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Welcome to discord-haskell-voice! This library provides you with a high-level interface for interacting with Discord's Voice API, building on top of the discord-haskell library.

For a quick intuitive introduction to what this library enables you to do, see the following snippet of code:

rickroll :: Channel -> DiscordHandler ()
rickroll c@(ChannelVoice {}) = do
    runVoice $ do
        join (channelGuild c) (channelId c)
        res <- createYoutubeResource "" Nothing
        play res UnknownCodec

The library actively uses and supports conduit, which enables you to write something like the following as well! (Spoiler: it plays 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley at half the volume then prints to stdout.)

rickrollHalfVolume :: Channel -> DiscordHandler ()
rickrollHalfVolume c@(ChannelVoice {}) = do
    runVoice $ do
        join (channelGuild c) (channelId c)
        let halfAmplitude = awaitForever $ \current ->
                yield $ round $ fromIntegral current * 0.5
        res <- createYoutubeResource "rickroll" $ HaskellTransformation $ packInt16C .| halfAmplitude .| unpackInt16C
        play res UnknownCodec
        liftIO $ print "finished playing!"

Scroll down for a more in-depth features list.


  • libsodium: We depend on saltine for encryption and decryption of audio packets. This is a NaCl binding and thus requires libsodium to be installed on your system. See their README for installation information.
    • An alternative is provided via a compile flag, which is to use crypton as a backend instead, which requires no native dependencies. The security of this library has not been vetted however, so use with caution.
  • libopus: We require Opus libraries to be installed on your system. Please follow the README of the Haskell Opus package.
  • ffmpeg: It is heavily recommended to have FFmpeg installed and available in PATH. Without FFmpeg, you will not be able to transcode any non-PCM non-Opus files, bytestrings, or YouTube media.
  • yt-dlp: It is equally heavily recommended to have yt-dlp installed and available in PATH. Without yt-dlp, you will not be able to use createYoutubeResource.
  • ffprobe: It is optional to have FFprobe installed and available in PATH. Without FFprobe, you will not be able to use ProbeCodec to check if a given file, bytestream, or YouTube video can avoid transcoding via FFmpeg if it's already PCM or Opus-encoded.


What is supported:

  • Can join/leave Discord voice channels.
    • Can join multiple of them simultaneously (one per sever) and stream different content to each.
    • Can join many voice channels (across many servers) and simulcast the same content, radio/subscriber-style.
  • Can play arbitrary PCM/Opus audio from a file or byte stream
  • Can play arbitrary audio using FFmpeg to transcode
  • Can intelligently skip transcoding based on source format using ffprobe
  • Can play arbitrary internet audio using yt-dlp, including live streams
  • Can transform audio arbitrarily using either FFmpeg flags or Conduits that operate on bytestreams
  • As it streams content, the library should use constant memory (unverified)

Where possible, specific details like method of encryption, protocol handshakes, packet encoding etc have been abstracted away. As a result, this library is able to offer a high-level productive API interface similar to discord.js and libraries.

What is not supported:

  • Decrypting audio packets sent from Discord (other people's voices), and decoding them to PCM. This isn't particularly well-documented by Discord and will thus likely never be supported by this library.


This library is available on Hackage, at


To use it in your Cabal-based project, add discord-haskell-voice as a dependency in your .cabal file:

# --- myproject.cabal <truncated>
      base >=4.7 && <5
    , discord-haskell ==1.17.1
    , discord-haskell-voice ==3.0.0


To use it in your Stack-based project, add discord-haskell-voice in both your package.yaml and stack.yaml files (since this library is not available in Stackage for the same reason discord-haskell is not on Stackage):

# --- stack.yaml <truncated>
- discord-haskell-1.17.1
- discord-haskell-voice-3.0.0
# --- package.yaml <truncated>
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- discord-haskell == 1.17.1
- discord-haskell-voice == 3.0.0


See the Haddock documentation on the Hackage page, at


See examples/BasicMusicBot.hs for a bot that uses many advanced features of the library, including dynamically adjusting the stream audio using a TVar (and allowing users to change the TVar using a /volume command).