monadic-chat Public
🤖 + 🐳 + 🐧 Monadic Chat is a locally hosted web application designed to create and utilize intelligent chatbots. By providing a Linux environment on Docker to GPT and other LLMs, it enables code exe…
rsyntaxtree Public
Syntax tree generator for linguistic research
openai-chat-api-workflow Public
🎩 An Alfred 5 Workflow for using OpenAI Chat API to interact with GPT models 🤖💬 It also allows image generation 🖼️, image understanding 👀, speech-to-text conversion 🎤, and text-to-speech synthesis 🔈
finder-unclutter Public
An Alfred 🎩 workflow that removes duplicate Finder tabs and windows and arranges them into a single or dual-pane 👓 layout for a cleaner desktop experience 🖥️ 🧹
fzf-alfred-workflow Public
An Alfred workflow fo fuzzy find files/directories using fzf and fd.
engtagger Public
English Part-of-Speech Tagger Library; a Ruby port of Lingua::EN::Tagger
code-packager Public
📦 A set of bash scripts that package and unpack your codebase into and from a single JSON file, ready to be analyzed and understood by large language models (LLMs) like GPT, Claude, Command R, and …
monadic-chat-cli Public
Highly configurable CLI app for OpenAI's chat/text completion API
ruby-spacy Public
A wrapper module for using spaCy natural language processing library from the Ruby programming language via PyCall
tmux-nerd-font-window-name Public
Forked from joshmedeski/tmux-nerd-font-window-nameNerd Font icons for your tmux windows
Shell UpdatedAug 12, 2024 -
five-block-timer Public
⏱️ Five Block Timer is a flexible and customizable web-based timer app designed to help manage time effectively. It allows for the creation of up to four distinct time blocks plus an initial countd…
json-schema Public
Forked from voxpupuli/json-schemaRuby JSON Schema Validator
whisper-stream Public
A bash script using OpenAI Whisper API for continuous audio transcription with automatic silence detection
An Alfred workflow to help translate and rewrite text using DeepL API
awesome-chatgpt-api Public
Forked from reorx/awesome-chatgpt-apiCurated list of apps and tools that not only use the new ChatGPT API, but also allow users to configure their own API keys, enabling free and on-demand usage of their own quota.
awesome-ruby-ai Public
Forked from alexrudall/awesome-ruby-aiA list of awesome AI projects built in Ruby! 🤖❤️
UpdatedJul 26, 2023 -
rubyfca Public
Command line tool for Formal Concept Analysis written in Ruby
wp2txt Public
A command-line toolkit to extract text content and category data from Wikipedia dump files
fastmail-plus Public
A Chrome extension to make Fastmail web UI more usable and productive
openai-cookbook Public
Forked from openai/openai-cookbookExamples and guides for using the OpenAI API
mermaid-cli Public
Forked from mermaid-js/mermaid-cliCommand line tool for the Mermaid library
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2022 -
monet.js Public
Forked from monet/monet.jsmonet.js - Monadic types library for JavaScript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 19, 2022 -
vim-command-workflow Public
An Alfred workflow to search Vim command cheat sheet + type commands
ruby-nlp Public
Forked from diasks2/ruby-nlpA collection of links to Ruby Natural Language Processing (NLP) libraries, tools and software
UpdatedAug 27, 2022