The project is basically done.
Node.js and pnpm (
npm i -g pnpm
) must be installed.
- Clone this via git / download ZIP
- Install dependencies (just run
pnpm i
in terminal) and then runpnpm build-app
- If everything is okay, you will find installer in
- Fast and stable
- Good & modern UI / UX
- Probably no alternatives for now
- Integrated stremio client + integration with mpv (remote control)
- And even more good surprises inside!
You can look at screenshots in docs-assets directory.
"appPath": "%APPDATA%\\stremio\\stremio-server", // this can be changed in main app settings
"cacheRoot": "%APPDATA%\\stremio\\stremio-server", // this derived from previous
"cacheSize": 2147483648, // 2GB
"btMaxConnections": 55,
"btHandshakeTimeout": 20000,
"btRequestTimeout": 4000,
"btDownloadSpeedSoftLimit": 2621440,
"btDownloadSpeedHardLimit": 3670016,
"btMinPeersForStable": 5,
"remoteHttps": "",
"localAddonEnabled": false,
"serverVersion": "4.18.0"
Settings are defined in schema.json (after installation) or in electron-shared/settings.ts in src
- investigate other frameworks / solutions: Tauri, Neutralino
- Rename project
- A lot of integrations! (hooks file)
- Razer and aura sdk integration (light effects) with player integration (you can do it yourself with hooks file)
- Movie scenes parser