This repository contains models, logic and abstractions for P/A components.
There are also some models in this repository which are currently under development/evaluation.
Clone the repo side-by-side with dependent projects
and just add the path to PYTHONPATH. This can easily be done in PyCharm/IntelliJ
by marking both folders (pa-base
and the dependent project's root)
as "sources root" within the same PyCharm/IntelliJ workspace.
Versioned install can be done either from GitLab PyPI using pip
or by
cloning the repo, checking out a version tag, building it locally
and installing the build artifact, i.e.,
# checkout specific version tag "v0.0.9"
git checkout v0.0.9
# build version 0.0.9
poetry build -f wheel
# install build artifact in target environment
pip install dist/pa-base-0.0.9-py3-none-any.whl
New features must be implemented on feature branches. Please create a merge request to
when your feature is ready for rollout.
is always shippable. New versions may be created from main
at any time.
graph LR
work -- "git commit" --> commit;
commit --> work;
commit -- "./" --> tag;
commit -- "git push"--> push;
tag -- "git push --follow-tags" --> push;
push --> tests;
tag -- "if tag push is rejected:\ngit pull --tags -f" --> increase_version;
increase_version --> commit;
subgraph "CI Pipeline"
tests --> build;
build -- "tagged" --> release;
poetry install --all-extras
This creates a new venv. Use it either through poetry run ...
or in a poetry shell
The environment can be set in VS Code / IntelliJ using the path returned by poetry env info
Run tests locally (automatically loads environment variables from .env
file using python-dotenv from dev dependencies):
poetry run pytest
Tests run automatically in the CI pipeline.
Releases must be tagged with a version vX.Y.Z
, e.g., v1.2.3
This is used by consumers for version pinning.
Version tags must never be changed and can only be released once.
git tag v0.0.9 -m "Version 0.0.9"
If poetry is installed, a correct tag can be autogenerated from the version given in pyproject.toml
This project is maintained by the Personalization & Automation Team at ZDF.