π In development
Notifies your React app of the device battery status
This component is based on the Battery Status API
The Battery Status API, more often referred to as the Battery API, provides information about the system's battery charge level and lets you be notified by events that are sent when the battery level or charging status change.
npm install react-device-battery
// using es modules
import Battery from 'react-device-battery'
// common.js
const Battery = require('react-device-battery')
// AMD
Or use script tags and globals.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-device-battery"></script>
And then grab it off the global like so:
const Battery = reactDeviceBattery
Let's assume you want to check if you have enough battery before doing somenthing or you want to render based on how much battery you got left:
const App = () => (
<h2>Magic is happening β‘οΈ</h2>
onChange={(battery ) => {
render={({ battery }) =>
<p>Battery Level: {battery ? battery : <span>Not Supported</span>}.</p>
render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
If the Battery API is not supported, the render function is passed
Default: null
Whatever you'd like to render in response to changes in the battery level
render={({ battery }) =>
<p>Battery Level: {battery ? battery : <span>Not Supported</span>}.</p>
Default: undefined
Called whenever the batter level changes
handleBatteryChange = ({ battery }) => {
if (battery <= 10) {
this.saveMyData(); // Oh my...
render={({ battery }) =>
<p>Battery Level: {battery ? battery : <span>Not Supported</span>}.</p>
This component has been built using React Render Callback
pattern. Basically it is a way for the parent to provide some logic to the child, and the child have the control on how to execute that logic.
Released under MIT license.