MobilyaPlan app version 1.0
What is MobilyaPlan? Our project is a platform that meets the customer and the manufacturer. Thanks to MobilyaPlan, the customer can make a product he sees on our website ( to all members who are members of MobilyaPlan in a comfortable way. Apart from other similar sites, MobilyaPlan supports the manufacturer in all aspects of production. When the customer arrives at the MobilyaPlan member to get a product he / she sees and likes on the site, the MobilyaPlan member only reaches the G-code of that product in a few operations. Thus, a product that is seen everywhere on the internet is made CNC. This not only reduces production time but also prepares the basis for Industry 4.0.
The MobilyaPlan application provides:
Customer tracking
For the members of the furniture, it provides communication with the customer (You can visit to become a member of the furniture maker.)
For customers who want furniture, name, mail, phone number, the type and location of the service they want to get using the nearby FurniturePlan member, allows to communicate.
Optimum price analysis for our customers who want to have a kitchen.
Optimum price analysis for our customers who want to build stairs.
Current gallery
It gives ’dxf’ ’output for CNC cutting of the products that customers like from the gallery to furniture makers. Our furnishing members offer the flexibility of programming according to their knife types and CNC speeds.(Comming Soon in Web)
Software developer: Yusuf Sargın
Contact: LinkedIn:ın-972932170