"The fundamental purpose of a type system is to prevent the occurrence of execution errors during the running of a program. This informal statement motivates the study of type systems, but requires clarification."
— Luca Cardelli in Type Systems (1974)
🌊 Holla. I'm Zeeshan. Find me online @ zee.town, code pastes @ scpaste.zee.town.
- an engineer @ the Oxide Computer Company;
- a Ph.D student @ Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science, studying Programming Language Theory with Frank Pfenning, focusing on Polarized Subtyping;
: a co-founder and co-organizer of Papers We Love and PWLConf.
Formerly, I was
- a staff engineer @ Fission, where I worked on local-first software and led efforts on Homestar, an IPVM reference implementation for open-world computing and Wasm execution, and rust-template;
- a director of fraud engineering and strategic research @ BlockFi, where I also wrote about composing observable Rust applications and co-ran engineering hiring;
- a principal engineer @ Comcast, driving programmable networking, modern network function development, and traffic steering and NLBs;
- a software engineer working on impactful distributed systems Riak @ Basho, particularly Riak Search, Hyperloglog data types, and Bigger Sets (delta CRDT sets).
- an engineer who co-wrote the Readability 2.0 iOS app while @ Arc90;
- an engineer and researcher who helped drive interactive content @ the NYPL Labs.
You can find more information about what I've worked on in my resume. Peruse "On the Books" to see what I'm bookmarking and always reading.
You can also find me at these spots:
August 16, 2024
Thesis Proposal: Polarized Subtyping | Carnegie Mellon University | Zeeshan LakhaniMarch 29, 2022
Polarized Subtyping | ESOP 2022 | Springer version | arXiv version | Artifact | Zeeshan Lakhani, Ankush Das, Henry DeYoung, Andreia Mordido, and Frank PfenningJuly 22, 2022
Checking-in on Network Functions | ANRW 2019 | ACM version | arXiv version | Zeeshan Lakhani and Heather MillerJuly 10, 2018
Towards a Solution to the Red Wedding Problem | HotEdge 2018 | Christopher S. Meiklejohn, Heather Miller, and Zeeshan LakhaniApril 18, 2016
Big(ger) Sets: decomposed delta CRDT Sets in Riak | PaPoc 2016 | arXiv version | Related Presentation | Russell Brown, Zeeshan Lakhani, and Paul Place