Releases: yoshi389111/github-profile-3d-contrib
Releases · yoshi389111/github-profile-3d-contrib
0.8.0 release
2025-03-09, 0.8.0 release
- Added environment variable
. - Added environment variable
0.7.2 release
2025-03-05, 0.7.2 release
- Changed node version from 16 to 20.
- Changed actions/checkout version from v3 to v4.
- Update dependent libraries(see package.json).
0.7.1 release
2023-01-11, 0.7.1 release
- Changed node version from 12 to 16.
- Changed actions/checkout version from v2 to v3.
ref. GitHub Actions: All Actions will begin running on Node16 instead of Node12
0.7.0 release
2022-08-10, 0.7.0 release
- Added Spanish README.
- Enabled to specify the output destination file name when using settings json
- Multiple custom definitions can be specified in the settings json.
- Made it possible to change the label with a custom definition.
- Added pie_lang_only and radar_contrib_only modes.
- fix: performance bitmap mode.
- fix: growing animation of settings json
0.6.0 release
2022-02-12, 0.6.0 release
- Added git block version.
- New support for setting json file.
0.5.0 release
2022-01-29, 0.5.0 release
- Use logarithm to calculate the height of the bars.
0.4.0 release
2022-01-09, 0.4.0 release
- Added night green version.
0.3.1 release
2021-12-22, 0.3.1 release
- Changed the maximum number of contributors to 9999
0.3.0 release
2021-12-22, 0.3.0 release
- Added season version for the Southern Hemisphere.
- Added night view version.
- Added night rainbow version.
0.2.0 release
2021-05-11, 0.2.0 release
- The repositories to be aggregated are only those owned by the user.
- Allow the number of repositories to be aggregated to be defined by environment variables.
: (optional) max repositories, default 100
- Make the colors of the four seasons mode every week and make a gradation.
- The image colors of each season are as follows.
- spring flowers
- summer leaves
- autumn leaves
- winter snow
- The image colors of each season are as follows.
- Label the radar chart scale with "1-, 10, 100, 1K, 10K+".
- Supports Halloween mode on github.
- The USERNAME can also be specified from the argument.
- Usage:
node dist/index.js <USER-NAME>
without envUSERNAME
- Usage: