npm i mc-assets
NEXT-GEN Minecraft Assets Library
- Automatic Updates - This library is automatically updated and published to npm.
- Fully Typed - Today is nothing can be done without TypeScript. We ship best type definitions possible.
- Early Access - It always includes the latest pre and rc (release candidate) version.
- Version Accurate - Includes data for all released versions starting from 1.7.10.
- New Items Format Support - Get different item models based on conditions (using item, display context, etc)
- Memory Efficient - Small installation size, for the fastest download & loading time.
- Simple & Complete API - Works in browsers out of the box and provides parsers for all the data this library provides.
- Easy to Use Items Textures - Includes hand-crafted isometric textures for some blocks.
- Block Entities Models - Includes community-crafted models for block entities.
This module was originally designed as standalone package for (repo) project so it is easier to maintain, but now it became a library that I think can cover any use case where you need to work with minecraft assets. This library means block states, models data and texture contents, it doesn't cover minecraft-data use cases. With the best block model parser you can build your own renderers, editors, etc.
For contributing & building instructions see building section.
Bundled modules & block states are version-accurate starting from 1.13.0 (post-flattening) version. Tested on Node.js 18 and above.
External Models Playground (Beta Version).
Following atlases are generated:
- Items
- Blocks (block entities included)
- Particles
import { AssetsParser, getLoadedModelsStore, getLoadedBlockstatesStore } from 'mc-assets'
import blockstatesModels from 'mc-assets/dist/blockStatesModels.json'
const blockstatesStore = getLoadedBlockstatesStore(blockstatesModels)
const modelsStore = getLoadedModelsStore(blockstatesModels)
// get block states for specific block
const stoneModels = blockstatesStore.get('latest', 'stone').variants['']
// [
// { model: 'block/stone' },
// { model: 'block/stone_mirrored' },
// { model: 'block/stone', y: 180 },
// { model: 'block/stone_mirrored', y: 180 }
// ]
const model = modelsStore.get('latest', 'block/stone_mirrored')
// { parent: 'block/cube_mirrored_all', textures: { all: 'block/stone' } }
// note: you can always specify a specific version instead of 'latest'
const assetsParser = new AssetsParser('latest', blockstatesStore, modelsStore)
const resolvedModel = assetsParser.getAllResolvedModels({
name: 'stone', // block name not model name
properties: {},
}, false) // false (default) means return empty if variant matching properties is not found
// [
// [
// {
// x: undefined,
// y: undefined,
// z: undefined,
// uvlock: undefined,
// weight: undefined,
// textures: {
// all: 'block/stone',
// particle: 'block/stone',
// down: 'block/stone',
// up: 'block/stone',
// north: 'block/stone',
// east: 'block/stone',
// south: 'block/stone',
// west: 'block/stone'
// },
// elements: [
// {
// from: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
// to: [ 16, 16, 16 ],
// faces: {
// down: { texture: 'block/stone', cullface: 'down' },
// up: { texture: 'block/stone', cullface: 'up' },
// north: { texture: 'block/stone', cullface: 'north' },
// south: { texture: 'block/stone', cullface: 'south' },
// west: { texture: 'block/stone', cullface: 'west' },
// east: { texture: 'block/stone', cullface: 'east' }
// }
// }
// ]
// }
// ],
// [ ... ] // second variant and so on
// ]
returns an array of arrays, where first depth level is model parts, second depth level is variants (for example Minecraft chooses them randomly). You can use getResolvedModelFirst
to get first variant only. Or getResolvedModelRandom
to get a random variant.
import { AssetsParser, AtlasParser } from 'mc-assets'
import blocksAtlases from 'mc-assets/dist/blocksAtlases.json'
import blocksAtlasLatest from 'mc-assets/dist/blocksAtlasLatest.png'
import blocksAtlasLegacy from 'mc-assets/dist/blocksAtlasLegacy.png'
const atlasParser = new AtlasParser(blocksAtlases, blocksAtlasLatest, blocksAtlasLegacy) // blocksAtlasLegacy is optional
const diamondOreTexture = atlasParser.getTextureInfo('diamond_ore', '1.13') // get old diamond ore texture
const img = await diamondOreTexture.getLoadedImage()
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
const sourceWidthSize = img.width * // 16
const sourceHeightSize = img.width * // 16
canvas.width = 128
canvas.height = 128
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')!
