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Starred repositories
adeepkit01 / pybindgen
Forked from gjcarneiro/pybindgenPyBindGen: a python bindings generator
hawkinsw / pybindgen
Forked from gjcarneiro/pybindgenPyBindGen: a python bindings generator
sourcegraph / starlight
Forked from starlight-go/starlighta go wrapper for google's starlark embedded python language
gomodules / jsonpatch
Forked from mattbaird/jsonpatchGenerate JSON Patch as specified in RFC 6902 from the IETF
mas-cli / class-dump
Forked from nygard/class-dumpGenerate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.
A Node/Express app with Redis through Docker Compose
ijt / goparsify
Forked from vektah/goparsifygolang parser-combinator library
OmineDev / gopher-lua
Forked from edolphin-ydf/gopher-luaa fork of gopher-lua (with set hook)
pdevine / tensor
Forked from gorgonia/tensorpackage tensor provides efficient and generic n-dimensional arrays in Go that are useful for machine learning and deep learning purposes
guoyao / graphrag-more
Forked from microsoft/graphragA modular graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system
The production-scale datacenter profiler (C/C++, Go, Rust, Python, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, Perl, ...)
muesli / coral
Forked from spf13/cobraCoral, a friendly Cobra fork with nearly all its features, but only 4 dependencies
FunC grammar for tree-sitter
printf format grammar for tree-sitter
Makefile grammar for tree-sitter
oasdiff / yaml
Forked from invopop/yamlA better way to marshal and unmarshal YAML in Golang
tikv / jemallocator
Forked from gnzlbg/jemallocatorRust allocator using jemalloc as a backend
timharley / libfaketime
Forked from wolfcw/libfaketimelibfaketime modifies the system time for a single application
stackitcloud / kubectl-get-all
Forked from corneliusweig/ketallLike `kubectl get all`, but get really all resources
MilesCranmer / rip2
Forked from nivekuil/ripA safe and ergonomic alternative to rm
dominikh / go-spew
Forked from davecgh/go-spewImplements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging
pingcap / errors
Forked from pkg/errorsSimple error handling primitives
The central registry of Bazel modules for the Bzlmod external dependency system.
Simple makefile-based build for musl cross compiler
zdharma / zi
Forked from z-shell/zi✨ A Swiss Army Knife for Zsh - Unix Shell
use-go / spew
Forked from davecgh/go-spewImplements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging
kortschak / utter
Forked from davecgh/go-spewImplements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to ease data snapshot creation
ipfs / go-detect-race
Forked from jbenet/go-detect-racedetect if compiled with race