docs(contributing): update PR statement wording
docs(contributing): update PR statement wording
fix(e2e): race in multiple users test
fix(e2e): race in multiple users test
style(fmt): rustfmt
style(fmt): rustfmt
fix(stacked): stacked panes can't resize status-bar
fix(stacked): stacked panes can't resize status-bar
Force push
wip(stacked): stacked panes track their sizes
wip(stacked): stacked panes track their sizes
wip(stacked): stacked panes track their sizes
wip(stacked): stacked panes track their sizes
refactor(stacked): add geom information to stacks
refactor(stacked): add geom information to stacks
fix(logging): silence filesystem error
fix(logging): silence filesystem error
fix(grid): out of bounds removal when app does not update its scroll …
fix(grid): out of bounds removal when app does not update its scroll …
Pull request merge
fix(ui): add split right/down shortcut hints to the status-bar
fix(ui): add split right/down shortcut hints to the status-bar
fix(grid): out of bounds removal when app does not update its scroll …
fix(grid): out of bounds removal when app does not update its scroll …
fix(plugins): prevent paging plugins from cache at runtime
fix(plugins): prevent paging plugins from cache at runtime
Merge branch 'main' into stacked-serialization-fixes
Merge branch 'main' into stacked-serialization-fixes
docs(changelog): update pr
docs(changelog): update pr
send bytes on terminal websocket instead of json
send bytes on terminal websocket instead of json
docs(changelog): update pr
docs(changelog): update pr
Merge branch 'main' into fix-multiplayer-stack
Merge branch 'main' into fix-multiplayer-stack