose website
=> Openlist.csv
and holdCMD(β)
=> Reveallist.csv
in finder.sflcsv [any command]
=> Launchlist.csv
via the given command. ex:sflcsv subl
(open CSV file in sublime text)sflcsv [any command with argument]
=> Launchlist.csv
via the given command and argument. ex:sflcsv open -a safari
(Open CSV file in Safari)
- Change the launch keyword in workflow environment variables settings.
The workflow will:
- Save the search keyword to
. - Replace
in thelist.csv
arg volume with{var:keyword}
. - Open the arg (supposed to be a url) and copy
to clipboard.
- The workflow will check given command first.
- Open file if command not exist or without permission.
- For fuzzy search, check alfred-fuzzy
- For fuzzy list filter, check fuzzylist