🌐 关于我
🌱 目前的学习方向
- 物联网 (IoT)
- 软件开发
🚀 兴趣 & 合作
- 开源项目: 如果您对我现有的开源项目有任何建议或改进意见,请告诉我。
- 新工具: 如果您有一个想要开发的小工具或实用程序的想法,我很乐意与您讨论。
📫 联系方式
- 邮箱: yxdm02@gmail.com
💼 职业
🌐 About Me
I'm an Information Security Engineer with a strong focus on network security, penetration testing, and the security of the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). My expertise extends to security architecture and network architecture. I'm also well-versed in the security products and operational frameworks of major security vendors. I enjoy developing and researching small tools, and I share some of them as open-source projects from time to time.
🌱 Currently Learning
I'm actively expanding my knowledge in these areas:
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Software development
🚀 Interests & Collaboration
In my free time, I delve into security architectures, tools, and products. I'm always open to new ideas!
- Open Source: If you have suggestions or improvements for my existing open-source projects, please let me know.
- New Tools: If you have an idea for a small tool or utility that you'd like to see developed, I'm happy to discuss it.
📫 Contact
- Email: yxdm02@gmail.com
💼 Career
I currently work as an Information Security Engineer for a large manufacturing company. I am always open to exploring new career opportunities and building connections. If you would like to get a referral or learn more about what I do, please feel free to contact me. I also enjoy being recommended.