- GitHub Actions
- yoshi389111/github-profile-3d-contrib - Create a 3D GitHub Contribution Calendar.
- VS Code extensions (marketplace)
- yoshi389111/vscode-md-table-rainbow - Color each column of the markdown table.
- yoshi389111/visible-whitespace - Make whitespace visible.
- Command line tools
- yoshi389111/pong-is-not-ping - POng is Not pinG
- yoshi389111/power-hello - Create SVG images of powerful keystrokes.
- yoshi389111/git-turf - Outputs ASCII art to the GitHub contribution graph.
- yoshi389111/git-caesar - Encrypt/decrypt files passwordlessly using GitHub's public key.
- Tech blog: dev.to
- yoshi389111/kinokobooks - 「きのこ本」を勝手に電子書籍化
- yoshi389111/dq1pswd - ふっかつのじゅもんを作れます。1の方です。
- yoshi389111/dq2pswd - ふっかつのじゅもんを作れます。2の方です。
- Tech blog: Qiita / Zenn