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Vulnerable code snippet (Vsnippet) banner YesWeHack Github repository

Vulnerabilities | Programming languages | Run a vulnerable code snippet | Installation | Update

YesWeHack present code snippets containing several different vulnerabilities to practice your code analysis in a safe dockerized envoriment. The vulnerable code snippets are suitable for all skill levels.

~ New vulnerable code snippet at Twitter @yeswehack every Friday! πŸ—’

If you want to see something special or if you just have an idea about a vulnerable code snippet, feel free to create a "New Issue" where you explain your idea, no idea is stupid.

⚠️ Be aware

Be sure to run this in a secure environment, as the code is vulnerable and is intended to be used for learning code analysis! By default, all vulnerable code snippets contain a docker setup that isolates the code from your host system and make it safe to run (read more in the section : "Run a vulnerable code snippet").

Twitter (X) posts

A Collection of all vulnerable code snippets posted on our Twitter πŸ“‚

ID Vulnerability Description
πŸ“œ#1 SQLi & XSS Backslash filter collide
πŸ“œ#2 Improper file access & XSS Invalid char and regex verificaion
πŸ“œ#3 Log Forging injection, Path traversal & Code injection Poor filter and improper include() handling
πŸ“œ#4 XSS Invalid user input filter
πŸ“œ#5 SSRF & Broken authorization Trusted user input and client IP from header
πŸ“œ#6 SSTI Mixed input format
πŸ“œ#7 SQLi Use of invalid variable within statement
πŸ“œ#8 CSRF No CSRF token included
πŸ“œ#9 Open Redirect Invalid regex handler
πŸ“œ#10 DOM XSS Backend filter collide with client side JavaScript
πŸ“œ#11 CORS Misconfigured Access-Control-Allow header
πŸ“œ#12 CSRF/ClickJacking GET request CSRF with insecure delete process / ClickJacking - X-Frame-Options set in HTML meta tag
πŸ“œ#13 Path Traversal/Unrestricted File Upload Poor Path Traversal and file upload protection results in a code injection
πŸ“œ#14 DOS Incorrect operator handler in "for loop"
πŸ“œ#15 Weak Password Recovery Mechanism for Forgotten Password Weak hash for password recovery
πŸ“œ#16 IDOR insecure if statement leads to improper access control
πŸ“œ#17 Insecure deserialization Execute trusted user input inside pickle function loads()
πŸ“œ#18 Path Traversal Improper user validation of filename
πŸ“œ#19 Open Redirect Invalid handling of user-controlled input "location.hash"
πŸ“œ#20 SQL injection Invalid use of function replace(), The char is only replaced once
πŸ“œ#21 PostMessage DOM XSS No origin validation, leading to PostMessage DOM XSS
πŸ“œ#22 XSS/OpenRedirect The filter protection does not filter all special characters that can be used to exploit the vulnerabilities
πŸ“œ#23 Buffer overflow Take user's STDIN input with the gets() function without checking the buffer size
πŸ“œ#24 SQL injection Incorrect use of the PHP function addslashes()
πŸ“œ#25 XSS - CSP bypass No validation of user input along with insecure handling of nonce
πŸ“œ#26 Path Traversal The filter provided by the PHP function "preg_replace()" is limited to filtering only the first 10 characters
πŸ“œ#27 Web Cache Poisoning The HTTP header Referer is reflected in the cached response body without being filtered
πŸ“œ#28 Business logic vulnerability An attacker can withdraw negative amounts to increase the overall balance of their account
πŸ“œ#29 IDOR An attacker can gain access to sensitive data from other users by performing a Forced browsing attack
πŸ“œ#30 Insecure deserialization Use of a dangerous function (exec) that can be controlled by the user, resulting in an RCE
πŸ“œ#31 LFI No proper character escaping or filter verification. The include() function executes all PHP code in the given file, no matter the file extension, resulting in code injection
πŸ“œ#32 Format injection! Format a string containing values provided by the client, resulting in a format injection
πŸ“œ#33 SQL injection (second order) All SQL queries use prepared statements except the last one. This statement extracts a value from the database that was once controlled by the user and adds it to the SQL query, leading to an SQL injection (second order)
πŸ“œ#34 Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) Poorly configured regex pattern used to filter user-controlled input
πŸ“œ#35 XSS Trusted user input in GET parameter
πŸ“œ#36 Unrestricted File Upload Insufficient validation of the file extension of the uploaded file and missed validation of the file content
πŸ“œ#37 SSRF Insecure handling of the proxy header X-Forwarded-Host and cURL leading to a full SSRF
πŸ“œ#38 Code injection The user can write customised content to a selected file which is then launched on the vulnerable system
πŸ“œ#39 LFI Exploitation of an LFI make it possible to run the tool pearcmd resulting in a remote code execution
πŸ“œ#40 Unrestricted File Upload The php3 extension can be used to execute php code due to the configuration in the Apache proxy.
πŸ“œ#41 Command injection Invalid usage of escapeshellcmd lead to a command injection vulnerability
πŸ“œ#42 Command injection No validation of user input is performed, leading to a command injection vulnerability
πŸ“œ#43 SSTI Improper usage of templte engine leading to a SSTI which result in an RCE


Programming languages

Also included

Run a vulnerable code snippet

In each vulnerable code snippet (Vsnippet) folder there is a docker-compose.yml file. To start a Vsnippet in an isolated docker environment simply run the following command:

docker compose up --build


docker-compose up --build


git clone


To get the latest vulnerable code snippets, run:

git pull

~ H4v3 y0u f0und th3 E4st3r 3gg y3t? πŸ‡πŸͺΊ

For questions, help or if you have discovered a problem with the code. Contact us on Twitter: @yeswehack πŸ“¬