Tags: zardoy/mc-assets
Toggle v0.2.42's commit message
fix: remove legacy blockstates & models for blockentities (external h…
…and crafted files) since they should always take override
Toggle v0.2.41's commit message
fix: always remove minecraft:prefix in assets parser
Toggle v0.2.40's commit message
fix(regression): fix block/block gui rotation mutation in genItems wh…
…ich was resulted in broken models json file
Toggle v0.2.39's commit message
fix: usage maxrects-packer instead of old buggy, which was resulting …
…in some textures loss!
Toggle v0.2.38's commit message
feat: return all resolved properties from assets (includging complete…
…ly custom ones, not only boolean), but also standard like ones `display`
Toggle v0.2.37's commit message
feat: allow for custom model boolean asset properties to be inferred …
…(not only ao and ambientocclusion)
Toggle v0.2.36's commit message
Toggle v0.2.35's commit message
feat: improve block model resolution with detailed error tracking and…
… other debug logging tracker
Toggle v0.2.34's commit message
feat: onlyResolveBlockModel for items renderer
Toggle v0.2.33's commit message
fix: improve resolution of blocks for items renderer
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