based on fairseq framework(
--bert :BERT related codes :BERT pytorch implementation :BERT tokenizer :BERT read ckpts etc utils
--examples/speech_recognition :inference related codes :wav-cif-bert infer entrance :wav-cif-bert infer implementation :Linguistic-Guide infer entrance :Linguistic-Guide infer implementation :Acoustic-Guide infer entrance :Acoustic-Guide infer implementation :Cross-Modal infer entrance :Cross-Modal infer implementation :Adapter-BERT infer entrance :Adapter-BERT infer implementation
--criterions :criterion related codes :Acoustic-Guide criterion :Linguistic-Guide criterion :Cross-Modal criterion :Adapter-BERT criterion :wav-cif-bert criterion :Embedding Replacement criterion
--data :dataset related codes :wav-bert dataset :wav-cif-bert dataset
--task :training task related codes :wav-cif-bert task :wav-bert task
--models/wav2vec :network implementation codes :wav-cif-bert model code :Cross-Modal model code :Cross-Modal without gate model code :Embedding Replacement model code :Linguistic-Guide model code :Acoustic-Guide model code :Adapter-BERT model code
training swahili cross-model
exp_name=swahili_cross_model_1 && \
dataset_dir=/code/manifest/202-swahili/ && \
valid_subset=eval && \ && bert_model=bert_multi \
model_name=wav2bert_masked_predict_fusion_two_way_gate_ctc_to_bert && \
output_path=./output && \
python --distributed-world-size 1 $dataset_dir --save-dir $output_path/ckpts/$exp_name --fp16 \
--post-process bert_bpe_piece --valid-subset $valid_subset --no-epoch-checkpoints --best-checkpoint-metric wer --num-workers 4 \
--max-update 200000 --sentence-avg --task wav2bert_task --arch $model_name --sample-rate 16000 \
--w2v-path $load_ckpt --update-freq 4 --ctc-weight 0.5 --mlm-weight 0.5 --fusion-v2 \
--labels wrd --apply-mask --mask-selection static --mask-other 0 --mask-length 10 --mask-prob 0.65 --layerdrop 0.1 \
--mask-channel-selection static --mask-channel-other 0 --mask-channel-length 64 --mask-channel-prob 0.5 --zero-infinity \
--feature-grad-mult 1.0 --freeze-finetune-updates 10000 --validate-after-updates 10000 --optimizer adam \
--adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --adam-eps 1e-08 --lr 5e-05 --lr-scheduler tri_stage --warmup-steps 10000 --hold-steps 90000 \
--decay-steps 100000 --final-lr-scale 0.05 --final-dropout 0.0 --dropout 0.0 --activation-dropout 0.1 --criterion ctc_two_way \
--attention-dropout 0.0 --max-tokens 640000 --seed 2337 --log-format json --log-interval 500 --ddp-backend no_c10d \
--adapter-dimension 512 --decoder-bert-model-name $bert_model --tensorboard-logdir $output_path/tensorboard/$exp_name \
--different-tokens-v2 --lexicon $bert_model/dict.multi.txt --add-input \
--mix-ctc-deocde-prob-range "(0.1,0.9)" --mix-ctc-step-range "(100000, 200000)" --fuse-input --fuse-input-gate \
--validate-interval 5 \
training aishell cross-model
exp_name=aishell_cross_model_1 && \
dataset_dir=/code/manifest/aishell && \
valid_subset=dev && && bert_model=bert_chinese \
model_name=wav2bert_masked_predict_fusion_two_way_gate_ctc_to_bert && \
output_path=./output && \
python --distributed-world-size 1 $dataset_dir --save-dir $output_path/ckpts/$exp_name --fp16 \
--post-process letter --valid-subset $valid_subset --no-epoch-checkpoints --best-checkpoint-metric wer --num-workers 4 \
--max-update 200000 --sentence-avg --task wav2bert_task --arch $model_name --sample-rate 16000 \
--w2v-path $load_ckpt --update-freq 4 --ctc-weight 0.5 --mlm-weight 0.5 --fusion-v2 \
--labels ltr --apply-mask --mask-selection static --mask-other 0 --mask-length 10 --mask-prob 0.65 --layerdrop 0.1 \
--mask-channel-selection static --mask-channel-other 0 --mask-channel-length 64 --mask-channel-prob 0.5 --zero-infinity \
--feature-grad-mult 1.0 --freeze-finetune-updates 10000 --validate-after-updates 10000 --optimizer adam \
--adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --adam-eps 1e-08 --lr 5e-05 --lr-scheduler tri_stage --warmup-steps 10000 --hold-steps 90000 \
--decay-steps 100000 --final-lr-scale 0.05 --final-dropout 0.0 --dropout 0.0 --activation-dropout 0.1 --criterion ctc_two_way \
--attention-dropout 0.0 --max-tokens 640000 --seed 2337 --log-format json --log-interval 500 --ddp-backend no_c10d \
--adapter-dimension 512 --decoder-bert-model-name $bert_model --tensorboard-logdir $output_path/tensorboard/$exp_name \
