- Changsha,Hunan,P.R.China
youpengcheng / vue-big-screen
Forked from L-noodle/vue-big-screen一个基于 vue、datav、Echart 框架的大数据可视化(大屏展示)模板,实现大数据可视化。通过 vue 组件实现数据动态刷新渲染,内部图表可自由替换。部分图表使用 DataV 自带组件,可自由进行更改(ps:最新的更新请前往码云查看,下面有链接)。
gkyc-Ltd / gkestor-web-admin
Forked from vbenjs/vue-vben-adminA modern vue admin. It is based on Vue3, vite and TypeScript. It's fast!
gkyc-Ltd / ol-ext
Forked from Viglino/ol-extCool extensions for Openlayers (ol) - animated clusters, CSS popup, Font Awesome symbol renderer, charts for statistical map (pie/bar), layer switcher, wikipedia layer, animations, canvas filters.
gkyc-Ltd / LabelImage
Forked from rachelcao277/LabelImage一款在线图像标注工具(矩形、多边形、持续更新中……),可用于深度学习实例分割模型训练(Mask R-CNN)等。
👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 Use Ant Design Vue like a Pro!
youpengcheng / uni-app
Forked from dcloudio/uni-appuni-app 是使用 Vue 语法开发小程序、H5、App的统一框架
pm2 自动部署
深入理解 JavaScript 异步
Automatically generate bare sequelize models from your database.
youpengcheng / pm2-deploy
Forked from HarryPoint/pm2-deploypm2部署demo
youpengcheng / vux
Forked from airyland/vuxMobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI
youpengcheng / auth-demo
Forked from qumuchegi/auth-demo使用 JWT、express-session、OAuth2.0 的用户认证实战demo
youpengcheng / vue-ts-daily
Forked from xiaomuzhu/vue-ts-daily基于vue、Typescript、pwa的一款习惯养成app
youpengcheng / fetch
Forked from JakeChampion/fetchA window.fetch JavaScript polyfill.
youpengcheng / node
Forked from nodejs/nodeNode.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
Tutorial and demos for Codrops about how play with the THREE.MeshLine library
一个基于Koa2的轻量级RESTful API Server脚手架。
youpengcheng / typescript-nuxtjs-boilerplate
Forked from typescript-nuxtjs-boilerplate/typescript-nuxtjs-boilerplate🍱 Nuxt.js with TypeScript and Run with docker and docker-compose 🐶🦄🔥 visit: https://typescript-nuxtjs-boilerplate.netlify.com/example
youpengcheng / nuxtjs.org
Forked from nuxt/website-v2Nuxt.js Documentation Website (Universal Vue.js Application built with Nuxt.js)
youpengcheng / daviesite
Forked from cooleye/daviesitepm2 自动部署演示案例
🐌 Vue.js 2.x 组件级懒加载方案-Vue.js 2.x component level lazy loading solution
⚽ 移动 web 最佳实践
youpengcheng / vue-tiny-code
Forked from jsjzh/vue-tiny-code这里有一个仿 Chrome 调色盘,有一个拖动排版的页面,还有一些新奇的小点子。
youpengcheng / vue_m_cli
Forked from lv7202215/vue_m_cli一个基于vue2.0的集成框架,集成了vw+rem适配方案; axios封装; 前端mock; vuex持久化 等