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false
ctx.drawImage(img, diamondOreTexture.u * img.width, diamondOreTexture.v * img.height, sourceWidthSize, sourceHeightSize, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
// create new custom texture atlas (e.g. resource pack overrides)
const { atlas, canvas, newAtlasParser } = await atlasParser.makeNewAtlas('1.13') // with second argument (callback) you can override textures, with third use different tile size (use it if you have high-res textures)
const image = canvas.toDataURL() // get image data url if you need it
const diamondOreTexture = newAtlasParser.getTextureInfo('diamond_ore') // get old diamond ore texture (essentially the same as above)
Textures without atlases are stored in dist/other-textures
folder. You can use them like this:
import unmute_button from 'mc-assets/dist/other-textures/latest/gui/sprites/social_interactions/unmute_button.png'
import unmute_button_highlighted from 'mc-assets/dist/other-textures/latest/gui/sprites/social_interactions/unmute_button_highlighted.png'
const Button = styled.button`
background-image: url(${unmute_button});
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
border: none;
outline: none;
cursor: pointer;
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
const ButtonHighlighted = styled(Button)`
background-image: url(${unmute_button_highlighted});
Please, don't use json / image files directly as their format is not stable and can change in the future, use the parsers instead.
The library provides a powerful system to handle dynamic item models that change based on various conditions:
import { getLoadedItemDefinitionsStore } from 'mc-assets'
import { getItemDefinition } from 'mc-assets/dist/itemsDefinitions'
import itemDefinitions from 'mc-assets/dist/itemDefinitions.json'
const store = getLoadedItemDefinitionsStore(itemDefinitions)
// we have zod schema as well as typescript types for item definitions
// Example 1: Bow animation when pulling
const bowModel = getItemDefinition(store, {
version: 'latest',
name: 'bow',
properties: { // full autocomplete of supported properties
'minecraft:using_item': true,
'minecraft:use_duration': 20 // Time in ticks, affects pull-back animation
// Returns: { model: 'minecraft:item/bow_pulling_2' } for full pull-back
// Example 2: Bundle with items in inventory
const bundleModel = getItemDefinition(store, {
version: 'latest',
name: 'brown_bundle',
properties: {
'minecraft:display_context': 'gui',
'minecraft:bundle/has_selected_item': true
// Returns composite model showing bundle with items when in inventory
// Example 3: Clock showing time in different dimensions
const clockModel = getItemDefinition(store, {
version: 'latest',
name: 'clock',
properties: {
'minecraft:time': 0.5,
'minecraft:context_dimension': 'minecraft:overworld'
// Returns appropriate clock face model based on time
// Example 4: Compass pointing to targets
const compassModel = getItemDefinition(store, {
version: 'latest',
name: 'compass',
properties: {
'minecraft:compass': 16,
'minecraft:context_dimension': 'minecraft:overworld',
'minecraft:has_component': false // true for lodestone compass
// Returns compass model pointing in the right direction
// Example 5: Armor with trims
const armorModel = getItemDefinition(store, {
version: 'latest',
name: 'chainmail_boots',
properties: {
'minecraft:trim_material': 'minecraft:diamond'
// Returns: { model: 'minecraft:item/chainmail_boots_diamond_trim' }
The item definition system supports various property types:
: Boolean for items being actively usedminecraft:use_duration
: Number of ticks an item has been usedminecraft:display_context
: Where the item is being displayed ('gui', 'ground', 'fixed', etc.)minecraft:time
: Time value for clock animationsminecraft:context_dimension
: Current dimension affecting item behaviorminecraft:compass
: Direction value for compassminecraft:has_component
: Special properties like lodestone trackingminecraft:trim_material
: Material used for armor trimsminecraft:bundle/has_selected_item
: Bundle content state- And more...
Each model can include:
- Base model path
- Tint information
- Special rendering instructions
- Watch properties for dynamic updates
Handy method getItemDefinitionModelResolved
is provided which includes the resolved texture information:
import { ItemsRenderer } from 'mc-assets'
const renderer = new ItemsRenderer(/* ... */)
const resolvedModel = getItemDefinitionModelResolved(store, {
version: 'latest',
name: 'bow',
properties: { /* ... */ }
}, renderer)
// Returns texture info ready to render
pnpm i
# recommended but not required (will speed up build by fetching cache from gh-pages branch)
pnpm use-cached-datapaths
pnpm build
Then if you only changing block entities, you can run pnpm regen-blockentities
to regenerate block entities.
If you only change consumer code you can run pnpm watch-dist
to watch for changes and rebuild.
To use in minecraft-web-client
or your own project just run pnpm link mc-assets
once or use file:../mc-assets
in your package.json
file if you are using other package manager.