--lexicon $bert_model/dict.en.txt --add-input \
--mix-ctc-deocde-prob-range "(0.1,0.9)" --mix-ctc-step-range "(100000, 200000)" --fuse-input --fuse-input-gate --period-index 119 --chinese-cer
training wav-cif-bert
python $DATA_DIR \
--save-dir $SAVE_DIR --tensorboard-logdir $TENSORBOARD_DIR \
--train-subset train --valid-subset valid --no-epoch-checkpoints \
--labels $label_type --num-workers 4 --max-update 200000 \
--lambda-ctc 2.0 --lambda-qua 0.2 --lambda-am 0.8 --lambda-lm 0.2 \
--arch w2v_cif_bert --task audio_cif_bert --criterion nar_qua_ctc_ce --best-checkpoint-metric uer \
--w2v-path $W2V_PATH --bert-name $BERT --infer-threash 0.8 \
--apply-mask --mask-selection static --mask-other 0 --mask-length 2 --mask-prob 0.1 --layerdrop 0.1 \
--mask-channel-selection static --mask-channel-other 0 --mask-channel-length 64 --mask-channel-prob 0.5 \
--feature-grad-mult 0.0 --freeze-finetune-updates 10000 --freeze-lm-finetune-updates 10000 \
--gold-rate-steps '(10000, 80000)' --gold-rate-range '(0.9, 0.2)' \
--validate-after-updates 10000 --validate-interval 4 --save-interval 4 \
--optimizer adam --adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --adam-eps 1e-08 --lr 5e-05 --lr-scheduler tri_stage \
--warmup-steps 10000 --hold-steps 90000 --decay-steps 100000 --final-lr-scale 0.05 \
--final-dropout 0.0 --dropout 0.0 --activation-dropout 0.1 \
--attention-dropout 0.0 --max-tokens 640000 --seed 2337 --ddp-backend no_c10d --update-freq 4 \
--log-format json --log-interval 500
main hyper param
- distributed-world-size:gpu num used for training
- dataset_dir: manifest meta file path
- save-dir: ckpt output path
- tensorboard-logdir: tensorboard output path
- fp16: fp16 precision training
- post-process: post process for test,babel using bert_bpe_piece, aishell using letter
- labels: lable type for training text
- valid-subset: name of validset split
- best-checkpoint-metric: metric for saving best ckpt
- max-update: max training step
- task: training task
- arch: model implementation
- w2v-path: pretrain model path
- update-freq: accumulate gradient times
- ctc-weight, mlm-weight etc : criterion loss weight, default 0.5
- feature-grad-mult: gradient multi coefficient for pre conv layer
- freeze-finetune-updates: freeze wav2vec feature extractor steps
- criterion: training criterion
- warmup-steps hold-steps decay-steps: lr policy steps
- lr: peak learning rate
- max-tokens: dynamic batch size(max sample point for audio in one batch)
- decoder-bert-model-name: bert dir path
- different-tokens-v2: token type for vocab
- lexicon: lexicon file
- add-input:adding eos and bos to text
- mix-ctc-deocde-prob-range, mix-ctc-step-range:using Sampling With Decay
- fuse-input, fuse-input-gate:using Embedding Attention Module
- chinese-cer:calculate cer
infer aishell
exp_name=aishell_cross_model_1 && \
python examples/speech_recognition/ manifest/aishell --task wav2bert_task \
--path ckpts/$exp_name/ \
--gen-subset test \
--results-path outputs/$exp_name \
--criterion ctc_ce_mlm --max-tokens 2000000 \
--lexicon /wav2bert/bert_chinese/dict.en.txt --post-process letter --labels ltr \
--decoder-bert-model-name ./bert_chinese --left-pad-source False \
infer swahili
python examples/speech_recognition/ ./manifest/202-swahili --task wav2bert_task \
--path ckpts/$exp_name/ \
--gen-subset eval \
--results-path outputs/$exp_name \
--criterion ctc_ce_mlm --max-tokens 2000000 \
--lexicon bert_multi/dict.multi.txt --post-process letter --labels ltr \
--decoder-bert-model-name ./bert_multi --left-pad-source False \
--test --different-tokens-v2
main hyper param
- path:ckpt path
- gen-subset:test split name
- lexicon: lexicon file
- different-tokens-v2: token type flag for babel
- post-process: post process for text
- labels:lable tyep
- decoder-bert-model-name: bert model path
infer wav-cif-bert
python ./examples/speech_recognition/ $DATA_DIR \
--task audio_cif_bert --path $MODEL_PATH --bert-name $BERT \
--gen-subset $data_name --results-path $RESULT_DIR \
--criterion nar_qua_ctc_ce --labels $label_type --max-tokens 160000 --infer-threshold 0.8
for training or infering the acoustic-guided, linguistic-guided, or Adapter-BERT, only need to replace the arch and criterion param in above script with specific method options, which is mentioned in the code structure part.
