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⚠️ THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED: Copy the CI setup of tsafe instead.

A template to assist you in creating and publishing modules that will run everywhere: node, deno and the browser.

✅ NEW: yarn support You are now free to use yarn instead of npm if you'd like to.


This template automates the boring and tedious tasks of:

  • Filling up the package.json
  • Setting up Typescript and Denoify.
  • Writing a with decent presentation and instructions on how to install/import your module.
  • Testing on multiple Node and Deno version before publishing.
  • Maintaining a CHANGELOG.
  • Publishing on NPM and, creating corresponding GitHub TAGs.

Besides, good stuff that comes with using this template:

  • No source files are tracked on the default branch.
  • Shorter specific file import path.
    import {...} from "my_module/theFile" instead of the usual import {...} from "my_module/dist/theFile"
  • CDN distribution for importing from .html files with a <script> tag.
  • When your users hit "Go to Definition" they get redirected to the actual .ts source file instead of the .d.ts. ( Feature disabled by default, refer to instructions on how to enable it ).
  • Eslint and Prettifier are automatically run against files staged for commit. ( You can disable this feature. )

Table of content

How to use

Fork it ( click use the template )

  • Click on image
  • The repo name you will choose will be used as a module name for NPM and so:
    • Make sure to use low dashes ( _ ) instead of ( - ) to comply with deno naming standard.
    • Be sure it makes for a valid NPM module name.
    • Check if there is not already a NPM module named like that.
    • Check if there is not already a module named like that.
  • The description you provide will be the one used on NPM and ( you can change it later )

Once you've done that a GitHub action workflow will set up the and the package.json for you, wait a couple of minutes for it to complete ( a bot will push ). You can follow the job advancement in the "Action" tab. (warning please read this)

Each time you will push changes npm run test:node and npm run test:deno will be run on remote docker containers against multiple Node and Deno versions, if everything passes you will get a green ci badges in your readme.

Enable automatic publishing

Once you are ready to make your package available on NPM and you will need to provide two tokens so that the workflow can publish on your behalf:

Go to repository Settings tab, then Secrets you will need to add two new secrets:

  • NPM_TOKEN, you NPM authorization token.
  • PAT, GitHub Personal Access Token with the repo and write:repo_hook authorizations. link

To trigger publishing edit the package.json version field ( 0.0.0-> 0.0.1 for example) then push changes... that's all ! The publishing will actually be performed only if npm test passes.

After a few minutes ( assuming the module name was still available ) you should be able to find your module on NPM and

Few things you need to be aware of before getting started

  • Denoify, the build tool that enable to support Deno, is still very new, depending on what you have in mind it might require a lot of extra work to get your code to comply with the requirements it sets.
    If you are interested by the automation that this template features but don't care bout Deno support checkout ts_ci.
  • If you are not familiar with how Denoify works you might want to have a look at this guide first.
  • You probably want to "Use this template" ( the green button ) instead of forking the repo.
  • The files to include in the NPM bundle are cherry-picked using the package.json files field.
    If you don't want to bother and includes everything just remove the files field from the package.json.
  • Remember, when using fs that there is no node_modules directory in Deno. Details.
  • The template does not support .npmignore ( it uses package.json files which is safer ).
  • The template does not support .npmrc.
  • Unlike GitHub and NPM, will not display HTML bits of your


Changing the directory structure

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All your source files must remain inside the src dir, you can change how things are organized inside the source directory but don't forget to update your package.json main and type and tsconfig.esm.json include field when appropriate.

Enabling "Go to Definition" to redirect to the source .ts file

Click to expand

There is no denying that it is more convenient when clicking "Go To Definition" to get redirected to a file .ts file rather than to a .d.ts.

To enable this feature simply point to the package.json's types filed to the main's source file instead the type definition file .d.ts.

For example you would replace:

  "main": "./dist/index.js",
  "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",


  "main": "./dist/index.js",
  "types": "./src/index.ts",

Enabling this feature comes at a cost though. Be aware that if you use optional chaining or nullish coalescing for example, your module will only be importable in projects using typescript 3.7 or newer ( version that introduces theses features ).
It is important to keep your project compatible with older TS version because

  • You don't want to force your users to update the typescript version they use in their project, updating typescript might break some other things in their code.
  • In certain environments updating TypeScript is not an option. Take Stackblitz for example.

Swipe the image in the

Click to expand

A good way to host your repo image is to open an issue named ASSET in your project, close it, create a comment, drag and drop the picture you want to use and that's it. You have a link that you can replace in the
While you are at it submit this image as social preview in your repos GitHub page's settings so that when you share on Twitter or Reddit you don't get your GitHub profile picture to show up.

Disable linting and formatting

Disable Prettier

Click to expand

Prettier is opinionated, it is OK to want to break free from it.

