Anvil Storage Provider implementation. Support minecraft pc 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17 and 1.18
See examples
Build an anvil : provide loading and saving of chunks in all regions in path
Take a prismarine chunk and save it. Returns a promise.
Take a nbt object and save it. Returns a promise.
Returns a promise containing the prismarine chunk at x,z or null if that chunk isn't saved.
Returns a promise containing the nbt at x,z or null if that nbt isn't saved.
Returns an promise of an array of all chunks in the region
Reads a level.dat file
Writes a level.dat file
- require lazily (#70) (thanks @zardoy)
- Make created level.dat loadable in singleplayer (#71) (thanks @zardoy)
- Add command gh workflow allowing to use release command in comments (#69) (thanks @rom1504)
- Update to node 18.0.0 (#68) (thanks @rom1504)
- Initial support for loading Add data to a block (#64) (thanks @BluSpring)
- Fix world height on 1.18+ chunks (#66) (thanks @extremeheat)
- Bump mocha from 9.2.2 to 10.0.0 (#62) (thanks @dependabot[bot])
- Bump standard from 16.0.4 to 17.0.0 (#61) (thanks @dependabot[bot])
- Bump mcdata
- 1.18 support
- Ensure chunk status and data version are written for v1.13 (@Paulomart)
- Adds 1.17 support (thanks @Saiv46)
- Write the chunk x and z position like vanilla does (@Paulomart)
- adds getAllChunksInRegion function (@U9G)
- used exposed section instead of using internals of pchunk (@rom1504)
- Fix 1.16 palette issue
- Only store sections between 0 and 16 (block containing sections) (thanks @IdanHo)
- remove node-promise-es6, and use fs.promises + util.promisify (thanks @IdanHo)
- 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16 support (thanks @IdanHo)
- 1.13 support (thanks @Karang)
- standardjs
- cross version support
- update dependencies, fix #10 (prismarine-nbt nbt.simplify was broken)
- update to babel6
- bump dependencies
- fix small bug with regionFileName call
- update prismarine-chunk
- use nbt.simplify
- add level.dat loading/saving
- completely reimplement to provide full functionality : loading and saving, and all the data in chunks
- use up to date dependencies in minecraft-region
- catch the error if the region file doesn't exist and return null in getRegion
- first version, basic functionality using minecraft-chunk, minecraft-region, prismarine-chunk and vec3