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A&B professional platform for quantitative finance. God is Asking & Bidding Me. ABQ 基于 通达信 数据的量化.
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# -*- mode:org; org-confirm-babel-evaluate: nil -*- #+TITLE: abquant #+AUTHOR: Jimmy M. Gong #+EMAIL: yssource@163.com #+LANGUAGE: zh-Hans #+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:nil f:t *:t <:t html-postamble:nil html-preamble:t tex:t #+URI: /blog/%y/%m/%d/ #+DATE: 2020-01-01 #+LAYOUT: post #+TAGS: OFFICE(o) COMPUTER(c) HOME(h) PROJECT(p) READING(r) #+CATEGORIES: #+DESCRIPTON: A&B professional platform for quantitative finance. God is asking & bidding Me. ABQ. GABQ. GABM. #+KEYWORDS: quant c++ #+STARTUP: overview #+STARTUP: logdone * Description A&B professional platform for quantitative finance. God is asking & bidding Me. ABQ. abquant 分为三大模块 a) 数据获取 b) 策略回测 c) 模拟/实盘交易 - abquant-data :: 开源项目, 快速对 *通达信* 数据的获取,除权除息,各种指数的计算 - abquant-strategy :: 闭源项目,基于 zeromg/nanomsg - abquant-trade :: [[https://github.com/yssource/rqalpha-mod-xtrade][xtrade]] 闭源项目 * Note [WIP] 开发中 ... ABQuant is an early developer preview, and is not suitable for general usage yet. Features and implementation are subject to change. * 构建 作者本人是在 x86_64 Linux 4.19.105-1-MANJARO 上构建本项目,暂时不支持 Windows. \\ 你需要安装好 clang++/llvm ccache ninja python pip poetry conan cmake/qmake 等基础开发工具 - 核心模块 cpp - 中间层 binding ([[https://github.com/pybind/pybind11.git][pybind11]] [[https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/shiboken2/][ +shiboken2+ ]]) - 用户接口层 python ** cpp 依赖 - ORM 层 [[https://github.com/yssource/treefrog-framework.git][treefrog-framework]] :: #+name: treefrog-framework #+begin_src shell :exports code git clone -b feature/withConan https://github.com/yssource/treefrog-framework.git cd treefrog-framework && mkdir -v qbuild && cd qbuild conan install .. --build missing --profile ../tf.profile conan build .. sudo make install sudo ldconfig #+end_src - abquant 核心应用层 :: #+name: abquant-building #+begin_src shell :exports code git clone https://github.com/yssource/abquant-data.git cd abquant-data && mkdir -v qbuild && cd qbuild conan install .. --build missing --profile ../abquant.profile conan build .. sudo make install sudo ldconfig # binding cd abquant-data && mkdir -v cbuild && cd cbuild conan install .. --build missing --profile ../abquant.profile conan build .. # todo:: qbuild, cbuild 将来会直接放在 setup.py 中作为 ext_modules 完成。 # 用户只需 poetry install #+end_src ** python 依赖安装 #+begin_src python :exports code poetry install poetry update #+end_src ** 环境变量 请参照 .envrc 文件, 推荐使用 direnv 管理环境变量 #+begin_src shell :exports code export ABQ_HOME=${PWD} export ABQ_CXX_HOME="${ABQ_HOME}/cxx" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${ABQ_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" export PYTHONPATH="${ABQ_HOME}/lib:${PYTHONPATH}" #+end_src * Usage ** abquant config #+name: config #+begin_src shell :exports code # 当前项目根目录下,拷贝 config 文件夹 mkdir -pv ~/.config/abquant && cp -rfv $PWD/cxx/config ~/.config/abquant/ #+end_src ** abquant 数据获取 - python 层获取数据源,支持 mongodb #+name: data-saving #+begin_src shell :exports code # 保存所有数据 # 但是不包含除权数据,除权数据不是经常更新,请手动 "abquant stock xdxr" abquant save base # 股票和指数列表获取 abquant stock list # 保存所有股票日线,日线指数 abquant stock day abquant stock day --add '["000001", "300001", "600001"]' # 保存所有股票分钟线,分钟指数 # Default 保存所有频率 (1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min) abquant stock min abquant stock min --add '["000001", "300001", "600001"]' # 保存股票分钟线,分钟指数不同频率数据 (1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min) # 1min 一分钟 abquant stock min "1min" abquant stock min -f '["1min"]' --add '["000001", "300001", "600001"]' # 5min 五分钟 abquant stock min -f '["5min"]' abquant stock min -f '["5min"]' --add '["000001", "300001", "600001"]' # ... # 1min 一分钟和 5min 五分钟 abquant stock min -f '["1min", "5min"]' abquant stock min -f '["1min", "5min"]' --add '["000001", "300001", "600001"]' # 股票除权除息 abquant stock xdxr abquant stock xdxr --add '["000001", "300001", "600001"]' # 股票数据板块 abquant stock block # 股票数据明细信息 abquant stock info abquant stock info --add '["000001", "300001", "600001"]' # 股票财务数据 abquant stock financial # ETF 列表获取 abquant etf list # 保存所有 ETF 日线,日线指数 abquant etf day abquant etf day --add '["159001", "510010", "510300"]' # 保存所有 etf 分钟线,分钟指数 # Default 保存所有频率 (1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min) abquant etf min abquant etf min --add '["159001", "510010", "510300"]' # 保存 etf 分钟线,分钟指数不同频率数据 (1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min) # 1min 一分钟 abquant etf min "1min" abquant etf min -f '["1min"]' --add '["159001", "510010", "510300"]' # 5min 五分钟 abquant etf min -f '["5min"]' abquant etf min -f '["5min"]' --add '["159001", "510010", "510300"]' # ... # 1min 一分钟和 5min 五分钟 abquant etf min -f '["1min", "5min"]' abquant etf min -f '["1min", "5min"]' --add '["159001", "510010", "510300"]' # ... #+end_src #+name: error-data-saving #+begin_src shell :results output :exports both # 查看保存数据后的错误信息 bat ~/.config/abquant/log/error_codes.json #+end_src #+RESULTS: error-data-saving : {"Stock_index_day": ["395005"], "Stock_index_min": ["395041", "395005"], "Stock_stock_min": ["300822", "603949", "603353", "300819", "300821", "002976", "688051"], "Stock_xdxr": ["002976", "603949", "300822", "688051", "603353"]} #+name: error-data-saving #+begin_src shell :results output :exports both # 如果在保存数据后,发现数据错误,可以使用 abquant stock day --add '["395005"]' abquant stock min --add '["395041", "395005", "300822", "603949", "603353", "300819", "300821", "002976", "688051"]' abquant stock xdxr --add '["002976", "603949", "300822", "688051", "603353"]' # 注意:这些数据错误可能是退市,已经不存在的数据。也有可能是网络原因,数据不完整,你需要具体分析。 # 在下一次保存数据时,最好先 echo "" 1> ~/.config/abquant/log/error_codes.json #+end_src ** abquant 数据使用 #+name: cpp-data-using #+begin_src C++ :exports code #include <chrono> #include "abquant/actions/abquant.hpp" #include "abquant/actions/stockmin.hpp" #include "abquant/actions/utils.hpp" using namespace abq; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // abq entry_point Abquant::start(); // QStringList codes = {"000001", "000002", "000003"}; QStringList codes = {"000001"}; const char* start = "2017-01-01"; const char* end = "2019-12-01"; MIN_FREQ freq = MIN_FREQ::FIVE; StockMinAction sma(codes, start, end, freq); int N = 10; auto begin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { // 分钟前复权 sma.to_fq_type(FQ_TYPE::PRE); // 分钟后复权 // sma.to_fq_type(FQ_TYPE::POST); } auto finish_ = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed = finish_ - begin; qDebug() << "Elapsed time: " << elapsed.count() << " s\n"; // abq exit_point Abquant::finish(); return 0; } #+end_src ** binding 层 #+name: binding-plot #+begin_src shell :exports both python ./bind11/test/test_plot.py #+end_src #+RESULTS: binding-plot #+begin_example open close high low vol amount date_stamp code date 000001 2019-01-02 9.39 9.19 9.42 9.16 539386.0 4.986951e+08 1.546358e+09 2019-01-03 