Remove these package.json's scripts:

  • _format
  • format
  • format:check

Remove these package.json's devDependencies:

  • prettier
  • eslint-config-prettier

In the package.json's lint-staged field remove "*.{ts,tsx,json,md}": [ "prettier --write" ]

From .eslintrc.js, remove the line: "prettier/@typescript-eslint",.

Delete these files:

  • .prettierignore
  • .prettierrc.json

In .github/workflows/ci.yaml remove the line npm run format:check from the test_lint job.

Disable Eslint and Prettier altogether

Click to expand

Remove these package.json's scripts:

  • _format
  • format
  • format:check
  • lint:check
  • lint

Remove these package.json's devDependencies:

  • prettier
  • eslint-config-prettier
  • eslint
  • @typescript-eslint/parser
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
  • husky

Remove the lint-staged and husky fields from the package.json.

Delete these files:

  • .prettierignore
  • .prettierrc.json
  • .eslintignore
  • .eslintrc.js

In .github/workflows/ci.yaml remove the test_lint job and the two lines needs: test_lint.

Disable CDN build

Completely disable

Click to expand

If your project does not target the browser or if you are not interested in offering CDN distribution:

  • Remove all cdn:* npm scripts and npm run cdn from the build script ( in package.json ).
  • Remove ./tsconfig.esm.json
  • Remove simplifyify and terser from dev dependencies.

Only disable ES Module build ( dist/zz_esm/* )

Click to expand

If npm run build fail because tsc -p tsconfig.esm.json gives errors you may want to remove the ESM build but keep the bundle.js and bundle.min.js. To do that:

In package.json replace theses scripts:

  "cdn:bundle:.js": "simplifyify dist/index.js -s #{REPO_NAME}# -o dist/bundle.js --debug --bundle",
  "cdn:bundle:.min.js": "terser dist/bundle.js -cmo dist/bundle.min.js",
  "cdn:bundle": "npm run cdn:bundle:.js && npm run cdn:bundle:.min.js",
  "cdn:esm": "tsc -p tsconfig.esm.json",
  "cdn": "npm run cdn:bundle && npm run cdn:esm",

By theses ones:

  "cdn:.js": "simplifyify dist/index.js -s #{REPO_NAME}# -o dist/bundle.js --debug --bundle",
  "cdn:.min.js": "terser dist/bundle.js -cmo dist/bundle.min.js",
  "cdn": "npm run cdn:.js && npm run cdn:.min.js",

Remove tsconfig.esm.json. ( file at the root of the project )

Edit the to remove instructions about how to import as ES module.

Safely removable dev dependencies

Click to expand

Dependencies that you can remove from the package.json if you don't use them:

  • evt
  • @types/node

Customizing the Badges

Click to expand

You can use to create badges on metrics you would like to showcase.

Accessing files on the disk.

Keep in mind that in Deno there is no node_modules sitting on the disk at runtime.

Click to expand

Let's assume for example that you would like to load a database.json file located at the root of your project. You would write something like this:


import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
import { TextDecoder } from "util";

export function getDatabase(): Record<string,any> {
    return JSON.parse(
                "..", "database.json"
        ) as string

This will work on both Node and Deno when you run your tests but once your module published this won’t work on Deno anymore for the same reason it won’t work in the Browser, the database.json file is present on the disk at runtime.

The automatically updated

Starting from the second release, a will be created at the root of the repo.


The is built from the commits messages since last release.

Are NOT included in the

  • The commit messages that includes the word "changelog" ( non-case sensitive ).
  • The commit messages that start with "Merge branch ".
  • The commit messages that with "GitBook: "

The GitHub release will point to a freezed version of the

Video demo

This is a video demo is showcasing ts_ci, a similar template repo but without the Deno support.

Watch the video

Examples of auto-generated readme

npmjs com-2

Creating a documentation website for your project

I recommend GitBook, It enables you to write your documentation in markdown from their website and get the markdown files synchronized with your repo. They will provide you with a nice website for which you can customize the domain name.
All this is covered by their free tier.


I advise you to have a special directory at the root of your project where the markdown documentation files are stored. It is configured by placing a .gitbook.yaml file at the root of the repo containing, for example: root: ./docs/

Do not hesitate to request free access to premium features. Open source projects are eligible!

PS: I am not affiliated with GitBook in any way.

Creating a landing page for your project

Beside the documentation website, you might want to have a catchy landing page to share on social networks.
You can use GitHub pages to host it.

If you like the landing page of EVT,, you can fork the repo and adapt it for your module.

To produce high quality GIF from screen recording that remain relatively small checkout the wonderful Gifski from Sindre Sorhus.

You'll just have to go to settings and enable Pages.


And update your DNS:


I personally use Hurricane Electric free DNS servers because they support a lot of record types. However, if your DNS provider does not support ALIAS, you can use A records and manually enter the IP of GitHub servers. I let you consult the GitHub Pages Documentation.


No description, website, or topics provided.



MIT, MIT licenses found

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