English | 简体中文
Niffler is a out-of-the box user-friendly gui Grin wallet. The name 'Niffler' comes from "harry potter".
Windows/Mac/linux version:https://github.com/grinfans/niffler/releases/tag/v0.3.2
Niffler wallet has a hedwig v1 relay service, which enable User without public ip receive grin really easy :)
In other words,You could withdraw grin from any exchanges and miner pool effortlessly.
Contact me: xiaojay@gmail.com
Gitter room: https://gitter.im/niffler-wallet/community
Logo made by @Duoasa
Use the official Grin binaries as back-end, and elctron-vue to build gui.
Works on mac/linux/windows, and Support multiple languages(now is for English and 简体中文)
# clone
git clone https://github.com/grinfans/niffler.git && cd niffler
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev
# build electron application for production
npm run build
Code pull request is always welcome.
More specific, it will be much appreciate if any designer from community could make a logo for Niffler :-)
We now have a wonderful logo from chinese grin community.
Logo made by @Duoasa, and also thanks @机械师区块链
Translate to other languages is wanted, too. checkout lang folder.