I am a software developer with interests in web development, databases, and game development. If you are interested in hiring me, you can find my online resume at https://zamronypj.github.io.
- 🔭 I’m working on my personal project Fano Framework, a web framework written with Free Pascal. While developing this project, I learn network and system programming in Linux, FreeBSD and Windows.
- I maintain mod_pascal, an Apache web server module to allow executing Pascal program like scripting language on web. I have also created and maintain some PHP Composer packages too.
- 🌱 I’m learning and trying to improve my English by writing proper documentation for Fano Framework documentation. I wrote two books by the way.
- 🤔 Ask me about Fano Framework. Sometime I answer question in StackOverflow like this question or this.
- I use Laravel, Slim Framework, Express, AngularJS, vue.js, React.js, Gulp. When I need RDBMS, I use MySQL or MariaDB. I like Flexbox
a lot when working with CSS.
In the pastNow, I use Delphi. When I am bored I tinker with assembly. But right now, on my day job, mostly Golang.
Android programming book that explains various topics from getting started, creating basic layout view, store data in shared preferences and database operation with SQLite to more advanced topics such as working with 3D graphics with OpenGL ES, custom view, working with Bluetooth etc.

DirectX programming book that discusses from getting started with DirectX components, working with 3D graphics with Direct3D such as rendering 3D primitives. Reading game input device such keyboard, mouse, gamepad and joystick using DirectInput. Audio programming to play multiple sound effects and game music with DirectSound. Also discuss network programming with DirectPlay. Book also discusses terrain rendering and fog and HLSL shader programming.