This repo is used to share release & publish scripts for the org. Scripts should be executed from the workspace root via tsx scripts/release.ts
fork from release-scripts
import { release } from '@bmjs/release-scripts'
// Name of the repo for CI link
repo: 'release-scripts',
// List of options. Choice will be available in following callback as `pkg`
packages: ['release-scripts'],
toTag: (pkg, version) =>
pkg === 'vite' ? `v${version}` : `${pkg}@${version}`,
// Not shared until we find a new changelog process
logChangelog: (pkg) =>
'git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --oneline',
generateChangelog: (pkg, version) => {},
// Use getPkgDir when not using a monorepo. Default to `packages/${pkg}`
getPkgDir: (pkg) => '.',
import { publish } from '@bmjs/release-scripts'
// Used when tag is not `pkg@version`
defaultPackage: 'release-scripts',
// Use getPkgDir when not in a monorepo. Default to `packages/${pkg}`
getPkgDir: (pkg) => '.',
// Publish with provenance
provenance: true,
// Package manager that runs the publish command
packageManager: 'pnpm',