smart-shopping-list Public
An exercise in walking in mentees' shoes to understand and empathize.
stylestage-sketch Public
An exercise in learning modern CSS and applying it to create a Style Stage theme for submission. Follow along if you'd like.
digital-gardeners Public
Forked from MaggieAppleton/digital-gardenersResources, links, projects, and ideas for gardeners tending their digital notes on the public interwebs
hiring-without-whiteboards Public
Forked from poteto/hiring-without-whiteboards⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
eleventy-bragdoc Public
Forked from emilyyleung/eleventy-bragdocEleventy theme inspired by Julia Evan's Brag Document. Original Bragdocs design by Jonny Burch and the team at Progression.app
CSS MIT License UpdatedJan 28, 2022 -
css-in-readme-like-wat Public
Forked from sindresorhus/css-in-readme-like-watStyle your readme using CSS with this simple trick
1 UpdatedAug 11, 2021 -
smart-shopping-list-template Public template
Forked from the-collab-lab/smart-shopping-list-deprecatedSmart Shopping List Template
foam-template Public template
Forked from foambubble/foam-templateFoam workpace template
foamy-nextjs Public archive
Basic Foam + NextJS with MDX starter for building a digital garden
stylestage-sass Public template
Forked from 5t3ph/stylestage-sassA starter for Style Stage submissions with the source Sass from the base theme + BrowserSync.
coding-fonts Public
Forked from CSS-Tricks/coding-fontshttps://coding-fonts.css-tricks.com/
foam Public
Forked from foambubble/foamA personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode
mdx-embed Public
Forked from PaulieScanlon/mdx-embedEmbed 3rd party media content in MDX - no import required 🧽
open-pixel-art Public
Forked from twilio-labs/open-pixel-artA collaborative pixel art project to teach people how to contribute to open-source
techtonica Public
Forked from Techtonica/techtonica.orgThis repo is for the Techtonica website: techtonica.org
hb_project_petshare Public archive
A learning project to practice coding during Hackbright Academy bootcamp.
yenly.github.io_archived Public archive
Portfolio site built with react & redux using react-router and material-ui packages.
express_react_starter Public archive
A starter repo connecting Express and React client bootstrapped by Create React App. Deploy ready for Heroku.
fe_sandbox Public archive
Repo for creative play and testing for all things UI/UX related.
feathers_chat Public archive
Example chat app from FeathersJS docs.
learn_redux Public archive
Review of Redux fundamentals along with React and React Router.
kodo_no_boken Public archive
Kōdo No Bōken (コードの冒険) translates to Code Adventures. A simple blog to help me stay accountable to my learning and my progress in building projects.
react_fun Public archive
Review of React fundamentals along with PropTypes & React Router 4