9.18 9.28 9.33 9.15 415537.0 3.844577e+08 1.546445e+09 2019-01-04 9.24 9.75 9.82 9.22 1481159.0 1.422150e+09 1.546531e+09 2019-01-07 9.84 9.74 9.85 9.63 865687.0 8.411664e+08 1.546790e+09 2019-01-08 9.73 9.66 9.74 9.62 402388.0 3.892478e+08 1.546877e+09 2019-01-09 9.74 9.94 10.08 9.70 1233486.0 1.229465e+09 1.546963e+09 2019-01-10 9.87 10.10 10.20 9.86 1071817.0 1.079711e+09 1.547050e+09 2019-01-11 10.11 10.20 10.22 10.05 696364.0 7.080018e+08 1.547136e+09 2019-01-14 10.22 10.11 10.25 10.07 500443.0 5.078629e+08 1.547395e+09 2019-01-15 10.11 10.24 10.28 10.09 542160.0 5.530273e+08 1.547482e+09 #+end_example *** 注意 entry_point && exit_point #+name: note_c++ #+begin_src C++ :exports code int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // abq entry_point Abquant::start(); // Your C++ code here. // abq exit_point Abquant::finish(); return 0; } #+end_src #+name: note_python #+begin_src python :exports code from pyabquant import PyAbquant # abq entry_point PyAbquant.start() # Your python code here. code = "000001.XSHE" start = "2020-01-01 00:00:00" end = "2020-01-01 23:55:00" fields = ["open", "close"] actual = get_price(code, start, end, frequency="5min", fields=fields, adjust_type="pre") ulog.debug(actual) assert isinstance(actual, (pd.DataFrame)) assert actual.empty is True # abq exit_point PyAbquant.finish() #+end_src *** plotting [[file:./screenshot/pyabqstockday.png]] * DONE Development: CLOSED: [2021-01-01 Fri 00:00] :LOGBOOK: - State "DONE" from "STARTED" [2021-01-01 Fri 00:00] :END: - 兼容 rqalpha apis :: 1. [X] get_price 2. [X] get_fundamentals[fn:1] - 兼容 jointquant apis :: 1. [X] get_all_securities 2. [X] get_security_info - 东方财富 概念 apis :: 1. [X] easymoney concept base get_blocks 2. [X] easymoney concept history get_price * WAITING Development: :LOGBOOK: - State "STARTED" from "DONE" [2021-02-13 Sat 00:00] :END: - 对 Docker, K8s 的支持 :: * 开发初衷 作者本人专业是理论物理,工作经验则是程序开发,很偶然在网上了解到了量化交易,觉得可以利用上以前的知识和经验,于是乎喜欢上了量化交易。 交易三部曲,a) 数据获取 b) 策略回测 c) 模拟/实盘交易 \\ 市面上开源的 a,b,c 项目大部分都是 python 开发,但是在实践过程中性能都不理想,于是想 到站在巨人肩上利用 C++ 造轮子。核心模块 C++,通过中间层 binding 交给用户 python 层。 * 感谢 - [[https://github.com/QUANTAXIS/QUANTAXIS.git][QUANTAXIS]] abquant-data 兼容 quantaxis 数据库 * 打赏 欢迎请作者喝杯咖啡 👍 | 微信 | 支付宝 | |------------------------------------+------------------------------------| | [[file:./screenshot/jimmy.wechat.png]] | [[file:./screenshot/jimmy.alipay.png]] | * LICENSE Copyright (c) 2020-present Jimmy M. Gong \\ All rights reserved. 除非遵守当前许可,否则不得使用本软件。 ** 非商业用途(非商业用途指个人出于非商业目的使用本软件,或者高校、研究所等非营利机构出于教育、科研等目的使用本软件): 遵守 [[https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/gpl-3.0][GPL3]] 和 [[https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/lgpl-3.0][LGPL3]] 除非法律有要求或以书面形式达成协议,否则本软件分发时需保持当前许可“原样”不变,且不得附加任何条件。 ** 商业用途(商业用途指个人出于任何商业目的使用本软件,或者法人或其他组织出于任何目的使用本软件): 未经原作者授权,任何个人不得出于任何商业目的使用本软件(包括但不限于向第三方 提供、销售、出租、出借、转让本软件、本软件的衍生产品、引用或借鉴了本软件功能 或源代码的产品或服务),任何法人或其他组织不得出于任何目的使用本软件,否则原 作者有权追究相应的知识产权侵权责任。 \\ 在此前提下,对本软件的使用同样需要遵守 [[https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/gpl-3.0][GPL3]] 和 [[https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/lgpl-3.0][LGPL3]] 许可, [[https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/gpl-3.0][GPL3]] 和 [[https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/lgpl-3.0][LGPL3]] 许可与本 许可冲突之处,以本许可为准。 详细的授权流程,请联系 yssource@163.com 获取。 * Footnotes [fn:1]闭源
A&B professional platform for quantitative finance. God is Asking & Bidding Me. ABQ 基于 通达信 数据的量化.
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