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This branch is 99 commits behind Shopify/draggable:main.



Base sensor which includes a minimal API. Inherit from this class to create your own custom sensor.

Currently triggers these sensor events:

  • drag:start
  • drag:move
  • drag:stop
  • drag:pressure


new Sensor(containers: HTMLElement[]|NodeList|HTMLElement, options: Object): Sensor
To create a sensor, specify the containers it should pay attention to. Sensors will always trigger sensor events on container element.

sensor.attach(): void
Attaches sensors to the DOM

sensor.detach(): void
Detaches sensors to the DOM

sensor.trigger(element: HTMLElement, sensorEvent: SensorEvent): void
Triggers sensor event on container element


draggable {String}
A css selector for draggable elements within the containers specified.

delay {Number}
This value will delay drag start.

distance {Number}
The distance you want the pointer to have moved before drag starts.

handle {String}
Specify a css selector for a handle element if you don't want to allow drag action on the entire element.