- arch:wav2bert_onlybert
- criterion:bert_mlm
dataset_dir=manifest/202-swahili/ && \
exp_name=finetune_mbert_swahili_1 && valid_subset=valid && && \
model_name=wav2bert_onlybert && bert_model=./bert_multi && output_path=./output && \
python --distributed-world-size 1 $dataset_dir --save-dir $output_path/ckpts/$exp_name --fp16 \
--post-process bert_bpe_piece --valid-subset $valid_subset --no-epoch-checkpoints --best-checkpoint-metric wer --num-workers 4 \
--max-update 200000 --sentence-avg --task wav2bert_task --arch $model_name --sample-rate 16000 \
--w2v-path $load_ckpt --update-freq 4 --ctc-weight 0 --encoder-ctc-weight 0 --mlm-weight 1 --fusion-v2 \
--labels wrd --apply-mask --mask-selection static --mask-other 0 --mask-length 10 --mask-prob 0.65 --layerdrop 0.1 \
--mask-channel-selection static --mask-channel-other 0 --mask-channel-length 64 --mask-channel-prob 0.5 --zero-infinity \
--feature-grad-mult 0.0 --freeze-finetune-updates 10000 --validate-after-updates 0 --optimizer adam \
--adam-betas '(0.9, 0.98)' --adam-eps 1e-08 --lr 5e-05 --lr-scheduler tri_stage --warmup-steps 10000 --hold-steps 90000 \
--decay-steps 100000 --final-lr-scale 0.05 --final-dropout 0.0 --dropout 0.0 --activation-dropout 0.1 --criterion bert_mlm \
--attention-dropout 0.0 --max-tokens 640000 --seed 2337 --log-format json --log-interval 500 --ddp-backend no_c10d \
--adapter-dimension 512 --decoder-bert-model-name $bert_model --tensorboard-logdir $output_path/events/$exp_namewav2bert_events/$exp_name \
--lexicon $bert_model/dict.multi.txt --only-bert --add-input
rescore with finetune wav2vec2
- w2l-decoder: BertRescore
- lm-batch-size: batch size when forwarding BERT
- beam: beam size for ctc beam search
- top-k-size: rescore for top-k size
- score-lamda: weight for resocring the am and lm result
- lm-model: BERT ckpt path
- path: wav2vec2 fine-tuned ckpt
python examples/speech_recognition/ manifest/202-swahili --task audio_pretraining \
--nbest 1 --path ckpts/swahili_base_1/ --gen-subset eval --results-path ./result/wav2bert_results --w2l-decoder BertRescore \
--criterion ctc --labels ltr --max-tokens 640000 --lm-batch-size 10 --beam 10 \
--post-process letter \
--top-k-size 10 --score-lamda 0.7 --decoder-bert-model-name ./bert_multi \
--lm-model ckpts/finetune_mbert_swahili_1/ \
rescore with the kenlm language model
- path: wav2vec2 ckpt
- w2l-decoder: kenlm
- lm-weight: kenlm score weight
- chinese-cer: calculate the cer instead of wer
- beam: beam search size
- lexicon: lexicon file spliting the word eg: <WORD W O R D |>
python examples/speech_recognition/ manifest/204-swahili --task audio_pretraining \
--nbest 1 --path ckpts/swahili_base_1/ --gen-subset eval --results-path results/swahili_4gram_500beam --w2l-decoder kenlm \
--lm-model ./lm/swahili_lm/ --lm-weight 0.87 --word-score -1 --sil-weight 0 --criterion ctc --labels ltr --max-tokens 640000 \
--post-process letter --lexicon ./lm/swahili_lm/swahili_lm_lexicon.txt --chinese-cer --beam 500
differenet dataset has its own manifest meta file eg:
--dict.ltr.txt : dictionary vocab
--train.tsv : tsv first line is audio dataset path,the format of the remaining line is: <audio_relative_path, audio_sample_point_num>
--train.ltr : text label in letter format,like <H E L L O | W O R L D>, using "|" to split words
--train.wrd : text label in word format,like <HELLO WORLD>
--eval.tsv : different split for test or validate